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Posts posted by Boss_Hoss1

  1. Candy was relaxing immensely as the barber went at her mane.

    Suddenly a pair of voices she recognized from the recent hoedown made her open her eyes as the argument came through the door.

    She smiled as she listened to the stallion's view of popular gifts for mares but did not speak up for the moment as she listened.

    Thorn sat nearby, shaking his head and chuckling at the topic.

    Suddenly, Dapper Dan included her in the discussion.

    She blushed cutely "Well, I would not be put off by perfumes and soaps if they were similar scents to what I normally wear. We mares usually think of shoes as something very personal so unless you are engaged or married, you would be better off offering to take them out to buy a set than picking shoes for them. If you dont' know them well enough to know what they normally wear for a scent, even if by your nose alone, you might be better off getting them chocolate dipped roses or jewelry."

  2. (OOC: It seems a lot of ponies are MIA this week... Here's someone I have yet to write up officially for Canterlot RP to hopefully attract players...)

    A pale orange unicorn mare galloped down gleaming marble corridors, an amber magic wand and swirl of stars over a top hat for a cutie mark.

    The mare zoomed into the Royal Guard office where the two guards were being questioned and skidded to a stop on the elegant wooden floor, raising a hoof to her lemon and orange striped mane in a salute to whoever is in charge.

    "I came as soon as I got the summons! Amber wands, Royal Equestrian Investigations troubleshooter reporting for duty! What is the impending disaster this time?"

  3. (OOC: thought this would be an event The Skybright twins would be interested in after the events of the Ambrosia cafe' )

    "Here we are dears, I think this will be the perfect event for you to attend since you are a visible part of the Canterlot Court in your duties for the Royal Canterlot Observatory."

    The black pegasus mare with a white star on her forehead, Starbright, smiled as she stopped before the entrance and beckoned with a wing. "I believe Hoss will enjoy this since he has already met Princess Cadenza. Will that sweet Jubilee be here too?"

    Hoss scuffed a hoof sheepishly "Yes mom, I invited her to show up about now, after our morning weather assignment."

    Shanna smiled "Yes, we shaved a whole 5 minutes off that today! Way to go brother!"

    the bay mare looked at their mother "Will you be attending as well, Mom?"

    The older mare smiled "I wish I could, but I have another astronomy class to run this morning. Ta-ta dears..."

    With that, their dam flapped her wings and flew off to the University part of Canterlot...

    The twins waved as she flew off, then turned to enter the doorway. Suddenly, a bunch of unicorn foals pushed them aside as they ran away.

    "ooof! Rude much?" "Silly foals!"

    The bay pegasi entered the room, with Hoss watching for Jubilee near the door.

    Shanna spotted the Princess nearby, tending to a small unicorn foal "Oh! Hello Princess Cadence!"

    Hoss did a double take, not realizing the princess was so close "OH! Um Good morning, Princess!"

  4. (OOC: ooops sorry! :blush: )

    Hoss smiled and fluffed his wings when Cadence spoke to him, Jubilee and Savory Spell.

    He managed to get out "Thanks Savory Spell." before Jubilee became a raging fangirl again.

    Smiling, Hoss waited for a break in the stream of words and jumped in "I am Star Skybright of the Canterlot Observatory... and the Cloudsdale Weather Patrol. My friends call me Hoss, and Jubilee here is my Special Somepony."

    He smiles and taps one of Jubile's saddlebags with a black-banded wingtip before nuzzling her supportively "I believe you keep your scrapbook in this one, hon. Take a deep breath before you tell her about your singing career."

  5. (OOC: waited to be sure I was up next. :) )

    Caramel Bistro giggled happily as Braeburn walked her through the steps. She fumbled a little at the crossover but seemed to be catching on quickly enough.

    She grinned with joy as she enjoyed herself dancing, her creamy tail swishing like cappuchino foam in the air as she concentrated on learning the dance.

    'Oh my, I cant wait for the next hoedown if this is what Appaloosan dancing is like! Is this wild west dancing, or mild west dancing?"

    She looked at Braeburn, her skirt swishing with her steps "How am I doing?"

    Across the dance floor, Candy Catch-em blushed cutely "Really now, You think I'm dancing great? Its kind of you to say so. I've never done mild west dancing before.."


    Meanwhile, Thorn sat on the outdoor dining deck to the B&B, realxing as he watched the fun and waited to see if there were any customers coming in.

    "Now if only a jenny will come to Appleoosa..."

  6. (OOC waited several days for more posts, but need to move it along a bit.)

    Madam Bistro turned to look at the clock "Oh my! It is getting late. We'd better go to the rendezvous."

    She nosed the donkey comfortingly "Thorn, you are in charge, and dont' worry. This pony we are dealing with is crude but he isnt' an idiot. Just load me up please and I will be fine."

    The donkey sighed and put the loaded saddlebag on his boss's back. "Be careful, Ma'am."

    Bistro smiled at the Sherrif and Geary "We will be back before you know it. Geary, please enjoy your stay and ask Thorn if you need anything, okay?"

    After listening to replies for a moment, She bowed and left.

    (OOC: Bistro is out of thread for several posts...)

    After a moment, Thorn, trying to keep his unflappable demeanor, turned to the remaining ponies. "All right, May I get somepony anything? Coffee, tea, ...hard cider?"

  7. Candy almost purred in pleasure as the comb ran through her mane.

    "That feels so good to get some proper attention to my mane after a couple weeks outdoors.. Oh, I'm Candy Catch-em, critter wrangler extraordinare! I am glad to meet you Dapper Dan."

    She rustled her feathers while they were between her and the back of the barber chair and smiled "I'm glad I can provide some practice for you then, sir."

  8. (OOC: After some poking around checking with some of you... oops I guess I was next :blush: )

    Snails looked up toward his horn and found the lillypad. After a sheepish grin, he then bent forward and shook his head to throw the lillypad off.

    He gave the stings on himself and Snips a look, noting Snips caught far more stings. "Dont' worry Snips! This mud is th' best thing short of a visit ta dat awesome Zecora."

    Snails scooped up a blob of mud in his hoof and unceremoniously applied it to a sting bump on Snips' forehead with a wet SPLORP!

    "Besides, it lets us get messy fer a good reason..."

    Snails then swiveled his ears around at Snips' dire pronouncement. "It could be Diamond Tiara follerin us here, but ah didnt think she was cool enough ta get a pegasus ta hang out with her. Think its a griffy chick messin with us on it's own?"

  9. (OOC: what a week, first I hurt a finger then my ankle. at least my finger's a lot better ^_^ )

    Madam Bistro listened to Braeburn as he spoke, bringing up things some of the local business ponies might ask, then kept a poker face when he suggested Miss Snowfall loosen up and flirt and have fun. She thought * I'll giggle later, in private... Neither of them would take it right. I've heard Stalliongrad ponies take being serious very seriously. -and I've heard they make up for it when they do cut loose... *

    Then Braeburn asked for more pie and ice cream. "If you promise to enjoy the pie a little longer, Braeburn..." she lightly teased.

    She listened as Miss Snowfall cooly let Braeburn know she does indeed have fun, in the proper time, and smiled when she too asked for more pie. "Thank you Miss Snowfall, coming right up!"

    Maximilian was definitely feeling testy now as he sent Braeburn a sharp barb.

    Now might be good to defuse the situation a bit before the stallions started getting their blood up.

    "More pie for you as well, Mr. Rockefilly, very well. As the hour grows late, we might wish to think over how to put our best hoof forward and impress each other tomorrow. All of us have had a long day, either in a hot train or bucking trees, and may not be at our best. Excuse me for a moment..."

    She trotted off and quickly returned with more pie and extra ice cream, smiling at those gathered. "For those of you staying here for the first time, somepony will be on call at all hours if you need anything. I have Griffon made alarm clocks in all suites, but if you wish the personal touch, leave a message with Thorn and he will come to awaken you."

    Caramel Bistro smiled "I will be happy to speak with you all again tomorrow, and if there is no further business, I bid you all good night."

    As the mare waited, she suddenly had a thought. if the pies were this popular, how would they sell in Stalliongrad when it becomes a day's travel by rail...? Something to speak with Braeburn or Maximillian about later...

  10. (OOC: quite understandable. I'll be off work 2 weeks for my ankle)

    Hoss nickered happily as Jubilee asked him about what he and Shanna was up to in Cloudsdale.

    Before he could properly reply, a pony with a "question mark" cutie mark asked Jubilee about Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. -And another pony with a similar mark volentered an answer.

    Hoss nodded "Exactly! My sister, Shanna is so jazzed at having met them both during Winter Wrap-up..." Just then Ambrosia Came up to them and asked a question.

    He nuzzled Jubilee "I think I'd better tell you the events once we are seated, hon." then spoke to Ambrosia. "Hello Ambrosia! This is my Special Somepony, Jubilee! She's a wonderful singer looking to make it big."

    He suddenly saw Ambrosia freeze up and looked behind him as Princess Cadence came in.

    Hoss nuzzled Jubilee and backed up a step to make room for the royal. He smiled and did a bow "Good Day, Princess Cadenza."

  11. (OOC: sorry for the delay, been dealing with my ankle and the pain meds knocking me out at random all day.)

    Boss_Hoss1 turned his head in surprise as a red pony with a black mane stepped out of the woods "Wow, we're just scattered all over this woodlot arent we? Hello Tyler008bon, or Tyler. Welcome to the growing herd!"

    He suddenly Went comically wide eyed and looked at Silverswirl when he asked his question. "Yes, yes I am that same Brony. You were NOT at the meet?! But I do remember you from RPs there! Hm that does put a new tail twist on things..."

    Thrylos, or Rainy, gave a welcome laugh with her effort to fly and admission she would need lessons. "Yeah, I think we're both in a similar boat there Rainy. I dont want to try this horn out without an experienced unicorn around to help."

    The bay unicorn looked to Codex and nodded to show he saw the bush moving and start making his way closer. "Yeah Tyler had a good point there. I hope there's a good reason we seem to have been chosen specifically..." He turned and lowered his horn toward the bush "Who's there?"

  12. (sorry delay past several days, messed up my ankle bad and the meds keep knocking me out :green: )

    Candy smiled sweetly as she relaxed into the chair and kept her wings folded tight. "Nothing special as long as I'm out there in the wilderness, it would just get messed up."

    She held out a hoof from under the cloth "Just a trim by a hoof width all around, and a couple hoof witdths off my tail. I've been finding mesquite the hard way."

    Then she hmmed in thought for a moment "I dont suppose you do wing preening?"

  13. (sorry delays, I hurt my ankle badly several days ago and the medicine keep knocking me out.. :green: )

    Madam Bistro trotted about happily, enjoying the cool breeze. "You have certainly earned your pay this day sir!"

    The lunch menu promenantly featured a number of items; Daffodil and Daisy Sandwich, Rosehip Ranch Wraps, H.L.T. (Hay, Lettuce, Tomato) sandwiches, Hay fries, Fried Acorns, Tomato and alfalfa soup. There were an assortment of donuts and related pastries, apple turn-overs, apple fritters, Appleoosan Apple Pie and several flavors of ice cream, kept cold by a unicorn-made freezer.

    The drinks included milk-shakes, malts, cappuchinos, frappes' and a list of other varieties of coffees as long as the rest of the menu.

  14. Flim grinned slyly at his brother's words and whispered "Yes, I surely did, dear brother Flam. Maybe a little stop once we leave this town, eh? They wont know what hit them wen we buy up all their wares..."

    Meanwhile the twins looked to each other and Louise after Hoss got done strapping the ponies in and hitched up. "Ready?" "Ready!" "Since you are our guest in the traces, how about you lead the way in take-off, Louise?"

  15. (OOC: sorry if this is out of order, but trying to keep this from sinking out of sight.)

    Hoss looked to see if the proprieter was done checking over the wares he and his sister had asked for.

    seeing they still had a moment, Hoss and his sister looked to Masala. "She is an earth mare with very similar markings and colors to yourself. She owns a chain of Bed and Brakfast Bistros along the rail lines and is currently living in Appleoosa." Shanna chimed in "Her mane is shorter and curlier, with a creamy appaloosa blanket across her flank like Princess Luna has a dark one on hers. she also had caramel colored streaks in her mane and tail.'

  16. Madam Bistro whinnied excitedly that the chests were still available.

    "That will be wonderful Mr.... er, Pigpen. Is there anypony available to take what I eventually purchase to the train station shipping office?"

    She took a pencil and pad from her saddlebag and wrote down what she wanted "May I see any smaller chests from that Royal Guard lot? I want to be able to travel with the Silver Coffee Serving set to Manehattan while the rest goes back to Appleoosa."

  17. It seems that I may be having a little trouble replying steadily the next few days. I badly twisted my ankle just after feeding the horses, and the awkward positions I have to take to use my laptop and the prescription "Happy fun pills" is making replys slow from me.

    I should be allowed to keep my ankle lower than the rest of my body in a couple more days and not need the meds as much too.

  18. (OOC: bunged up my ankle last night but I will still be answering more often)

    Brambleberry still felt that chill down her spine, but paid attention to Daring Do. "Y-yes, that makes sense. The Princesses cant have had magical hall passes for sudden but welcome visitors. There had to have been something for the unicorn guards to turn on and off."

    She closed her eyes and felt around with her horn power "There! at the end of the hall... Something strong!"

    She looked toward Daring Do "I'll teleport on over and turn it off... Miss Do?!"

    Brambleberry ulped as she suddenly felt the growing menace and...her name too, like a whisper from the grave.

    She noticed Daring Doo was drifting toward the end of the hall and teleported ahead of her, touching her horn to the crystal controlling the traps to turn it off with a flash.

    The Pink and purple unicorn then stood on her hind legs and waved her hooves, blocking the way. "Daring Do! Where are you going! It's not safe alone. something is calling you and me! -BY NAME!"

    (OOC: I would guess Pride would be interested in Brambleberry...)


    Flim snorted posessively with his brother and moved to block Con Mane's view of Elarra.

    Suddenly, the strange stallion was behind them both.

    Flim growled as well at the same time as Flam.

    "The Famous Flim Flam Brothers Do no mean to be crude,

    but we think someone is being very rude.

    Elarra is our guide and the apple of our eye.

    If we get lost here with out a guide,

    -we may surely die."

    The smooth shaven stallion stepped forward to cross horns with Con Mane.

    "We ask again you cad! Are you a treasure hunter?

    A claim jumper and lady stealing Casanova I might add?"

  19. (OOC: ok its been several days. I thought having a pony suddenly appear in their midst would need an immediate round of "wait, What?!" all right, Id better continue answering the question then...)

    Boss_Hoss1 nodded "Glad to meet you Rainy. We were about to figure out where to go from here." He turned back toward Codex "Sorry about that, Matt. from the angle Canterlot appears from here, I would say we are midway between Ponyville and Canterlot. This trail points to Canterlot one way so the other way is probably pointing to Ponyville."

    He rubbed a hoof on his chin. "Do you suppose the entire Brony meet ended up scattered around here? Should we look for them right away or go get help first?."

  20. (OOC: Sorry delay, I hurt my hand yesterday)

    Madam Bistro's ears went up on hearing about the many fine items. She happily pranced over to examine the antique clothing and what came with them.

    The coffee mill and the silver service also looked in fine shape.

    She rubbed her hooves together in joy "It appears i shall soon be planning on shipping some things back to my home, and my parents would just love this silver serving set..."

    As she examined the frontier items, she looked to Pigpen "Excuse me, are the chests also available to see or have they already sold? If they are in decent shape I may use them to ship what I buy."

  21. (OOC: My apologies for the delay since the time I posted i would be off for helping with a move. I hurt my hand yesterday so my posting was quite limited)

    The Mocha Mare smiled and nodded as the two stallions seem to have finished sounding each other out in a civilized manner. This was exciting and scary in some ways as she had never had two ponies flirting with her at once. This was going to be... interesting.

    She looked at Braeburn, a little surprised at the wisdom reguarding not judging all Diamond Dogs by one tribe. "I see, thank you Braeburn. That is something to consider."

    Max went with the group consensus and announced he wished to meet the buffalo chief. "At least one of the visiting buffalo has developed a taste for my donuts so it should not be hard to arrange a meeting with those two, and they can get the Chief's attention in no time."

    She beamed at Max's asking if she has any way to help out she would wish to do. "Oh certainly! At the least, I'll personally make the pies you will need to bring the chief. He cannot get enough of Appleoosan Apple Pies. As for coffee, I might have some blends that would put Diamond Dogs at ease."

    The mare nodded to the donkey, Thorn as he brought Miss Snowfall her room key. "I have no further points to bring up at this time. If anypony would like a refill though. I can accomodate them."

  22. (OOC: Sorry if this is out-of-turn. thought Id better answer to bump this closer to the top)

    Hoss fluttered his wingtips excitedly as he went inside with Jubilee. She always made him feel so happy and lucky to be with her.

    The bay stallion turned to her and answered her question as they waited to be seated

    "Her specialty dessert is baklava, and it is as fine as anything made by the Cakes.

    We each tried a different meal and sampled from each other's plate. I had moussaka, a potato and eggplant dish, and Shanna had dolmades, grape leaves stuffed with rice, mint, and parsley -And both were Awesome!

    Either of those I recommend equally, hon."

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