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Posts posted by Boss_Hoss1

  1. Flim tap dances his hooves as he brings the telescope out and presents it for the twins to inspect.

    "Flim Flam Telescope, give it a peek.

    Flim Flam Telescope, 10 bits are all we seek.

    If you really like the scope,

    we really hope you pass the good word along.

    ...Or we'll keep on singing this song..."

    The twins laughed at that, and looked through the telescope.

    "Nice!"... "Good quality!"

    Shanna smiles at the unicorns "I am afraid we cannot use this as the main telescope since ours is set up for photographs, but this will be a good second so the one not taking the pictures can see it too."

    Hoss nodnods "agreed. Will the other models be this quality?"

    At the end of the street, a young adult buffalo, looking more like a fuzzy bull untill he gets his adult growth, ambled into the street from the end of town.

    Lightning Horn began looking around in wonder, then down at the end of the street at the strangest machine he ever saw since the ponies started their town.

    He ambled up "Hello Sherrif Silverstar. what is this?"

  2. Hoss and Shanna arrived in the station each carrying a bag, after having left a few minutes before in streaks of red-brown and black.

    Shanna nickered and waved her bag as she touched down "Oh Mojo! I saw how nervous you were and thought something to snack on would help."

    Hoss nickered and held out his bag toward his marefriend, Jubilee as he hovered in place. "And we got enough for everyone. Would you like a popcorn ball, Jubilee?"

    Shanna hmmed "Is the train late or is it just the waiting that makes it seem that way?"

  3. Snails bounced on his hooves "Yay! We're gunna have so much fun! You will see!"

    He wagged his tail as he turned to Haywire "Thanks fer inviting me! This will be Awesome!"

    He then turned to face Silver Spoon. "And thanks fer coming too. Looking fer treasure is no fun alone, eh?"

    Snails suddenly twisted around to look in his saddlebags "Everpony got snacks ta go around? Ah got water bottles here and cinnimon hay twists. How about you Haywire? Silver Spoons?"

  4. Shanna and Hoss looked back and forth between Granny and the Flim Flam Brothers.

    The unicorns looked relived until Granny Smith said she would CourtMarshal them both if they got out of line.

    Flim looked at his brother "Can she do that? What does that mean?"

    Shaking it off, he rushed over to the uncertain looking twins

    "The past is in the past, Our future deals are going fast.

    Come and see our telescopes, try em, buy em, but you cannot deny them.

    Our display model was built to last. come on wont you buy?'

    Hoss and Shanna looked stunned as they were actually being sung to, their hooves bouncing despite themselves.

  5. The mocha mare, Madam Caramel Bistro smiled as Braeburn caught up to her "Oh thank you, Braeburn! I can't wait to dance."

    She nodded to the giant horse near her "I'm sorry I'm not available to give you more of my time to make you feel welcome in this town, but I am on a date tonight." She turned back to Braeburn. "This is a newcomer, Boxer. He and his friend arrived tonight."

    Bistro waved a hoof at the shy pegasus when Braeburn greeted him.

    "Welcome to Appleoosa, Dunder. Please help yourself to anything on this table. Much of it is from my Bed and breakfast bistro shop over there. I also have rooms open if you need a place for the night."

    She looked at Braeburn watching the antics of the band as they took their break "Oh my, well, you cannot say they are not entertaining... whether they are playing or not. What's next? I'm afraid I've not been on a date in some time."

    Meanwhile, another traveller arrived, homing in on the lights after following the tracks.

    The orange pegasus, Candy Catch-em clopped her forehooves in joy and tossed her red and yellow mane. "What luck! Now I wont have to chance sleeping in the desert tonight!"

    the mare adjusted her bush hat and trotted into the party goers as they milled around, ending up near another pegasus "Hello, Did they just say your name was Dunder? Whats the party for?

  6. (ooc; should I return Brambleberry to the shop or bring the twins in? I think the crowd needs someone to hang with. ^_^

    The magical mare gave a little bow "I came to see if there was any way I could help if I was needed. Also to at least offer free tickets to my show in thanks for the fireworks, Mr. Thunder Storm... umm is she all right?"

  7. (Sorry for delays, its been a rough few days on me)

    Snails galloped along, following the darting ponies as he caught up to the mango blur after it winged a unicorn foal, sending bits raining around the foal, then struck a filly he thought he recognized.

    Snails cocked his head to the side "Is everpony okay?"

    He moved to help the unicorn foal with his bits, sweeping some into a pile with his hoof as he looked the foals over,then did a double take when he saw Fleet "Umm hay, yer a funny looking one. Are ya a griffon?"

  8. The AnA Brambleberry whinnies hppily as she sees the fine merchandice he found for her so quickly.

    The magical mare ulps as the pegasus rushes off and tells her its free

    "Oh my, now this I have got to see. Maybe I can help!"

    She floats the fireworks outside and into a cart, then trots off after the pegasus to at east offer free tickets for her show that night, her cloak flapping in the breeze

    Brambleberry skids to a stop at a blasted place set aside for explosions, seeing two pegasi crowded around a blackened and giggling pony. In fact, the crazy pink pony who had been striking sparks earlier. "Is there anything you three need help with?"

  9. The magical mare tossed her hood back. "I require a lot of the first, some from classifications somewhere in the middle, and definitely some of the last class. If I werent performing close to crowds of ponies, I would be ordering more of those."

    She smirked at the question "Oh not at all, we just had the same schooling. I heard what had happened in this town from her and started perfoming here to see if there was any thruth to it and so far the croud has been more understanding of my act. I have seen the tooth marks on buildings from the ursa though. Its a tough act for me to follow." she winks.

    She looks at some of the fireworks on display "I prefer having a good supplier to come to while on the road. I've had to make my own sometimes out on the farther parts of my tour, but the ingredients for bright colors and stars are a little hard to come by out there, so my act was not as spectacular as I hoped at those times."

  10. Having Mini horses around gives me a good feel for scale, especially seeing the ponies around non-magic animals in the show.They seem to be as big as the minis, about 2-3 feet at the shoulder, or roughly human size when standing upright on their hind legs. I measured the minis and did a rough calculation on how tall they would be upright. ;)

    I am guessing Flim and flam are about 6' when they are dancing, while Big Mac might be about 7' upright.

    The minis are also as big as I am when I have to get down on their level, on all fours, to tend to their injuries or check their legs and hooves. :smirk:

  11. The pink unicorn mare with lavender mane and tail, the Awesome and Amazing Brambleberry was back in Ponyville for another show.

    She was stretching her legs after the long trip and setting back up in front of the Town Hall, which looks like it had been recently repaired. Oh well, she'll get the dirt on what happened during her visit in town.

    The mare stoopped short and turned to look at the Fireworks Shop.

    "Oh! Well that's new!" She giggled "I'll check them out and see if this would be a handy place to restock my fireworks. Canterlot is too steep a slope to visit often."

    The mare swept in through the front door, cape flowing and hood up for dramatic effect. her horn sparkled, playing a small fanfare out of thin air.

    "Good morning! I, the Amazing and Awesome Brambleberry, require fireworks for her show!"

    She blinked a moment, seeing a mare just as pink as she was, making sparks by rubbing her hooves together. "Should I run now?..."

  12. Flim ulped and looked at his brother in worry.

    Of course! Another apple orchard, more Apple family. He really hoped the town wasnt' packed with Apples or this was going to be really tough.

    He was sweating bullets as he started singing, hoing to charm the crowd.

    "We found opp-or-tunity, right in her Com-uni-tee!"

    "We found hordes of ponies thisty for cider,

    Some freaky pink pony had drunk it all inside 'er.

    We offered to provide enough of a larder,

    if they agreed to us as a partner.

    Our offer was sincere, but to us they gave answer clear;


    He shrugged in mock sincerity.

    "What else was there to do?

    Our finances was in a stew.

    Bets were made and barrels were laid

    And in the end we won."

    He took his hat off and placed it over his heart as a ray of sunlight shone on him from a cracked window nearby

    "We had an error in quality,

    a thing we did not forsee,

    for the contest did not judge taste,

    and so we left post haste."

    he leapt off the SSCS6k and bended knees before Granny Smith

    "Our ways have caused us grief,

    So we have turned a new leaf.

    Be a dear, and see we are clear,

    Now we just sell telescopes

    to see the comet near!"

    Flim looked at his brother, hoping he had given the sherrif a good start for him.

  13. Snails looked at the fillies as the argument seemed to sputter out when he called out to them. Well, that's one good thing he did today.

    Haywire was as excited as the entire CMC trio in one pony and suddenly asked him to be a light for her in a cave as she looked for treasure, or bats.

    He had been warned not to go into a certain cave again, but if he went into a different cave... and, well, there was no stopping Haywire once she decided something, wether he ageed to go or not. He had a responsibility to protect fillies since he was a colt right? Besides it was a cave, and caves were AWESOME!

    Just then, Silver Spoon spoke up saying it was dangerous. She had a light blush for some reason. It made her glasses stand out cutely.. * whut am I thinking, I'm a clumsy goof untill my body catches up ta my legs. *

    He scuffed a hoof "Uh, yeh, I'd better come with ya Haywire. Ya might find the Ursa cave by accident. Ah know which one it is, and well, ah could use Cave Crickets ta study, eh."

  14. Personally, I have no problem with one line responses, because that is what some responses should be, but I have been warned that mods will issue warnings if your posts are not 5 lines thick so I do short posts only when I dont think they will be noticed.

    While I can and often do create walls of text, I sometimes find myself in the situation Ashton mentions having to pad a post when a short paragraph is needed and it sometimes comes out sounding like a pulp fiction story where the authors were paid for word count. (now you know why some old stories sounded like Shakespear reading Sam Slade ;-) )

  15. Shanna gave a Yay! at so many ponies going out to the mesa tonight! She then ohhhed "Oh, didnt you say something about, um, "her" being responsible for the stampede? I can see why her name would be a no-no then..."

    Hoss' ears twitched at the mechanical noises outside "I hear it too. I hope it's not a giant steam powered spider like that Derring Do play in Cloudsdale last month..."

    The twins quickly trotted outside and stopped in shock at the huge magine rumbling own the street, right up behind their yellow cart, the cow-catcher accidentally bumping it.

    Hoss neighs and waves his hooves in the air "Careful! We're responsible for that cart!"

    Shanna lifts off and flies right over to where the brothers were at the controls and hovers near them "Careful! We're on a mission from Caterlot Observatory! There's a comet tonight!"

    Hoss flies up beside her "Yeah, the most awesome sight in the sky since The Mare in the Moon vanished from the moon's face! Tonight is our only chance for the best view of all!"

    Flim was taken a back for a moment " We are sorry, yes, sorry

    Dear Gentleman and Miss. We did not mean to cause worry.

    In fact we came to this town to offer telescopes, Nonpareil~"

    Shanna gave a questioning look, especially since these ponies were singing "Non-par-what?"

    Flim pointed at her "Nonpareil, the finest, the best.

    Please put our product to the teeeest."

    He spins around and speaks to the growing croud for a moment, instead of singing.

    "In fact we'l build enough for any who wants to see that very comet, right now but an insignificant speck in that big, beautiful blue sky, but only because of Celestia's radiant sun outshining the comet, yessir!"

  16. Thanks, I have Irish and native american on one side of my family and German and native american on the other, both sides were at the great grandparent level so I've had some interest in checking such things out. :)

    For us humans, the Medicine men were the doctors and the spiritual leaders of a tribe, using herbalisim and ritual magic for healing, blessings, and curses (poisoning?) as well as communing with the spirits to find answers for the tribe. Some of the magic purported to be spells of protection, keeping arrows or bullets from hitting the warrior wearing a medicine pouch enchanted with such. (It seemed while it did not work as advertised, it gave the braves confidence and certainty that probably unnerved the people they fought. )

    There seem to be common themes in shamanistic magic whether native amercan, celtic, or other tribal magics, so I'm trying to extrapolate from what we have seen Zecora do in the series, on a world where magic works without wandering into things that would mess with game balance. I figure herbalisim and some nature magic that buffalos would find useful while being concentrated in one or two members of the tribe would be a good balance compared against unicorns.

    I am willing to go along with whatever the mods suggest. :)

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