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Everything posted by abc

  1. (*sigh* i suppose since i partially had something to do with its i tell you, just pm a moderator and send a link to this thread and ask him to lock/delete it, also edit the title and add this at the end [closed] and for what its worth sorry.)
  2. 4/5 cuz not much, but daring doo is awesome
  3. how much could a gak gak if gak could gak gak?

  4. just found out that broNY con 2013 is going to be hosted in my home towm of baltimore, at the baltimore convention center

    1. Tenkan


      So much win right there.

    2. ping111


      HA HA! I have you trumped! For I WORK at a con in my home town!

  5. ok i feel like there are upsides and downsides to this upsides, um the only one i can think of is that its right at my front door pretty much, considering that i live only an hour away from the convention center, and i live in baltimore ok now for the downsides i was hoping it would be in newyork this year so i could visit my brother and we could both go but thats out of the question, as for hotels and living spaces.... baltimore isnt a tourist attraction spot so theres no types of hotels round here also the fact that its in baltimore is another thing, i mean were just a small, not too known city, weve only become recently known becauseo f our football team, whitch is kind of discourageing and this isnt the "safest place to live" on earth either... idk i have mixed feelings about this....
  6. dat GIF!! ps whos that forever alone guy in the background 0_0
  7. newist top five blog posted in noneother than the blogs section

  8. hello everypony and welcome to another fabulous top five as you all know the season 3 premere aired today, but guess what? this list has little-to-nothing to do with that! and once again, i need severe help with more top ten list ideas, this may be my last one until i make a blog asking for ideas. anywho lets get on with it! 5.web surf/ creepy pasta idk but this stuff just intrests me, its very suspenceful and kinda creepy but some times i run into stuff that as a brony, is forever burned into my eyelids every time i close my eyes. 4.Canterloting! from derailing topics to face-keyboarding to what my friends are saying, i love it here! even blogging, because it brings a few people joy, and i love doing that, like so much. 3.watching youtube i get most of my knowlage, vocabulary and stupidity all from one site! amazing right!? 2.gaming playing flash games on my computer(when i had one) was one of the most time consumeing things i ever do on a computer 1.trying all types o stuff whe i say this, i mean i try things i may-or-may not be good at, ive tried pivot, drawing/artistic abilities, animation,game design and modding and i am terrible at everything i do so of course im bad! well this comes to the end of my top five list, and once again, please leave your feedback in the comments section, i greatly appreciate them all! see everypony next time!
  9. a few deeper thoughts of this episode: 1.i feel like that whole "dark magic" thing is gonna play a role in this season, like with twilight trying to delve deeper into it because, come on, we know twilight and how curious she gets with magic. 2.king sombra was actually more of a horror character, i mean think about it, he like one of those sit there and be scary type characters, and if you think of him like this, he is a better character, meaning studio b went for a more "fear factor" character, and if you think about it, he is actually a kind of scary character, like not all dumbed down for the children, sure he looked kinda rediculous but the way the episode played out, he was actually creepy. 3.that whole rarijack moment was just for us bronies, and i for one enjoyed it, and thought it was funny.
  10. just watched it on teh tubes of you, and i loved it, the story, the humor, the possible shipping The bronies have come out of their eternal slumber!! Rejoyce my fellow bronies for another 2-3 months of pony!
  11. well Helloooooo ponyrehab, welcome to the best place inside, and outside of reality. my name is Browneh, you can call me, well i dont really care! i hope you have a wonderful time here in canterlot! you also have perfect timing, considering thios place is abuzz with members after the season 3 premere! and i love your work, and hope to see more of it in the creativity section!
  12. come on Adam you can do it, you have waited 2 months for this, and you can definately wait another hour or two for youtube to post something..............no, i cant......................RAGGGEEEEE *flips table*

  13. i agree completely with this, however i haz no computer so ima miss out on teh fun >.<
  14. Cjuploads 2 has the vid rendering now, he made a progess vid and said it should take about an hour or two, i think its in HD, but not sure.....
  15. browneh and paradise explore much of the big house, they see kitchens, game rooms, a deck and many other things until , browneh sees what looks like a living room, and a stallion sitting on the couch."look another roommate" Browneh said in a soft, timid voice." come on, lets go say hi" browneh says, browneh slowly trots over to the couch, and looks at the pony "h-hi there..m- my name is...Browneh, whats yours?"
  16. i forgot about samarai jack But i never actually went out of my way to watch samarai jack, Avatar or the sonic saturday morn cartoon
  17. abc

    I appreciate ya!

    this episode is the first one ive ever watched! definately gonna turn up on a few of you guys' livestreams, i will make sure to announce myself, just look for something along the lines of"The Great and Powerful Trixie Browneh Is Here!!!" lol
  18. i too am going to be watching it via youtube, cjuploads2 said he will do everything in his power to upload the FULL 2 part episode as one whole vid, along with posting it in HD on the day of release, i have a bag of doritos and a ice cold glass of milk, and a bowl of cereal with my name on it
  19. Tomorrow is the day!! (the season 3 premere cuz SOME ponies dont know :P)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. abc


      lool i dont have a laptop to eat, so i ate my conroller :P

    3. abc


      i mean controller :P..spelling, i iz good at it

    4. Linkhopper


      Tenkan man you dont even know, I already blew up, died, came back, threw people into the sun, got my own sun, praised it, ate it, and ate my house.

  20. did i hear party? WOOT *throws streamers and confetti*
  21. "umm... you wanna explore this huge house with me? i mean.. if you want..."Browneh said, as he smiled back to the pony.
  22. "um my name? its browneh, Browneh Hooves, so are we the only two here?"Browneh says as he looks around.
  23. 2 days left! rmfvjevnjfdfcihusdcvnjhvnfdsfdcsdcc,;lsdcvfd,;lnmc,c6dnchfeuhefuuivsfduidcajveduhsdcSDCunjSDVVSDCsdckjbVSDoihSDCAvdnjhb.............yay:)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. PIJIN


      Shooter = FPS

      Most don't even know what an H-thinger is >.>

    3. abc


      uhhh did i miss something? because that conversation makes no sense >.<

    4. BrainedBySaucepans


      I'm trying to indicate to LM what event in 2 days might be of interest to a member of this forum...

  24. after about a minute, browneh heard a noise and some ponys talking, he slowly walked into the hall, seeing the scorched walls and floor"um..what happened here?...is um.. everypony alright?"
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