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Posts posted by Boss_Hoss1

  1. The bay pegasus stallion, Hoss Skybright grinned broadly as he flew into ponyville, looking back at his "Special Somepony".

    It was his first chance to give Jubilee a meal out since the recent Winter Wrap-up, and he was also quite curious about the international ponies.

    He and his sister, Shanna, had traveled with their parents to many pony lands and he wanted to see if he knew any of the ponies who would show up.

    Hoss flared his wings near the restauraunt and landed, missing the statue near the front of the building. He bowed to the bond pegasus as she landed "Here we are, the Ambrosia Winds Cafe'... I and Shanna had a great meal the first day it opened. You are going to love the special dishes, Jubilee."

    He opened the door for her, smiling.

  2. I think I am ready to start this week and it will be in free-for-all since that's the consensus. The main idea is players as their pony-counterpart, but there is room for players as OCs or for normal citizens of Equestria finding these wierd acting strange ponies. Now that the Weddign episode ahs aired, there is now the additional twist somepony may ask "Um hay, are you guys changelings or something?"

    I'll give a couple days to discuss and then start on wednesday. :)

  3. Hoss and Shanna turned as a pony entered the shop. An elegant mare that made them both do a double take when she fell and cursed, then regained her composure.

    The twins thought she looked similar to a pony they met before and nod at each other, deciding to bring it up when they get the chance.

    Tiny got their attention and presented several items for their perusal. Hoss fluttered his wings, both in delight and to acknowledge the wink from the proprieter "Yes, Father will love this watch, wont he sis?"

    Shanna smiled sweetly "Exactly! And, Mother will adore these earrings! If you have no other suggestions. I think we have found the right gifts!"

    Just then, Rarity swept in to dazzling effect. Hoss took that moment to ask Masala while the proprieter would be busy "Excuse me Miss. You look familiar. I and my sister were wondering if you have a relative named Madam Caramel Bistro?"

  4. (OOC: should Shanna be here or in "Animal and weather" where she landed with her load?)

    Shanna finishes offloading Fluttershy's cart and hitches back up to head back for more baskets of animal food, then spots Fluttershy heading over to the other ponies making a delivery run.

    Shanna waved a wing at Fluttershy when she had a moment.

    "Um Rainbow Dash said it would be okay to borrow this cart of yours Miss Fluttershy. May I go ahead and continue using it for hauling the baskets of salad?"

  5. (OOC: Yay! We're back in the saddle!)

    Hoss whinnies and looks to Jubilee, then does a rearing prance as Bass gets their attention and gives them a pep talk

    -unknown to him, Hoss was acting just like the pony backstage at the Young Flyer's Competition last year "Yeah! Lets Do This! We'll have the birds back in their warm home before sunset! Who's coming with us?!"

  6. The donkey smiled "Thanks for the compliments. I am always happy to get them."

    As he relaxed more and more, he heard the question about Bistro and chuckled "Not old friends, but for about a year or so, since she started a location over in Dodge Junction.

    My parents are cooks in the service of Canterlot Palace. I struck out on my own as a gourmet chef and found nopony took me seriously in Manehattan. I was on the train to Fillydelphia when I ran into Madam Bistro, Caramel to her close friends. She was on a trip to personally check on her first location in Manehattan Central Station and shipments of new coffee stock coming in from the zebra lands. She found out I was a fantastic chef looking for work and hired me on the spot."

  7. Madam Bistro pushed her new cowpony hat back off her head "Well the fans are a few weeks old, but they've been acting up. They were installed shortly after I opened to get the air flowing and were unicorn made in Manehattan. I am wondering if all this fine dust is getting into places it shouldnt... Anyway, speaking of crime, the reason my fine manager passed out is the famed novelist here, Louise LaMare, is going to interview some real outlaws in a nearby canyon. This might be her last chance as the rumors are they are moving on. Unfortunately for Thorn's peace of mind, I'm probably the only one they'll let come along with Louise, so I'll be gone several days." she finished, leaving off the unspoken "..I hope..."

    The mocha mare hmmmed at the request for parking space. "You may park your device alongside the building, to the left side. That will not obstruct the cafe' deck on the right side at all."

  8. The russet donkey smiled as the covering was put around him, and inspected his black mane in the mirror. "A bit short, save for whatever you want to use in styling it. It seems a bit easier to care for that way. It takes a lot of effort to manage a donkey's wiry mane."

    He flopped his ears back out of the way when the spray wet his mane "I came here with Madam Bistro to set up her Bed and Breakfast Bistro in town as her store manager, so all this dust and tumbleweeds are new to me, even now." He chuckles "I do seem to remember you enjoying the treats I made for the Hoedown, at least."

  9. Madam Bistro supressed a giggle as Braeburn gave her a wink, then turned back to the guests. "Why thank you, Miss Snowfall. I take particular care in selecting the shipments of coffee from each region. -And, the recipie for that pie is from the Apple family members, and I am pleased to hear when I do it justice."

    This time, when Maximilian praised her coffee and pitched the voice to carry to Braeburn, she did blush lightly again.

    She hmmed as Starfall sounded intrigued about the hidden city, then looked toward Braeburn "Since that incident happened before I moved to Appleoosa, It might behoove me to order some of the books from that mysterious unicorn about it, at least for the tourists to buy and so I can answer their growing number of questions when they stay here. Braeburn, would you mind if I asked you for a first-hoof account at a later time? Louise might want to listen in as well."

  10. (OOC: for some reason I imagine the country music ZZ Top was playing in the town dance scene in Back To The Future 3)

    Madam Caramel Bistro whewed and watched as the sherrif put the fear of Celestia in the filly, or try to at least. "Oh my, ponies seem to be really rambunctious from out toward Nimbusgait, dont' they?" She watched as Braeburn put the frog down, and it hopped it's way to stand near the stage, waiting for its owner.

    She smiled and extended a forehoof to Braeburn for the dance as she rose up on her hind hooves "Oh yes please! I certainly would Braeburn."

    Elsewhere in the dance, the orange peasus, Candy Catch-em smiled at Dunder after watching the frog hop off to safety. "Looks like the dance is on. Shall we?"

  11. Madam Bistro giggled "I do think the boys here in town could do with some flash on their hooves. Look at Maximillian's clothes and hoofwear sometime in comparison. Perhaps you could talk the sherrif into getting silver plated shoes to complete the look of his badge?"

    Lightning horn mooed in thought after the buffalo had tried to stay out of the shoe argument, but were offered special shoes for stampedes. "I am afraid I would have to pass on such an experiment. My father would want me to keep my bare hooves in contact with the earth so I can feel it's flow."

    (OOC: There are shoes for bovine types. I've seen video from India of leaf shaped plates being nailed to each half of a cloven hoof for oxen pulling carts on paved streets)

  12. The normally suave and unflappable Flim ulped and hoped the doctor could not read the really tiny parts of the warranty or find the invisible ink part as he rushed to help Flam build telescopes.

    Shanna and Hoss looked at each other as several of the crowd around them were suddenly excited about rides in their cart. Even the excitable younger buffalo was practically hopping on his hooves.

    Lightning Horn grinned as his friend was wanting to fly. Surely Thunderclap could not say no if he wanted to fly after him. "Oh yes! I would like to fly after he does! Please?"

    The twins sighed good naturedly "very well, I'm sure we have some time before there are enough telescopes ready to inspect."

    Shanna nodded "Yes, so who wants to go up first?"

  13. Shanna quickly flew, the enchantment on Fluttershy's cart keeping the baskets in place in the back without blowing away, then circled around the clearing where the tables were and landed. More of the nests were gone from the tables, meaning they were in trees now. "Good!"

    She unhitched herself from the cart an began unloading it, stacking the baskets in a clear spot and waving at whoever was in charge for the moment "I'm back! There are plenty of baskets of salad for the critters, and there are more carts coming."

  14. Shanna Grinned hugely as THE Rainbow Dash praised her!

    "Yes Ma'am!"

    She kept smiling as she zipped around the table, checking the weights of the baskets. and flying the full ones to the cart. Seeing the one she was using was full but the others barely touched, he decided to help ut just a little more so that a stead stream of baskets would be reaching the animal team instead of in drips and drabs of carts coming in at random.

    She zipped back and grabbed more full baskets, an raced back to place them in the carts to get them more full before she left.

    And orangy unicorn foal, Snips waved a hoof, "Ah'll help!" and started zipping on his long legs, carrying baskets back and forth to the carts.

    Seeing the carts were enarly done, Shanna flitted back to the main table "Ginger Mint, Greenshot, I'll be back shortly for more baskets, but the other carts are about ready too. Bye for now!"

    With that she flew over and hitched up, then flew off back to the animal team with her first load while Snails kept filling carts.

    (OOC: and Shanna is off to "Animal and Weather" thread for the moment...)

  15. (ooc: hmmm, should we continue the migration flight here or in "weather and plant" thread? In any case the ponies who just dropped in right now to clear snow might want to go to that thread too where the team leader is)

    Hoss whinnied happily, seeing Bass was mobile. he nodded at the newcomers "I'll be just a moment." Then spoke to Bass. "The mares are finishing lunch, Dunder went to check on something for a few. And we have some new arrvals who might be helping us. Are you okay to fly?"

    He looked to Blossomforth "All right the Weather team leader is over there, helping out in clearing snow as well.." and points a wing.

    "Shooting Star, Nightshade, You can either help clear snow or help us round up birds. The clouds seem to have been thinned out and ready to be broken on command so thats already done. We're about to make a second run to lead birds back to Ponyville."

  16. (OOC: I dont know what's the hold up with the migration team atm in the Weather and Plant thread. Hopefully you two should wake them up...)

    Hoss looks up from a quick lunch with his special somepony as some late arrivals show up.

    The bay colored stallion stands up and waves a black banded wing at Nightshade and Blossomforth

    "Hello! I'm sure we need more ponies on migration detail if you wont mind. We're about to make a return trip for more birds and we havent seen the main team return yet. Wanna come with us or would you prefer to move snow from the trees to the reservoir?"

  17. (OOC: I'm not a card player but I'm sure Flim would be game to give it a try at least.)

    Flim suddenly looked awestruck at Flickerlight's comment about making a carnival ride base on a stripped down frame of their beloved machine.

    "Oh-ho-hooo! A wonderful idea! A Fantastical idea! A pleasure ride for the ages! Hear that Brother Flam? Perhaps a loose copy of Princess Celestia's carriage for the ride?"

    He bowed to Flickerlight as best he could in the limited space "Thank you for the most wonderful inspiration!"

    When their SSCS6K chuffed to a stop at Miss Fortune's shop and everypony had gone indoors, Flim had removed his parka "I will certainly be glad when they do Winter Wrap-up here..."

    Just then, Miss Fortune had returned bearing her gifts. The dapper unicorn salespony was struck speechless for a moment at their cousin's generosity.

    After that long moment, he grinned at her while she was busy setting up their booth "Oh by Celestia's mane! This is a spectacular gift, Dear Cousin Miss Fortune. We cannot thank you enough! I can only hope our wares will draw hordes of customers to your door."

    He levitated his plant into a safe place behind the new booth, then turned as Ace asked if anypony was wanting to play.

    The orange unicorn looked to his brother Flam. "A capital suggestion, purely for fun of course? Brother Flam, would you be interested as well? It may give us some ideas as we spend much-needed time with our Fortune-ate realatives."

  18. Shanna smiled at the green unicorn as he greeted her and Flicker and asked if that was Rainbow Dash nearby. "Yes, that's Rainbow Dash over there. I'm so excited to be here!"

    Just then, RD asked her if she could handle this round of hauling by herself.

    She stood up straight in midair with a salute "Oh! Yes Rainbow Dash, Ma'am! I have this covered! I and my brother fly long distance with heavy carts all the time. You can count on me!"

    After a moment, Ginger Mint got her attention, and she came down closer to listen to the mare. She remembered her from the Running of the Leaves afterparty all right.

    Shanna smiled "No problem! Thanks for thinking of that for me.. Umm Ginger Mint, is it? I should not have a problem but I'll be happy to double check the weights."

    Greenshot called to her again, so she waved a wingtip "Oh I'm doing great! Oooh! Theres a full basket over there, just a moment..."

    She flew over and gathered up the basket from a random pony and deposited it in the cart, then came back "All right, re there any baskets over here for me to check?"

  19. Madam Bistro suppressed a giggle at Braeburn's slip and calling her Caramel before the V.I.P., smiling as she took his order. "All right, your orders will be coming right up" She had a light blush as she trotted behind the counter, busying herself with the coffees and foodstuffs.

    The machine hissed at a proper pitch as it put forth it's frothy brews while she collected her nerves, heightened by the pressure of impressing Miss Snowfall and having two stallions flirt with her.

    She moved gracefuly as she set the cups on the tray, then slices of pie topped with cream.

    Another tray, loaded with the usual coffee, donuts, and a large glass of apple cider was scooted onto her back saddle as she picked up the tray for Maximillian and Snowfall on one hoof.

    The Mocha Mare swayed her fully skirted hips to move forward on three hooves without hobbling -a difficult trick she made look easy.

    Bistro bumped her hip gently at the first table to slide the tray on her back off and in front of the three ponies without spilling a drop.

    She then set the tray in her hoof down on the table shared by the Very Important Ponies and served them their coffees and pie.

    "Here we go. Please let me know if you need anything else." before busying herself with serving The Sherrif, Louise, and Braeburn.

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