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Everything posted by abc

  1. lol raritys cutie mark was the first thing that came to mind when jack said "diamond pony"
  2. im dressing up in black! speaking of black who else here has ever got a black eye!
  3. 0_o That would be an awesome refrence in the show
  4. abc

    Oh my Celestia

    LOL that would be hilarious
  5. abc

    Oh my Celestia

    am i the only one who is wondering about the mass downpour of memes that will start exploding from pony chan after this pilot episode PS. i found the episode three Spoiler Moonlight, i read it, now im scared for my life. [colour=#EE82EE]Pinkies! Pinkies everywhere![/colour] [colour=#EE82EE] :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: [/colour]
  6. oh dear mother of celestia.... i can already imagine the memes that will start pouring out after that episode comes out DX
  7. actually now that you mention it, it does sound very familier, i think my friend told me about it if they do, lets hope they make light of some of the more horror ones, i think an intellegent spin on cupcakes would be very entertaining
  8. i highly agree, CoD is just a army of the exact same game with: slightly (or no) enhanced graphics Terribad community(which makes multiplayer EXTREMELY annoying to play) a few new guns(might i add that theres always 1-2 guns that EVERYPONY USES ALL THE TIME) New maps The only strong thing about the new CoD is the zombies, but thats gonna get REALLY old REALLY fast
  9. abc

    Well.. Hello!

    welcome! (back) i hope you enjoy these forums (again) and most importantly! [colour=#FFFF00]HAVE [/colour][colour=#EE82EE]FUN[/colour]
  10. Ummm my xbox is 3-4 years old and it hasnt crashed once its the newer xboxs that are mainly rubbish i have an ARCADE model of an xbox and its been on for maybe an accumulative of about 100 days......and it can still run all my friends xboxs into the ground,plus i play splitscreen ALOT so thats another reason...lets see oh! and we get the majority of dlc first, were like beta testers! Heck i dont even need a computer! im on internet explorer with my xbox right now! All i have is keyboard and i can type quickly!
  11. well valve made counter strike so...yeah! or actually i have an idea! why dont they BOTH make the game!
  12. Math? ill try this... carry the two.... AHHHH *Brain explodes* But yeah i kinda figured that considering if something has time its gotta be epic(exept for duke nukem forever that was a catastrophy)
  13. Season 3? Bad? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL No but seriously i doubt it will be bad, and i dont normally think about that kinda stuff, gotta stay positive..kinda like pinkie pie!
  14. Forget the presidant! We need Valve! get them on the line, STAT
  15. Hey i just met you and this is crazy but you like dubstep? Then wub me baby Came up with that myself
  16. This right here, NEEDS to happen
  17. Ok so first rant...here i go. Why doesnt microsoft/sony have mlp gamer pictures? i mean hasbro HAS some family game night games on there, and it doesnt sound too tough a task to do it for us bronies, is it considered "catering to the bronies"? or whut? i just want dashies cutie mark! Is that too much to ask!
  18. Ok am i the only one who wonders what fluttershy does when shes not caring for animals? i mean we know what the rest of teh ponies do, but why not her? its all so baffeling to me...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. PIJIN


      I know! She's....taking care of more animals! :D

    3. CatCakey


      She 'staring' o_o at trees, or pretending to be a tree :P

    4. abc


      OR Maybe shes running some kind or cult! Thats why shes so quiet! She sacrifices chickens!(poor scootaloo)and does.... other stuff that those scary cults do :P

  19. Dat avatar is just sooo adorable! it makes me d'awwwwww with exitement and joy! And [colour=#FFFF00]WEL[/colour][colour=#00FFFF]COME[/colour]
  20. Helloooooo and welcome to Canterlot! i see your already getting along with mah fellow pony locals i hope your time here is plentiful and awesome!
  21. lol dont worry dude you will get better over time, i have always wanted to rolepay, but i usually dont know how to respond in free-for-alls and....yeah Oh and [colour=#00FFFF]WEL[/colour][colour=#800080]COME[/colour]
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