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Posts posted by Boss_Hoss1

  1. Hoss nickered and smiled as he shared his lunch with his special somepony, Jublee.

    He made sure they were behind a cart so as not to cause more friction in the team when he stole a kiss.

    After they finished eating, he fluttered over to Dunder and Bass, his eyes widening when he saw the splints.

    "How is Bass doing? He can still travel okay like when we started out this morning, right?"

  2. Shanna flittered around dropping off bundles of the food to the waiting ponies at the tables and grabbing filled baskets to drop off in the yellow cart nearby, then looping over to grab more foodstuffs from Greenshot's cart.

    The cart she had borrowed from Fluttershy was filling quickly.

    The bay pegasus smiled at Greenshot, speaking when she stopped at his cart to grab foodstuffs "I am Shanna Skybright and this is my first Winter Wrap-up. I'm from Cloudsdale. I'm sooo excited to work with Rainbow Dash! -Well, when I can keep up with her..." She admitted sheepishly at the end.

    Shanna then waved a wing at Lampwick "And thank you for the guiding hoof here, um, Flicker. You and Granny Smith are doing a great job keeping things going!"



    Granny Smith broke out in a rallying speech, calling Rainbow Dash General Hurricane in the process. Snails was busy loading baskets and raised his hooves in a cheer, remembering as well how great Rainbow Dash was in the festival play. "Woo Hoo! You tell em Granny Smih, Ma'am."

  3. The Skybright twins looked at each other dubiously as the unicorns seemed to be up to something.

    Hoss ahemed "We will be very happy to do quality control inspections, sherrif. Keeping our telescope in top condition is a #1 requirement."

    Shanna folded her arms and stared at the unicorn twins "Exactly! We dont' want anyone to miss out because of defective equipment."

    Flim had beads of sweat forming which he tried to pass off as the hot afternoon sun when the Sherrif declared he wanted to read the fine print.

    "Um, yes R-right sherrif. We had better get busy with those telescopes, right dear Brother Flam?"

    He passed over a warranty agreement, hoping te sherrif did not have a magnifying glass or a way to check for dissapearing ink...

  4. Snails gave a goofy giggle when the ride started moving and Remington yelled out asking what everypony was on.

    "Ah'm riding on a Awesome griffon!"

    He suddenly remembered where he was supposed to be. Surely a quick ride while away from his parents would not get him in trouble would it?

    He suddenly saw the brass ring despenser fr a free ride spinning closer. he stuck out his horn to try and catch it, and nearly fell off the wooden griffon "Whups!"

    (OOC; Hmmm should the parents start getting a clue, or should that be the time everyone gets on the train?)

  5. Snails swished his tail and trotted along behind Haywire as he kept his light going.

    "umm so you dont know fer sure there's treasure? Oh well, I'm sure we'll find something down this way."

    He kept half his attention on making sure there was light so he was mostly following Haywire's movement as he watched for bugs.

    He stopped as he saw something white moving -over an inch long . "Oh hay! There's a Cave Cricket! Look at how big it is!"

  6. (OOC: been asked to post by Mojo so here we go.)

    The Mocha Mare sat up, helped by the Sherrif and Louise. "I-I'm fine. There was something with huge eyes in my glass! Where is it?! What is it?"

    Moments before she had been listening intently to Braeburn's words, then panicked when something looked back at her.

    She gave the stallion an apologetic and understanding look when she saw how flustered he was at being stuck when she needed help.

    Suddenly she saw what he was fumbling with "Wait..what? a frog? This is the desert, how did...?!"

    She clopped her hooves approvingly when Braeburn stood and held up the frog, demanding the owner come forward. "Perhaps if you ask the frog to go to it's owner..."

    Meanwhile, Candy Catch-em stood with Dunder, watching the commotion. "I hope the dance starts back up after all this. Poor frog. If the owner does not claim it, I'll have to take the frog with me so it can stay comfy and wet.

  7. (OOC: I'll wait a while before he needs to check his saddlebags to build up suspense ;)

    Snails ulped! No wonder he had never seen this cave before. If it werent' for his legs he could slip though easily.

    The colt thought for a moment how to take his legs out of the problem, his horn sparking as he was so intent on thinking it through he didnt notice Silver Spoon slip the card in his saddlebag.

    When both fillies were through the bushes, he hmmed "Mebbe Ah can just slide in like a baseball player, eh?"

    He backed up, then charged at the opening, then dropped and slid on his belly. He skidded right through the opening right into the cave. This also left a slide mark for rescuers to follow if need be, but he didnt think of that as he looked ahead into the cave. "Wow! It's really dark in there, eh! Just a moment..."

    The sound of a starter motor cranking whirred as sparks shot from Snails' horn. Finally a steady glow came from the colt's horn "Yay! I did it!"

  8. Snails ulped as Sunrise started asking him about crushes. what could he say? Before he could stop it, he blurted out the truth about his earlier crush.

    "Umm....ummm... eyup.. Getting an Ursa Minor ta visit was totally th' wrong way ta go about gettin' her attention. Thats one mistake ah wont make again, eh. Ah am so over her anyway since he was revealed ta be a phony."

    He blinked "Um didja need help with a picture or anything? We gotta get outside and watch th wonderbolts do their thing, eh!"

    Snails loped ahead to the door "Mebbie we an all help ya do a picture?" as he went outside.

  9. Lightning horn mooed and bowed to the elderly pony stallion "You apology has been accepted, sir. Perhaps an actual apple strudle is included in that? I have never had one before." he licked his lips hungrily.

    Meanwhile, the red maned unicorn, Flim tipped his straw hat at Shanna, then turned to the Sherrif.

    "A fine question, a fair question, Sherrif Silverstar. Why, as many as we can make in the short time this comet will be around. Is that not right, my dear brother Flam? Telescopes of magnificent quality" He added in a whisper (just read the fine print for warranties, conditons and qid pro qos first...).

  10. Snails finished gathering together the unicorn foal's bits with his tail and scooped what he could find back into the bag.

    "Here ya go! Umm didja say yer name was Valen?" his excitement growing as he tapped Valen on the shoulder "Here's what ah could find of yer bits!"

    Suddenly all the ponies around him got excited when the sleepy foal, Remington suddenly got excited at finding he was in a carnival and saying he wanted to go on the Merry-Go Round.

    He yelled out "Awesome!" -Forgetting for a moment that he was supposed to stay outside the Arcade.

    Snails giggled when even Valen forgot himself for a moment and yelled out "YAY!" and then calmed himself down to speak in a more normal voice.

    Snails bounced on his hooves whn Pinchy smiled kinda like Pinkie Pie does.

    Pinchy's excitement overwhelmed him and he followed Pinchy and the others to the ride.

  11. Hoss fluttered his wings as he hovered to a landing right beside Jubilee and nuzzled her cheek. "That's a great idea! I'm game!"

    He grinned and trotted in place "Since she wants to go to a Cafe, that would give us a chance to burn off the energy from the snacks before we make it there."

    Shanna smiled and nodded as she landed as well, putting the treat bag in her saddlebag with a flip of her nose "That's true, and we can all point out the sights along the way. Lead the way Mojo!"

  12. (OOC: Looks like everypony is going to be busy with winter wrap-up so I may as well go ahead and answer)

    Caramel Bistro nickered sweetly "So you and pretty much the whole town had similar ideas when you came out here. Amazing!"

    She tossed her wavy tail as he asked her about her intentions. "Heh, no one's asked me that... Hmm, If I was a Manehattan filly at heart, I guess I would not have expanded my little mocha empire out so far from there. I can play the socialite game for business, but it's just not me."

    She smiled brightly as she stepped to the punch bowl. "I will be staying in Appleoosa permanently. I may be gone for a month or so at a time getting a new place up and running, but I will always come back."

    She dipped a glass of punch for Braeburn, herself, and one to take to WillowWisp.

    Bistro smiled as she held her glass in her fetlock. "Cheers!" and moved it to her muzzle.

    Suddenly! She screamed as she saw a pair of eyes looking back at her and flipped over on her back as she dropped the glass, spilling out a frog on the ground...


    Elsewhere in the party, Candy Catch-em folded her golden brown wings against her vest, and pushed her bush hat back off her head to hang by the neck string.

    She smiled and shook her yellow striped red mane free. "Now isnt this an amazing coincidence! Here I am as far away from Northern Solstice Heights as I can get, ad still be in Equestria, and I meet such a nice pegasus stallion from there! The way it sounds, I dont think we would have met under normal circumstances back home so I am quite pleased to meet you, Mr. Dunder."

    She gave a quick bow with her forelegs "Care to dance when the band starts up?

  13. Snails nickers and looks from SilverSpoon to Haywire, and back as the girls state their readyness.

    He smiles a goofy grin "I guess I'm ready too, eh. Lets go. Ah dont know which cave ya mean ta take us to Haywire, so Ah'll follow ya."

    Snails thought it was too bad there was no time to find his best bud Snips, but time was short already.

    Maybe after facing a cave, he could feel confident enough to make use of the little card his mom had put in his pack for him to use on Hearts and Hooves day, but what filly would give him a card?..

  14. Shanna finished her popcorn ball and looked to Stella, holding a bag of snacks open for the group and waiting for the mare's reply to Mojo.

    Hoss chuckled "Exactly Jubilee!' and did another loop in place. "Too bad we cant move the land ponies around on a small cloud, that would be a great sight seeing platform."

    Shanna Nodded, then thought about the "Young Flyer's" competition last year... hmmm.

  15. Shanna lands and deftly covers her muzzle with a wingtip so she does not openly giggle as Mojo and Starflower look at each other and loudly proclaim they are not a couple.

    Hoss nickers and loops around the white pegasus. "Yes More than friends! If there isnt' a dance tonight, We'll catch up on dancing at the celebration tonight. How does that sound Jubilee?

  16. The twins looked on in amazement as they awaited an answer from Flim and Flam as a pair of buffalo were in town, and the elderly pony Apple Strudle went on the attack thinking they were monsters.

    Even Flim was stunned watching the elderly pony yell a charge and end up rolling down the street before being saved by the Sherrif.

    The unicorn ahemed and shook his head to get back on track. Flim grinned charmingly as he lied "Oh yes, my dear. All the telescopes will be made to the highest quality. We are the finest telescope makers this side of Griffon Rock, Nonparil! Is that not right Brother Flam?" he did not mention the were the only telescope makers they knew of west of that battle monument...

    Lightning horn mooed a chuckle and shook his head, showing off the tribal lightning bolts painted on his cheeks "I am sorry sir, We are not Gorgons or Catoblepas as live in the Toxic Cayons. It is as Thunderclap says, we are here to better see this shining light in the sky, this comet."

    The teen buffalo turned toward the SSCS6K "So they are selling devices we can see far away things with? Amazing! Hello unicorns! Is this giant red machine what you see the comet with?"

  17. (OOC; No problem, that is the point of the thread, after all. ;) )

    Hoss smiled brightly and did a loop in place. "I am so glad to hear that, Jubilee! and I also miss that dance. Is there another one coming up soon we can attend?"

    In the meantime, Shanna passed Starflower a popcorn ball and pulled up a tiny cloud to wait on.

    Suddenly there was a stirring in the crowd as the train arrived and a purple mare zipping through the crowd, with Mojo replying in kind. the two meeting in a tackle-hug.

    The twins fluttered closer above the crowd as introductions were made. Hoss waved as he was introduced "Hi, Im Hoss, pleased to meet you."

    and Shanna waved when it was her turn "And I am Shanna, How are you?"

  18. (OOC; Might as well post to give this a bump to the top)

    Snails bounced on his hooves as Soarin made the suggestion to go outside. "Awesome!"

    He then turned to Sunrise Beach as she yelled in frustration, in fact, most of the class had turned to look at her.

    The colt shyly clopped on over to the filly, still holding his picture of Spitfire. .

    "Um Sunrise Beach? Are ya doin' okay there?"

  19. Caramel Bistro waved as the ponies Braeburn greeted headed away from the table they were at.

    She turned back toward Braeburn when he suggested small talk untill the band was back on stage and nodded. Before she could think of anything to ask, he came up with a very good one. "Oh? Well, I stared my business in Manehattan, at the train station. a place for travelers to get coffee and food, and a place to stay overnight if they ended up needing one.

    I have got each location of my Bistro Bed and Breakfast up and running steadily before moving on to the next town on the tracks. Until Mr. Rockefilly arrived, this was likely to be the last entirely pony stop before the griffonlands. Well, this town has proven to be one of the friendliest Ive ever been to, current company included. I genuinely love it here. Even though I could go back to Manehattan and live as a Socialite, I will never do so. I like working too much." she winks.

    She smiles at Braeburn. "Perhaps you can explain why not just you but so many of your Apple relatives decided Appleoosa was the place to be?"

    Meanwhile, the orange pegasus mare smiled at Dunder. "I am Candy Catch-em, Critter Wrangler. I'm from Northern Solstice Heights, the town behind Canterlot where my animal hospital is. I am traveling to meet up with an expedition of Naturalists from Fillydelphia who are near the Griffon borders. Fortunately this little town is in the right place to stop for the night. How about you?

  20. (ooc: another round until the train arrives then?)

    Shanna smiled at Mojo as she gave him one of the popcorn balls. "I am glad to help. Anypony else want some?"

    Hoss nickered and grinned as Jubilee rose up to him. He passed her the popcorn ball and nuzzled up as they hovered. "Thank you Jubilee. Did Derpy deliver my Hearts and Hooves card on time while we were away in Dodge Junction?"

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