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Posts posted by Boss_Hoss1

  1. Snails gave a playful rear-up as he successfully got Remington's attention.

    It had been a bummer that all of Snips' cool stuff had been confiscated untill the end of the field trip but hanging out with new friends would help.

    He blinked as Remington suggested churning apple butter. He got a silly grin as his mind wandered off without him again "I like Apple butter...yummm!"

    Suddenly a rock zinged off a tree nearby and buzzed over his head into the bushes, and causing something to yelp.

    Looking around, he saw Haywire hide a slingshot "Ah think Haywire is bored again, eh?"

    Snails suddenly noticed Apple Bumpkin with a flick of chicks on her back and Sweetie Belle with one in her mane "Hay look! Dey may not be bugs, but chicks are so funnnn."

    He looked at Snips and Remington. "Howabout we handle a chick and feed em, then tell Apple bumpkin about somethin yelpin over there, or should we find out what yelped sos we can tell her what it was?"

  2. Flim grinned and spoke loudly for any listeners "Yes, We must eat heartily for we have many excellent telescopes to make before tonight, my dear brother Flam!"

    The straw-hatted unicorn then trotted in through the double doors to immediately grab a table in a corner, beside a window with a view of the SSCS6K.

    Flam waved a hoof grandly at Madam Bistro, the room now mostly deserted as the Apple relatives were outside watching Granny Smith flying. "I will have today's special, My radiant desert blossom!"

    Madam Bistro trotted over, her expression professionally neutral as the unicorn brothers really arouse her suspicions, honed in a lifetime in Manehattan, as they would have if she had not already heard their spiel outside a few minutes ago. "One HLT and a tomato soup, with coffee and pie.. Coming up." She raised an eyebrow at Flam "And what will you have, sir?"

    Meanwhile, the twins were enjoying themselves as Louise led the flight. Hoss looked at the town clock as they flew by it. "Is it about time we land so others can have a try?"

  3. Candy blinked in surprise, the name sounding familiar with her living in Solstice Heights.

    "Pinkie Pie? Is that not one of the six heroines of Equestria who agreed to appear in the Hearth's Warming Play several months ago? I caught the performance, and .."

    Candy closed her eyes to think for a moment. "Umm she was the pink one, right? High, squeaky voice when singing? Yeahhh, I can see where that would rub some non-ponies the wrong way. High pitched sounds can hurt some critters."

    She chuckles "Perhaps some ponies should get together with these two buffalo and try to get them to sing to see what they can tolerate."

    The pegasus mare smiled brightly "I hope I can run into them sometime when I come to town."

  4. Shanna nibbled as slowly as she could on the square of fudge as she watched Hoss and Jubilee enjoying themselves at the refreshments table.

    She fluttered her black banded wings as a slightly well-fed noble trotted over also seeking fudge.

    Shanna smiled pleasently and moved back a step for the Duke as he got a piece for himself. After a moment, she tried to think if he was familiar. "Good Morning, Duke Polaris, I am Shanna Skybright. Pardon me, but are you one of the Dukes that knows my mother, StarBright? She's one of the top astronomers in the Royal Canterlot Observatory and has recently taken up teaching astronomy in the University since she is starting to slow down too much for long distance flights."

  5. Hoss watched in pride, puffing his chest out as Princess Cadence was giving Jubilee a shot at her big break.

    The bay pegasus stifled a chuckle with a wingtip as Jubilee blissed out.

    The bliss suddenly progressed to a full out faint.

    Seeing her pass out with a giant grin on her face, he tactfully kicked one of the sitting cushions to the spot where her head would land, and gave a "hoof's up" to Cadence when Jubilee's head hit right on the cushion. "Thank you for making my sweetie so very happy, your highness."

    Just then, the proprietress returned in full costume,and began her speech explaining the event.

    Hoss quietly nudged Jubilee awake to hear it an about the food. "Sound good to you, Jubilee my lovely mare?"

  6. The other half of the Flim Flam Brothers finally decided to come into town to see what was keeping his brother when he snuck into town for supplies for their new apple perfumes back in Canterlot and to see what they could do to bedevil the Apple family. It was not long before he found the fliers stuck everywhere.

    "Well I know where my Dear Brother Flam will be... What nerve! To do it without me!"

    The unicorn grinned and trotted to the apple farm, keeping to the bushes.

    He spotted the growing line and looked for the unicorn who will be out of place. "Fancy Pants" was definitely the odd pony out and a closer look showed it to his trained eyes.

    Flim chuckled and considered who to disguise as "Hmmm, no, I cannot disguise as a certain famous married stallion, or so. Not as anypony from this town either, no..."

    He suddenly had a thought, somepony famous and certain to get through a farm pony's suspicions!

    The bush shook a few moments as Flam got into disguise, then came out as; Charleyhorse Daniels! Country-western Singer unicorn!

    "Ah think Ah feel th' hankerin' fer a bushel or so of them delectable and fragrent apples..." as he swaggered into the back of the line.

    He raised and eyebrow and stroked his disguise-beard as he noticed a mare was ahead of him. "Ah wonder iffn' Applejack is gonna flip out a'fore ah get theah..."

  7. (OOC: Sorry for the delays, the meds for my ankle are still messing with my sleep cycle)

    Candy Catch-em perked her ears, but remained still for Dapper Dan's tailcut "Buffalo you say? Yes, do they come to town often? Our expedition has been avoiding the herds out where we are since they are intelligent like ponies and we dont wish to annoy them."

    She looked back at Dapper Dan "I have to say providing a vital service after the town has already gotten a good start dont make you a freeloader, more of a sign the town is growing. If you need any help on how to cut a buffalo's shaggy locks, you might want to ask if they have any advise first. its kinda wooly, particularly around the hump."

  8. Hoss smiles and takes some punch for himself too as he presses his side to Jubilee's side, then snags a sandwich.

    "Yes, its an awesome spread! I bet the Princess would have been a noteable party planner if she had been born a unicorn or pegasus. As it is, I cant wait to hear what the events are and if I and Shanna can help with this CRPR program being obvious representatives of Canterlot. If nothing else, I and Shanna can keep our ears open on our travels, right? Maybe we can ask Princess Cadence when the crowd thins out around her again."

    Meanwhile, Shanna smiled as Sweet Surprise asked her name while she got some fudge "Ohh thank you. I'm Shanna Skybright. I'm here with my brother. He's over there with his Special Somepony." She starts eating on the fudge and flutters her wings in joy. "Oh Luna! This fudge is amazing!"

  9. (OOC: ooops! Missed that midnight rain had posted for the guard pegasus and pinkie pie in the same post :blush:

    (also) since it says "open", unless Teh_Brawler closes it to more players, anypony seems to be welcome. )

    Amber hmms worriedly "That sounds like a magical attack all right. which means we arent just looking for Discord, but somepony crazy enough to free Discord. I'll need help in getting to the bottom of this. I'm Amber Wands, feel up to a rematch to redeem yourself?"

  10. Hoss looked around in sudden worry that a momma bear would suddenly come out of the bushes, but after several minutes, nothing happened.

    The bay unicorn wiped his brow with a hoof and looked in wonder at Thrylos, er, Rainy soothing the cub. "Um, well.. Rainy, since this is Equestria, where critters are intelligent, and such... I dont' suppose you can get the cub to give an indication where the momma bear is?"

    He could not help wondering what other surprises awaited no matter which of the two paths they took.

  11. Shanna looked at the letter that Derpy had delivered earlier that day as she took a break from the nightly stellar observations with her brother on a beautiful hilltop.

    She sighed thinking how well Hoss' relationship with Jubilee was taking off while the stallion she had met at the same time was a crash-and-burn for her after a couple dates.

    Shnna hmmmed and looked over the letter again. "Well, Hoss keeps telling me to get back in the saddle, and it's so hard to find a colt being a night owl like this..."

    Her snow owl pet hooted indignantly, making the mare giggle "Sorry Blizzy, no offense..."

    Shanna took a quill out and filled out the letter, then handed it to Blizzy "Come on girl, take it to the nearest mailbox, -for me please?"

    The owl nodded and few silently to Ponyville and dropped it in the Post office's mailbox;

    Name : Shanna Skybright

    Gender : female

    Gender preference (Optional) : male

    Location : Canterlot

    Age : Young Mare

    Species : Pegasus

    Species preference (Optional) : Mom would prefer I find a pegasus, I am more open minded though. ;3

    Cutie-Mark (Optional) : Silver oval framing a silver 4-point star on a royal blue field.

    How would you describe yourself, physically?

    A cute little bay mare with royal blue eyes and stunning black markings, even on my wings.

    Physically, Im light and athletic, much like one of my heros, Rainbow Dash.

    I'm a long distance flyer with my twin brother so I wont have trouble keeping up with anypony.

    How would you describe your personality?

    Cheerful, friendly, and optomistic. I love to make friends. I tend to be a night owl too because I love the night sky.

    What things in life are important to you?

    Lots of things, like; Flying, dancing, cookies, making friends, Astronomy and my job with the Royal Canterlot

    Observatory. My twin brother is a part of my life so any pony in my life will have to get along with him.

    What's your idea of the ideal first date?

    A romantic night out to dinner, and a fun event after, such as a movie, concert, dancing, etc.

    What are you looking for?

    Romance and hopefully a special somepony.

    Anything else you think we should know?

    Sudden hot days wipe me out, and I have a beautiful pet snowy owl, Blizzard (Blizzy)

  12. Hoss nickered happily and gave Jubilee a winghug as the Princess reassured her.

    He gave Jubilee an elegant bow, then led her to the buffet table and the punch bowl.

    "Allow me." Hoss smiled as he poured juice for them both and hoofed her a glass. "How is that my pretty pony?"

    Shanna smiled back at the unicorn foal, who then trotted up to the princess and one of Luna's guards.

    "I hope the foal isnt too upset at being frightened like that..."

    She suddenly perked up her ears. "Did...somepony say....FUDGE?"

    Shanna trotted over to the source of that word, finding herself next to a dark unicorn and another pony, who both seemed to love fudge as much as she did. "Excuse me, Did I hear there was Fudge?"

  13. The twins nodded politely when Masala looked confused and asked them to clarify what a bed-and-breakfast was. "We understand. Oh, please let me introduce myself. I am Star Skybright, or Hoss to friends."

    The mare sketched a bow with her wings "And I am Shanna. We were confused too and had asked Madam Bistro about that while we were staying several days in Appleoosa. -A Bed and Breakfast is a casual inn, where a pony spends the night and comes down for a leisurely breakfast."

    Hoss nodded "She explained since there werent' Inn type buildings near the rail station in Manehattan where she got her start, she built an inn into the back of a cafe' front and combined the two."

    Shanna fluttered a wing "Yes, travellers can either stop in for coffee and such or stay overnight and have a cafe' breakfast. "

  14. (OOC: hmmm where is everypony?)

    Boss_Hoss1 moved closer to the rustling bushes, seeing glimpses of fur and hearing a growl "I wish i knew how to work this horn just yet. Whatever it is, it sounds scary..."

    He picked up a branch in his teeth and pushed some of the branches aside carefully.

    His voice was muffled partly by the branch as he spoke, his blue eyes going wide "I...ih thah.. a beah cub?!"

    The bay unicorn backed up a step looking around in sudden worry, spitting out the stick "I really, really hope the mother bear isnt nearby..."

  15. (OOC: I'm guessing the OP wont post until more plot needs to develop, so here's more Amber wands...)

    Back on the previous night, in the guardhouse...

    Amber Wands approached the Pegasi Guardponies, her horn glowing with a rich golden light. "Do not worry, I am checking for magic..."

    After a moment, she backed up a step "It appears your stories check out, you two have definitely been hit with magic. Strong enough to match any sleep spell that had you down so long. What was the last either of you remember?"

    (OOC; Hmm a chance to redeem being knocked out on the job? Sounds like a chance for Sugar Snow to come along on the hunt.)

  16. Flim nodded his horn toward the B&B "How about a bite to eat where we can plot.. errr chat with some privacy..." sending a backward glance at the Sherrif and Doc Holly Day..

    Meanwhile, Lightning Horn looked up in awe as the earth ponies flew in the yellow cart. "That looks AMAZING, doesnt' it, Thunderclap?"

    Up above, Hoss and Shanna whooped happily as they flew in tandem with Louise "You are doing an amazing job at pulling lead, Miss LaMare!" and Shanna nodded "Exactly! Much of our teamwork is from our being twins. Its rare to met a good lead for us."

  17. (OOOOPS! Missed where this one had gone off to. Feel free to give me a nudge next time ^_^)

    Hoss whinnied and bounced on his hooves "Those sound great Jubilee! I guess we'll need the energy to keep up with Stella here.."

    Shanna nodded "Yes, there's so many things to see here in Ponyville. We love to visit this town."

    the twins fluttered around happily, with Hoss sticking close to Jubilee.

    Hoss hmmmed "So which Cafe will we be going to Mojo? That one with the Phrench Waiter?

  18. (OOC: sorry I havent posted sooner, I was waiting on silver swirl, then had an urgent errand this morning and slept off my medicine when I got back. :sleep: I seem to have missed an entire round so my post will be a big one... :-| )

    Hoss and Shanna nickered happily as they spoke with the Princess. "It's very exciting! We get to travel all over Equestria and put our best hoof forward for Canterlot to everypony."

    and Shanna chimed in "Yes, we even have adventures while meeting the ponies of Equestria. We helped recover pieces of the Sparklestar comet. One of the trailing sparkles fell in the Appleoosan Desert while we were taking telescope photos of the comet."

    Just then, Cadence asked about Jubilee. "She should be here any moment...There she is!"

    The twins gasped as Jubilee slammed into the wall behind them, with Hoss rushing right over to her first.

    Jubilee seemed to be seeing double and took a swing at one of the blurs, screaming about Changelings.

    Hoss moved up from the side and put a wing around her "It's okay hon, you're just seeing double."

    Shanna came in from the other side in a cheerful nuzzle. "Its us! There are no Changelings here."

    Jubilee suddenly broke away to bow before the Princess and apologize.

    Concerned for Jubilee, Hoss draped a wing over Jubilee comfortingly while Cadence spoke to her.

    Shanna gave a soft giggle at the mention of some of the senior staff waking up for the scare.

    The pegaus mare suddenly saw a foal that had jumped into a potted plat and trotted over to pat him with a wingtip "Its okay, little one. There are no Changelings here. My brother's Special Somepony hit her head and was seeing double is all. Are you okay?"

  19. Candy stifles a giggle with a hoof over her muzzle as she listens to Doc Holly Day tease the Sherrif about Louise LaMare.

    She smiles when Silverstar thanks her. "You are welcome. Please thank her for her work. Crocodile Lyle bought a few books in the last supply run and it's helped ease the bordom for everypony at night in the camp. Oh, and I really reccomend a nice perfume after this round of gifts. Let her know a fan highly reccomended it in thanks."

    She perked her ears when Dapper Dan asked her to check his work. She looked at the reflection, moving her head side to side a bit. "Oh thank you! that looks great. Will I need to take a special slotted seat for you to get my tail or wings, like at the salons?"

  20. (OOC: oops, missed that RIverhippo posted. I hate this medicine... :blush: )

    Snails looked around happily, nearly bouncing with excitement beside Snips as he tried to take in all the sights of the farm.

    *Ah wonder what kinda bugs live aroudn here ah havent seen in Ponyville... * he wondered to himself.

    He suddenly noticed a certain red pegasus foal as one of the guest students for the day. "Hay, Snips!Theres that one foal ah told ya about, from that adventure ah had at th' fair! He's an awesome singer too, even if he sleeps a lot."

    Just then, Cheerilee told them to pay attention to everything because there would be homework on it.

    Snails predictably joined in the chorus of groans abut that news.

    Suddenly, Apple Bumpkin started speaking and he flicked his ears forward to pay attention, his tongue sticking out of one corner of his mouth in concentration...

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