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Posts posted by Boss_Hoss1

  1. How about a bike with a jet engine?

    Definitely impossible, but still, it could go really fast!

    Actually possible, there's working jet engines the size of chainsaw motors for high-end remote control model airplanes. maybe two of those on a bike frame... :20:

    and there's that one mini jet that was in 007, one of those 2' custom engines would fit on a bike all right, but that one would be too dangerous to ride.. :blah:

  2. The Fabulous Flim Was definitely not feeling fabulous as the terrifying ride ended and he was laid on the ground at Applejack's hooves.

    he was pale as death, covered with sweat, and his eyes were wild spinning spirals.

    He had yet to notice his hat had landed squarely on Applebloom's head as she was doing her part as a carnival barker pointing him out as what happens to bad ponies.

    Flim closed his eyes and moaned weekly 'I..I surrender! I give up! I give in! Kamerad! Uncle! Just cease the planet from spinning..g..gg... *Ulp*'

    He turned a sickly green for a moment, but managed to keep it down.

    "I do not know what you plan to do to me but I probably deserve it, fair and beautious Applejack.."

  3. You are really a boss, Hoss?

    My rifle instructor's name was Hoss as well!

    While my persona has been borrowed by a friend and written as a gangster type equine villan in a anthro detective tale, ... i just really like the Shelby Mustang from the time I was born. :D (and I have been asked if I really like the motorcycle of that name. A bike with a car engine? I could give it a try... ;)

  4. Hey Snails I was just wondering what happened to cause you to get your cutie mark?

    "Ah found this wierd snail on th' way ta school with this amazin' pink shell right? Ah think bugs and magic is AWESOME. but this one was so shiny. Ah showed it off ta the class before school started, but th' fillies went "EWWWW" and ran away from me. An Miz Cherilee had me go to th' library ta look it up while she calmed th' fillies down and ah discovered this snail is a new kind an' only exists in Ponyville. Ain it somethin?They named it after me too!" :D

    (lets see if anypony dares ask what they called the snail... :D

  5. Hey Snails, do you have a special somepony?

    (Snails turns a beet red and paws at the ground sheepishly) "Um, well... I dunno yet. I kinda fancy th' fillies in my class but nopony has asked me yet, but Ive been gettin funny looks from them, like that surfin filly, Sunrise Beach, or thet red one, Haywire, even Silver Spoons..."

    (He finds a Hearts and Hooves day card tossed at him like a paper airplane from offstage with a feminine giggle)

    "Oh, Here's a card remindin' me Ah am in an RP working on that, "Snails and Spoons Go Haywire"... Wouldnt' it be wierd iffn' ah got all those fillies fighting over me, eh."

    (He shrugs) "Ah guess the answer is "Maybe."

  6. Okay, I've spammed the asks enough, I might as well stand against the wall too.

    You may ask this pony a question (or specify one of my characters to answer, such as Shanna, Madam Bistro, Thorn Donkey, Candy Catch-em, or background pony Snails)

    No more than 2 questions at once please ;)

  7. Amber gave a sheepish smile as a colt started asking her about her wand and she notices that THE Twilight Sparkle was in the group. Oh, how she would love to talk shop when she can get a moment! "Oh Amber is Semi-precious I believe. Usually a wand has to be made by you to work -which can be tougher if your talent is not magic. I may be able to help if you've got a week or so to spare when this is over with." She stuck out her hoof "I am Amber Wands, by the way."

    I the meantime, she was checking her wand's readings mentally with her horn to see why it reacted so strongly with Partheus when it was trying to track Dscord's foreign magic. Perhaps he's a unicorn from another land? She adjusted the wand to ignore his aura and react only to Discord's magic aura.

    She hoped Discord would not think to mess with how magic works. That scared her...

    (OOC: Good question on Amber in Canterlot. Here it's semi-precious because its rare but not as rare as diamonds or similar gems, but in Equestria, it might be a a rare and Precious stone because while Gems of all types seem to grow like carrots, Amber is unique since its the only one thats a fossil. It's ancient tree sap pressed into a stone-like substance.)

  8. Snails looked up from the floor at Haywire's words "umm w-what? No, not me!"

    the huge shadow jumped and bobbed as he looked around.

    The foal's mane stood up in fright, too scared to look around as Silver Spoon gasped out some frightening possibilities.

    "N-n-n-nIghtmare M-m-moon?! Ah was so scared th' one runnin around on NightMare Night wasnt a illu..illas..hologram... What if they put her here till next Nightmare Night?!"

    he slowly turned his head to Look at the rust red filly "Kin..kin ya sees what it is, Haywire?"

  9. It doesnt help that what I have read from fresh converts to Brony/Pegasister status ever since the MLP fandom began. Essentially what gets many people thinking about Dash in that light is that her former BFF, Gilda Griffon, acts in the possessive butch manner even I have seen IRL in my time in Dallas. So even if Dashie is straight/bi like I believe, those fans go with "guilt by association".

    So the real question should be; what is Gilda's sexuality? ;)

  10. Madam Bistro smiled happily as the chest was packed neatly and looked to the elderly stallion "Oh but surely you could at least buy treats for your friends from a tip, and that would be a good deed, right?"

    She was standing by the items at the counter, looking around for Pigpen when suddenly the ponies around her shifted their attention to the door.

    The mocha mare looked round in confusion for a moment, then her eyes were drawn to the bright, elegant colors of Princess Cadence, who had already made it past them to another aisle of the store. The only other mare in the room was already bowing in a state of utter shock.

    Madam Bistro bowed in a courtly manner and smiled brightly. She had heard many great things about how the Princess loved to mingle with the everyday folk of Equestria. "Good day, your Highness. Pleased to meet you."

  11. (OOC: This will be a blast! I love conventions IRL and it should translate well into RP for me. I have yet to find a brony meet near me but this should do until one comes along in driving range.)

    The lanky orange unicorn foal with the spiky teal mane, Snails bounced along happily like Ponyville was the greatest city in the world for that weekend.

    He was heading to the new convention center to meet up with his Best Bud, Snips.

    "First Daring Do Convention EVER in Ponyville! Eeeeee-heeee! This Is AWESOME! And its th' first convention of any kind here ever! Sweeeeet!"

    The foal had a costume in his saddlebag of a "Vampire Mosquito of Deadly Bog" his mom had made for him from the illustration in "Daring Do And the Mystery of Deadly Bog", and a Daring Do t-shirt for the con badge the fan club advised he would be getting when he signed up to attend. He planned on putting the costume on after Snips found him, but until then he could enjoy everypony else's.

    He scampered up and found a number of ponies were already waiting, several ponies even camped out in tents like it was Cider Season, all waiting for the gates to open. He wondered if the other tent in the #2 slot was for Pinkie Pie, but the pony exiting the absolute first tent in line was a dead ringer for Daring Do herself compared to the other cosplayers in the line! Then she was joined by somepony dressed as Princess Coruscate Veil in dazzling detail.

    Snails was geeking out at all the costumes, especially those two "Suh-weeet costumes! I am so going to love this convention!"

  12. Candy suddenly ulped as Louise made her presence known, then splatted an apple pie in the sherrif's face.

    Candy spoke to the mare in a soothing manner, hoping to calm her down.

    "um, g-good morning Miss LaMare. Just so you know, my offer of the camp for a place to practice is genuine. I'm sure you are a fine singer, but if you come practice with me, you can soon make the sherrif eat his words, right? If you wait a little bit, Dapper Dan here can give you a heavenly preening -on the sherrif's bill as a peace offering."

    She gave a glare to the sherrif not to fight this. "...And afterward, he can take you out so you can find a lovely set of shoes..."

  13. Hoss and Shanna put their heads together and spoke in hushed tones, then turned back to Louise. "The enchantment on the cart is strong..." "..Since we sometimes carry both our equipment and our Professor, Stargazer at the same time." "As long as we dont' do stunts it should be fine." "These two are so new to flying just being up there will be a thrill,"

    "..They shouldnt' mind if we dont' get fancy." the pair finished together. The twins looked at Louise eagerly "Ready?"

    Meanwhile, Flim chuckled "A splended idea! Do you think we could reach them before dark? Who would know where they live, by the way?"

    after a quick conversation with Thorn as the donkey assisted her in bringing the order, Madam Bistro whispered to the unicorn twins "I would advise that you two begin on the telescopes that you promised the moment that you finish, or would you rather I tell the sherrif your plans for the buffalo tribe?..."

    Thorn gave a nasty smirk "These ears of mine arent' there for stylish good looks you know..."

    She winked at them "Besides, you could not reach them before dark even if you started now, and there are cactus cougars and tumbleweed coyotes out there for the unprepared."

  14. Hoss watched in surprise as Jubilee went all out in showing her appreciation to Princess Cadence.

    Well, he admitted he would be just as excited himself if the famed heroine, Rainbow Dash or any of the Wonderbolts, such as Soarin or Spitfire asked the twins to do their tight-formation aerobatics for them.

    While the Skybrights were strongly tied to their Astronomy and weather duties, what pegasus has not wished to strut their stuff for the best of the best? This has to be that level of accomplishment for Jubilee.

    Hoss placed himself where most of the crowd could not see how thourougly the royal hoofguards were being kissed.

    The stallion smiled reassuringly at his sweetheart and rested a wingtip on her to encourage her to stand up "I think we had better get some of that wonderful food, Hon. I wonder if Zecora will show up? I and Shanna didnt get much time to speak to her at the repair shop."

  15. Madam Bistro smiled at the offer by one of the two stallions to help her with her purchases, and stifled a giggle when the one called "Saddlesore" suddenly changed his tune seeing her lovely looks. Bistro put an extra wiggle in her rump, making her skirt swish in a way to draw the eye.

    Enjoying the extra attention, the mare eagerly examined the chests in the closet, choosing one with lavishly scrolled metal straps just right for the coffee service.

    She pulled the chest out, looking at Mr. Wattles and Saddlesore. "Would one of you gentlecolts place this on the counter for me? I want to get that silver service packed up nicely. I am sure your shaggy friend will be happy with my offer." She winks "-and thank you both for offering to carry my purchases, I tip generously. I remember what things were like before I became successful and had bits to spare."

  16. (OOC: Im going to go ahead and answer right away since this was a one on one Q to her and also to show she isnt an all powerful character, just strong enough to help and has a crucial weakness...)

    Momentarily shaken, Amber grabs onto the question she often gets about her Wand to get her mind moving again.

    "Oh...Oh yes, Wands are rare, because they tend to work only for their maker, but are a common theme associated with magic since the time of Starswirl the Bearded or earlier.

    I discovered as a foal what so many other unicorns who's talent is magic find; It's a focus object I can store magic in and use it to run pre-set spells in the wand I call applications, or "Apps" so I dont have to concentrate on making them work.

    If I have enough power stored in it, I can fire off spells at a higher level than I can without it. It uses up that energy in quick bursts though, very strong spells drain it in one shot. I'm not very strong normally... I cant even use electric spells without my amber wand.

  17. Candy blinked and wiped goo out of her eyes, then inspected her wings "I'm afraid I'll have to stay in any case untill I can clean my wings. Look at them, all stuck together!'

    Her wings flopped uselessly for a moment, then she sighed and gave a hopeful smile as she reached for the foal.

    "In any case that little foal needs an extra hoof in watching her. Sure, I'll do it."

    She hmmed and thought for a moment and turned to ask "I cant figure out how she got up there so easily without wings though, It's like she's closely related to a pegasus or something. Are both her parents unicorns too? Maybe they can explain."

  18. Hoss whickered brightly, though still blushing a bit, keeping his wing entwined with jubilee's "Thank you, Duke Polaris. I will be sure to pick the grandest time to pop the question, as big as my love for her."

    He chuckled and winked as the Duke admitted his lack of opportunity in love, and elbowed his sister teasingly. "My dear sister Shanna seems to be having similar luck. Perhaps you two should discuss that sometime...?"

    Shanna blushed a bright red and gave a shy giggle "Oh Hoss, you silly. Surely he has better uses of his time..."

    Shanna took this time to peek and see if the Princess was available to speak yet, while Hoss looked to Jubilee supportively when the Duke asked the lovely blond mare what her career was.

  19. (ooc: I've already poked on Midnight rain a week ago or so, so i might as well jump Amber Wands ahead to try and catch up with everypony...)

    Amber Wands was immediately teleported by REA unicorns, directly to the site of the overnight attack by the now-freed Discord. All in hopes to get clues on where he is or who let him out.

    The amber colored unicorn mare ulped as she promptly found herself getting soaked in raining chocolate milk.

    She floated an amber tipped magic wand from her saddlebag and created a rain shield over herself and waved the wand around like a geiger counter.

    Amber tried not to quail at the horrible mutations Discord inflicted on the refugees, musing "I wonder if this is how unicorns and peagasi got started..."

    The wand squealed as it pointed at a really tall person, standing on two legs... She whinnied and jumped back as she saw the wand was pointing at Partheus. "Oh Dear Celestia! What did Discord do to you!? Were you a Diamond Dog or Dragon, I hope?"

  20. Snails was galloping madly now, trying to catch the tiara as it bounced and rolled down the slope. "Durn that cat!"

    He was frustrated and focused on the tiara, otherwise he would have noticed Sweetie Belle was hurt.

    Suddenly he heard Diamond Tiara screech out about offering 50 bits reward.

    The orange foal snapped his head around in surprise. "Wa-what?" He could buy a party for the whole class, a party with lots of cake and pie....


    Snails bounced off of a tree, wobbled a moment, then fell over "...I'm okay... Jus' 5 more minutes, mom...." and passed out for a minute with a big bump beside his horn.

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