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Posts posted by Boss_Hoss1

  1. Snails giggled goofily as he got his balance back on the griffon and locked his legs tight around the plastic griffon.

    "Yeah! I'm wrestling down this Griffon ta save Princess Pinchy's bear! Rarrr!"

    Snails blinked as he heard two of the foals wanting to leave over some kinda trouble.

    He started to sing to give them hope.


    There's always time ta dream


    You can be bigger than ya seem

    Th' Explorers, Magicians, Scientists

    Started out small and poor like us too,

    Their dreams an hopes, they grew and grew.

    Their fame and fortune grew bigger than their...


  2. Madam caramel Bistro was on one of her occasional trips to inspect coffee shipments in Manehattan and purchase the best batches of beans and cocoa for her chain of Bed and Breakfast Bistros (as well as visiting her parents).

    The mocha mare was sitting on a bench at the Ponyville Train station and waiting for the connecting train to Manehattan when a conductor trotted up to her "I am sorry miss, one of the trestles are out up the line. a silly purple sea-serpent going downriver hit it in the dark and it will take a few more hours to repair. You have a 5 hour layover if you wish to get some sleep in one of the fine Inns here."

    Bistro shook her curly cream and caramel mane ruefully "I really should have opened a location here too, but the local shop impresses me enough not to steal any busness from them. I shall use my time to explore the town, then return with time to spare. Thank you Mr. Chattenooga."

    The mare in the fine burgundy Appleoosan dress opened her matching parasol and stuck it in the holder on her saddle, then set off down the street.

    She soon found herself near an antique store that apparently just opened shortly before she arrived, as a group of ponies were entering the shop.

    Bistro opened the door and sashayed in, her fancy frontier finery shining.

    The mare took a minute to get used to the relative dimness of the shop and looking over the items for sale, and spotting a very messy pony at the counter. She looked him over in surprise, but had to conclude he was the owner. "Excuse me, do you have any antique coffee related items, or anything that might strike a frontier pony's fancy?"

  3. (OOC: edited dsc of what he sees looking at the filly)

    Boss_Hoss1 chuckled at Silver Swirl just coming out and asking if they were Broneys.

    "I guess that works too... Hello Silver Swirl!"

    Before he could reply to the question about a plan, he heard a pony gasp out "No way!" -right behind them!

    He jumped up and spun around in mid air, landing a little clumsily as he focused on a smaller pony, a teal pegasus filly with turquise mane and tail.

    The unicorn looked around from one side to the next, then back at the filly. "Strange... I could have sworn there was nopony there a moment ago..."

    He looked at Codex Winter over the question "Um, hold that thought for a moment, please..."

    Then turned back to the filly in what he hoped was a reassuring manner "Hello! I am Boss_Hoss1 -or Hoss as you heard. As excited as you sound, were you at the Brony meet too?"

  4. Thorn slid down to the floor and happily pulled out the 10 bits for Dapper Dan. "Oh this is quite worth the price, sir."

    He did a double take and chuckled as he saw the mare "Yes, quite the coincidence, eh? I was just asking if he also handled mare's manes, for my employer, Madam Bistro."

    Candy Catch-em trotted inside with a smile as she removed her lop-brimmed bush hat and put it on a hat rack. "Oh that sounds fine, sir. I've been working with the Canterlot Zoological expedition for several weeks and need a trim at the least while we are here for supplies."

    She reached back with her hooves to take the ponytail band off her mane and shook it free.

    Candy fluttered up and landed in the chair, her loose mane running down between her wings. "Ready when you are."

    Thorn hmmmed and sat down on a waiting chair "Mind if I wait? I want to see how this turns out before I go back to my employer."

  5. Boss_Hoss1 felt his ears perk forward, listening to the earth pony before him with rising hope.

    He grinned and pranced in place in joy.

    "*whew!* That's a relief! Sorry for being cryptic like that, I really dont' want to get locked up with the crazy barking pony from the Daring Do episode. If you can think of a better way to ask the next pony if they had been a human being at a brony meet, go for it."

    He stuck out a hoof with a black sock marking to shake "My name tag read "Boss_Hoss1" and I'm Scott offline. How about you?"

    After a minute of introductions, he heard a voice; "Hello! Anyone there?! I am a bit hungry and lost!"

    He glanced in that direction "It sounds like you've got your chance at asking the question..." and called out "Hay! Over here!"

  6. (OOC: aside from being AFK much of the weekend.. oops, thought it was your turn :blush: )

    Madam Bistro giggled as she examined her new shoes and sat down to watch Louise pick out a color. "I can easily see Hoity-Toity being swayed to try colored shoes. but outside of celebrations I can imagine it might be a hard sell to stallions in a frontier town. Of course, ponies can surprise you. Maybe if we work on getting the sherrif to try silvery shoes...?"

    Lighting Horn rumbled a chuckle "I hope Little Braveheart does not join forces with these mares. There's no telling what they could talk buffalo and pony alike into doing.."

  7. Madam Bistro whinnied happily and clopped her hooves in applause when the fans were finally back up and running. "Fantastic job, Mr. Westinghooves! You have certainly earned your pick of rooms during your stay. Please sign the register when you have a chance, and feel free to peruse the menu for your meals. By the way, what was the problem with the fans?"

  8. (OOC: quite all right :) Sorry delay, IRL events ate up my time this weekend.)

    Boss_Hoss1 listened for a long moment, then heard a reply; "Hello?"

    The unicorn whinnied in relief and started walking toward the voice, concentrating on putting one hoof in front of the other.

    The ground felt strange to new hooves, but oddly comforting as he got out on the North-bound trail.

    Boss_Hoss1 quickly found a tee with a new pile of leaves and a pony poking his head up out of it.

    The new unicorn grinned broadly as he reguarded the pony, then thought how to best address the pony in case it was a local instead of a Brony or Pegasister.

    "Hello! I am a bit lost. I'm looking for some ponies from a gathering of... "bro ponies".."

  9. (OOC: sorry for the delay this weekend, in case anyone has not seen the notice about my spotty availability through tomorrow...)

    The bubblegum pink unicorn with the lavender mane, The Awesome and Amazing Brambleberry nodded "The traps we just came through from that way are pressure activated, the painted monsters activate when you get too close. i guess they sense heat or life force. Maybe Silver can help us figure that out."

    She watched as Daring Do examined the next set of tiles "Any ideas on what kind of trap is ahead? It would seem this area was dangerous even a thousand years ago if they needed this level of protection..."

    Suddenly, Brambleberry shivered with a feeling like ice was stroked down her spine, like powerful, dangerous magic was nearby.

    It did not help her nerves that Daring Do seemed to react to something too. She really hoped something strongly magical had not activated ahead of them...


    The smooth shaven half of the Famous Flim Flam Brothers, Flim grinned as he pulled more of the fruit over to him with horn power.


    The unicorn peered over at his mustached twin "Have a care there, Flam my Brother. Your tummy growl just now is loud enough to be heard even by Mother..." as he passed him some of the strange apples.

    Just then, Flam brought his attention to the true source of the growl.

    Flim nodded and muted the glow of his horn, letting the fruit drop

    "Yes Brother Dear, Company is truely near.

    What more competition will we meet, I fear?"

  10. Thorn smiled "Fair enough. There's enough mares in town I'm surprised there isnt' a mane dresser yet. If there is, its not up to Madam Bistro's standards yet. We shall see what happens then."

    Meanwhile several Pegasi landed down the street and unhitched from their cart. One was a mare with a light orange hide and a red mane and tail with yellow streaks, wearing a bush hat and vest.

    She waved at the other pegasus in Royal Equestrian Zoology livery "I'll catch up to you soon. I might as well see if theres a mane stylist or at least a barber on this supply run. my mane is getting a bit long there.."

  11. Flim tapped his chin in thought then spoke in a low voice. "Given the attention we already have, dear Brother Flam. If we do not see the town now, we may be too busy escaping to see it at all... I believe we can take a "lunch break" since we just arrived in town, dont' you? There are also flying prospects to think about..."

    Meanwhile Shanna and Hoss nodded eagerly "That would be fine with us, Mr Apple Strudel." "Yes Shanna, she's a great passenger!"

    The twins turned to Louise "Oh yes! Thank you Miss LaMare! The more the merrier.." "Thank you! That would be a great help!"

    Hoss moved to help Granny Smith up into the cart. "Come on up you two and I'll fasten you down. The float and stay-put enchantments on it are strong, but... Better safe than sorry, after all."

    Shanna chimed in "Our superior in the Royal Canterot Observatory rides in this cart all the time, and that cranky unicorn is as afraid of flying as the sherrif so it's a very safe cart."

    Lightning Horn mooed excitedly to ThunderClap "I think it's a barter item they make."

    Madam Bistro smiled as she overheard the buffalo "It's actually an organized system of barter. Bits or gems represent so many baskets of corn and the value is generally the same no matter where you go. You can sell blankets made from your wool or other goods now, and buy food later in the winter without the entire herd having to carry bundles of blankets to trade in one go."

    She pulled out a bit "See how light that is? Thats worth one of my donuts. Two is a slice of pie. A piece of turqouise the size of a bit is worth more depending on its quality."

    Lightning Horn peered close "Amazing!"

    The mocha mare smiled "Just make sure if the tribe sells or buys anything, the sherrif is there as a referee. Some merchants, whether pony or griffon, might take advantage of you..." Keeping the buffalo's attention, she gave a sideways glance toward the Flim Flam Brothers... She'd seen their type before in Manehattan and Fillydelphia and wanted the buffalo to know too.

  12. Last post before I go to work,

    It s been posted elsewhere that Cadence was to be a unicorn and her mention as so may have been an artifact from the original script pitch.

    Part of why she's an alicorn may have been "How do we explain Cadence, a unicorn, having enough power to recharge Shining Armor when even Celestia, an Alicorn, got her flank kicked?" (Despite Twilight, a unicorn in charge of saving Equesria twice before the Episode) "Ohh! Ohh! Lets make her an alicorn too!" "Yeah, and call her Princess, the kids wont understand "Dutchess" anyway..."

    ;D ;P

  13. The magical mare giggled behind a hoof at Sy's reaction. "It seems we have a greater fan than I in our midst."

    She ahemd and looked to the famous archeologist/writer "Yes, since you are the pro at dungeon delving, I agree we should be working together. As Silver may have explained, my interest in the gem is both professional curiosity and a matter of mercy."

    She pointed a hoof at Texas Tilly and Silver "My counterpart in another world replicated the abilities of the gem somehow and sent them here, and altered them to pony form in the process. The Smitten Sy Clops is from our world but has been hit by a magical distortion and the gem may restore him. You are free to claim the gem afterward though."

    Brambleberry rubbed her chin in thought "By the way, do you have a method for deactivating the traps? Those painted monsters springing to life off the walls are rather annoying.


    Flam grinned in excitement and joy "Hungry? Oh Elarra! Food is he best thing you may guide us to at this time. It takes a lot of energy to sing in rhyme!"

    The unicorn stood up and searched the tree with his horn power, tugging leaves aside to look for them. He brought one over to himself. "What are these fruit? if I may be so bold to ask."

  14. Boss_Hoss1, as he is known to bronykind, groaned as sunlight filtered down on his closed eyes. He heard the sound of birds chirping and smelled leaves and grass around him.

    This was not helping a light hangover he felt. His whole body felt strange as he rolled over to think over where he was.

    This was his first Brony meetup, and there seemed to be a lot of brightly colored drinks involved in the final party of the meet and...

    "Wait a minute.. Where's my clothes?" This prank was a definite first for any convention he had been to.

    He experimentally opened one eye, praying he was not in a public park...

    Both eyes went wide! Everything in the wooded clearing looked brightly colored and cell shaded, but felt real.


    Still stiff in shock, his head made a ratcheting sound as it swiveled to look back at his new body. Red-brown hide, black tail, black "sock" marks, a 4-pointed star in a blue circle cutie mark...

    After waking back up a few minutes later from passing out, he took stock of himself; "Hmmm, no wings, and I dont see a female clone of myself nearby... So I'm not either of the twins..."

    Boss_Hoss1 reached up and felt his forehead, his hoof thunking against a horn. "OW! Okay, I'm a unicorn."

    He closed his eyes and rocked himself forward like he had seen the real horses he helped care for do.

    wobbleing on his hooves for a moment, and getting used to the feeling of hooves, he looked around "I really hope somepony didnt' slip something in my drink. I dont' want to think I'm lying somewhere in a straitjacket.."

    He gasped as he looked to what had to be the North, where a path entered the clearing.

    Canterlot Castle was THERE!

    The sight took his breath away and he stood in silence staring at the sight. gleaming, translucent stone and gold roofs. He was seeing it at a lower angle than any in the show.

    Finally catching his breath, Boss_Hoss1 spoke to himself, if only to hear another voice "Ummm wait! This must be whitetail Woods if I'm this close. I still may be hours away by.. um, hoof!"

    The stallion looked around "Okay, I really, really hope I'm not the only one who got here. Even a local pony would be great.."

    Closing his eyes, he bellowed out "Hello! Is Anypony here? Helooooo!"

  15. Thorn brayed politely "Its not bad, and the scenery is beautiful, especally at sunset. The heat still takes some getting used to but at least there's no mosquitos. No water, no mosquitos."

    He ahhhed happily, enjoying the manecut "At least business should be picking up for you with the new railroad drawing workers in."

    Thorn tapped a hoof to his chin in thought "Do you also do styling for the ladies? Madam Bistro may be in need of a trim soon if she doesnt' head out of town on business."

  16. Flim got out all the materials on stock for telescope tubes, keeping a worried look out for anypony trying to keep them honest. "My dear brother Flam, That is a spectacular idea! Maybe a custom airship bag for our SSCS6K?.." He shook his head to get his mind back on their task. "Meanwhile, do we have enough lenses for this town? Would using horn power on the local sand to make more be... "acceptable?"

    The dapper unicorn breathed a sigh of relief as the pegasi were too occupied with requests for joyrides to keep an eye on them.

    Shanna and Hoss looked back and forth at the elderly pony and the buffalo. Shanna harnessed up while Hoss waited to buckle in whoever stepped up first.

    Thunder Horn sat down on the wooden sidewalk "I can wait. I want to see how this works first. Please go right ahead sir."

  17. The Mocha Mare was going over Maximillain's comments in her head about the possibilities. Her train of thought derailed as Braeburn ate his pie.

    She was still amazed at how Braeburn or anypony could eat pies like that, then smiled at the compliment about her coffee and her saddle. "Why thank you, Braeburn. I had this one special made in Ponyville. I am glad it has the desired effect on ponies."

    Bistro listened pleasently as he offered up thought on showing Miss Snowfall the lost train and playing up the tourisim angle. She then ulped as Braeburn blew up at the suggestion of bringing in REA soldiers.

    The mare hmmed thoughtfully as Miss Snowfall agreed with Braeburn and looked at Max as he asked for her and Louise's opinion.

    The business mare nickered thoughtfully. "This is a ticklish situation we may face with the Diamond Dogs. I heard from travelers one pony was kidnapped for her gem talents by a different tribe in Ponyville last year. She was quickly rescued but this underscores how unpredictable they can be.

    I would welcome their cooperation, even if it turns out to be expensive to do so, but I really think we should keep our options open in case they get... dangerous."

    She nodded toward Braeburn, "Given Braeburn's reaction as well, a visible REA presense may cause ponies and even buffalo to get the wrong idea. Perhaps we should keep the REA on call for emergencies with the Diamond Dogs, but none in town. Surely a flight of Pegasi could be here from the Dodge Junction area in under an hour?"

    She tapped a shiny-shod hoof for a moment, then flicked her tail at a thought. "The two buffalo that come to town regularly.. They mention their herd have had trouble with Diamond Dogs and Griffons before. Would a mutual defense agreement with them help matters? Would that impress the buffalo at how much we trust them?"

  18. Madam Bistro sighed "Unfortunately the outlaw band would not be outlaws if they were trustworthy, but Dusty has kept his word so far. Also there is the matter that the whole town would be hunting them if anything happened to us. I'm there to try and keep him honest on this, and if i am kidnapped, my family, through my company, would put an enourmous bounty on their heads. Every hot shot looking for money or fame as far as a newspaper could reach would be after them. As far as I can tell, Dusty is aware of this too."

    She patted Thorn on his back, and turned to look around the ceiling or the moment.

    Bistro pointed with her hoof for Geary. "The ones acting up are that one in the middle of this room, the one on the hallway, and the ones in the two main suites upstairs, the honeymoon suite and the luxury.

    If you can figure out whats slowing them down, you might need to check all of them depending on what you find."

  19. (OOC: WillowWisp, if you want to head into the B&B as the inn, Thorn could use the company. ;)

    The Mocha Mare giggled happily as she was led onto the dance floor. She blushed prettily as he took her left hoof in his right and bowed, then began the dance. Caramel had danced before, but those were mainly the Manehattan rock 'n roll scene or formal dancing for social galas.

    The beat was very catchy as he led her through the steps, keeping her facing him. She fumbled a bit on her hooves in the first moments until she caught the beat. She whispered, unknowing he was already planning on giving instructions. "Braeburn, I'm afraid you'll have to give me some cues when I need them. But no matter what, I'm having fun!"

    Thorn sighed as he brought in a new bowl of punch on a small wagon. He raised an eyebrow as he found two more frogs in the spoiled punch when he set it in the little red wagon. He chuckled as he towed the little red wagon back to Bistro's place. "Dont' worry little ones. I'll take care of you untill your little owner comes in for the night..."

    The russet donkey took the frogs and popped them into a glass jar before emptying the punch bowl into the sink and returned to the front counter,waiting for late arrivals.

    Candy Catch-em smiled as Dunder started dancing with her, and doing about as well as her. "Dont worry, i havent' danced country style before either. You are doing great as far as I can tell."

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