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Posts posted by Boss_Hoss1

  1. the terrified Flim squirmed in Silverbolt's hooves, yanking his flank in the air to keep from being kicked by a flailing Granny Smith. "This is not funny, not in the least! Are you some sadistic beast?"

    * I had better try to see if I can teleport. That delectible Twilight seems to do it with ease, right? * he thought.

    Before he could concentrate on a nearby place to travel to, a swarm of flies buzzed at his face, ruining his concentration.

    He gulped as the pegasus whispered nastily in his ear about a ride...

    Before he could take a breath, he was suddenly whipping though the air, zooming in and out of the trees around the farm, screaming like a little filly.

    The tall unicorn's straw hat came spinning out of the air to plop on Applebloom's head as Flim's voice blurred by "....Iyyyy waaantt myyyy moommmyyyyyy!......"

  2. Candy Catchum ohhhed and clasped her hooves together as she looked at the baby filly in Joe's hooves.

    She then ulped and gave a blank stare when asked how she got there, then shrugged "I have no idea, Joe."

    Suddenly, Joe passed the foal to Professor Krashkop. "Hold her steady, Professor, I have some wet-naps in my saddlebag. Shes a messy little dear isnt' she?..."

    Candy ducked around to dig into her saddlebag for the pack of wet naps, then froze at Pony Joe's words just as she pulled the pack out- "Professor- wh-where's Pumpkin Cake?!"

    Candy snapped her head around and looked frantically around "Sweet Celestia!! I thought squirrels were hard to keep an eye on!!"

  3. Bistro backed up a step after she had been bumped into. "Oh, not a problem you two."

    She nodded to Metal Maker "I am Madam Caramel Bistro, owner of the Bed and Breakfast Bistro, soon to be upgraded to an actual hotel. If you need a room or something to eat, I have reasonable rates."

    The mare reached into her saddlebag and brought out the current estimates and measurements, opening them up for Geary to read. "My initial need will be a minimum of a space 10' high, 10' wide and 20' long, keeping foodstuffs at a temperature just enough above freezing to stay fresh without damage, or adjust it to below freezing. -The rather expensive sum beside the figures is what the unicorns in Canterlot tell me they need to provide this device magically. I would like to see what options you have for me with mechanical means and if they are cost effective. If there are definite savings, I may ask for a larger one... say, add 5' to the width and length maybe?"

  4. Flim sighed as the stallion got offended from the bribe "Oh wonderful, I get in line next to a coltscout... Look, since Flam got caught, I'm in for a kicking either ...wayyyYY!"

    He suddenly went white as a ghost when his entire disguise was whisked off like it was rumored Pinkie Pie could do, right there before the Apple Family (minus Big Mac, thank Discord...)

    He was then lifted into the air by the angry pegasus and denounced to the Apples by the loudest shouting he's ever heard "Holy Guacamole, you're strong!... Put me down! Put me down! I'm scared of heights!"

    He then saw the angry faces waiting for him below "...Dont' put me down! Dont' put me down!..."

  5. Thorn brayed happily "I would be glad to come to practice tonight. You can count on me."

    Candy smiled "If circumstances change, I'll be glad to try singing in your group. For now, though... I can probably be a bigger help with Miss LaMare. We have lots of wide open space where badlands and prarie desert meet at the camp, so she is welcome to come and practice with me, and I can help teach her to sing better." She added in a stage whisper aside "If nothing else, she can help scare the tumbleweed coyotes out of camp..."

    Candy visibly relaxed by the moment, the more Dan worked her wing over. Almost purring like a cat by the time he asked the question. "Ohhh... you are doing it Just right! With all the pegasi that will be moving in, I think you are going to get a lot of business... Sherrif? Is Miss LaMare in need of a preening too?"

  6. Candy smiled at the green pegasus as he sat down "Thank you Professor."

    She turned back to Pony Joe, smiling. "Certainly. It's just a safety precaution for the trip. He will be filling the cargo hold of the yacht as it is. Although, I have talked him into taking it orally like nervous ponies do before flying, instead of an injection. I will make sure he is fully awake before we leave him though. I dont' want some opportunistic hydras or timber wolves coming at him while hes asleep or groggy."

    Candy shok her head and did a double take, thinking she saw a foal on the shelves behind Joe.

    Suddenly, an little orange blur fell off the shelf into a pile of donuts, revealing a tan unicorn foal with an orange ducktail mane looking up at the burly stallion. "Oh my! Is the poor thing okay?"

  7. (OOC; oops, I was waiting for Davroth to post and the thread mustve' been bumped off the bottom of the page before I noticed, while I was laid up with this ankle.. Sorry everypony! :blush: )

    Snails thought again for a moment about his promise to stay near the arcade, but the sudden excitement of the song kind of pushed it out of his head.

    He was still caught up in the excitement of the song when the foals started running after Valen, when an adult pony tried to make him come home or something.

    The lanky orange foal broke into an excited gallop, making playful screeches like the griffon he was riding in his imagination as he was caught up in the galloping mini-herd.

    When the foals jumped into the train, he whooped 'Yay! A train!" and hopped inside, tripping over his hooves and rolling into the costume boxes too, coming up with a cotsume knight's helmet on his head.

    He fumbled with the visor and pushed it up "Oh hay! Lookit' these sweeet costumes!"

  8. (OOC: sorry delays today, my head wasnt' clear enough for a long and well-thought out post untill the allergy medicine kicked in)

    Shanna smiled and waited to respond after the interruption by her brother and Jubilee.

    "Thank you, my lord. our mother will be most pleased with the news of your generosity! -And Thunderstar is indeed our father. Rest assured, the news of her pregnancy is no secret. Mother wanted us to pass the word along in the usual court manner, and we would be honored if you would spread it in your inimitable manner."

    Shanna then smiled brightly "As for how long, the doctor has just confirmed it this week. The foal-to-be is at the two month mark. Nine months to go until the blessed event."

    (*note; equine gestation IRL is 11 months, whether a draft horse or a miniature horse. I figure it would be the same in Equestria...)

    Hoss made a mental note about his gaffe with "Your Grace" as well, since he wasnt' familiar with the Duke himself. He was glad Duke Polaris had politely not called him on it.

    "Thank you, your grace. We have been excited at the prospect of a sibling after so long. Neither of us have a preference whether it will be a colt or filly as long as we have a sib to teach and play with."

    He slipped a wing around Jubilee's wing in the courtly manner, yet still very romantic. He winked at Duke Polaris "As for a second addition, only if this filly will have me when I find the right day to ask.."

    Shanna elbowed her brother teasingly, making him blush "Chicken!"

    Hoss nuzzled Jubilee and smiled "I cant wait to meet your parents, Jubilee. Mom has seen you during the block parties in Cloudsdale so she knows of you..."

    Shanna giggled and stuck her tongue out "...And Hoss wont' stop talking about you either. She knows what he knows of you..."

    Hoss snorted and blushed. "Silly filly..."

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