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Posts posted by Boss_Hoss1

  1. I found it interesing that "greedy adult" Spike is so different from the "innocent and chunky appearing adult" Spike when Twilight went berserk in hatching him in the Cutie Mark Chronicles.

    The hatchling had no motivations and did not look menacing when he was instantly zapped to adult size before Celestia got things under control. If Spike can control his emotions and even keep a Noble/Heroic mindset, could he have a 3rd version of an adult look for him in the future?

  2. My species name assignment system since Online RPs in '97 was Unipeg and Pegacorn - the first half of the word depending on who the sire was.

    Since the assumption is the princesses family have always been a seperate type combining all three pony types, I'm going with the fan flow on "Alicorn" for them. :)

  3. (Gozer the Gozarian) R U A G0D?

    (Celestia) "Well more like demis, but our world would die without us to raise and lower the sun and moon, so.."

    (Luna) "..Heck YEAH!"

    (Gozer) JU5T CH3K1NG!...

    (( I take the Winter Solstice play as more apocryphal than accurate since it raises more quesions than it answers, such as why the unis simply could not go "Buck You NMM!" and raise the sun anyway in episode 1... :blah: :blah: :D I dont know why my mind take such pinkie pie turns when Im gooned on nyquil ;) ))

  4. :TSparkle: SPIKE! Get my clipboard, STAT! :TSparkle:

    (sorry, channeling Twi there for a moment :blush: ) ;-)

    Too bad Im not in the area, Im stuck on a rock farm in SE Missouri. ;-)

    Being a furry, I've been to our version of brony groups, though I am afraid I've been out of the loop long enough not to have any Facebook experience, (In fact, I've only just recently been dragged into getting on Facebook for the first time :blush: )

    You are off to a good start though, just letting Canterlot know you want a group in your area. Some groups get ambitious enough to start a small webpage or mail list, but Fb should fill the bill.

    Anyway, making a post in brony groups like Canterlot, with the area mentioned in the title, should get the attention of bronies and get things rolling.

    One you get enough youcan start making plans like weekend meet-ups at restauraunts that are hard to miss and who dont mind paying crouds. Places like "Cici's Pizza" and such.

    I hope this helps. :D

  5. Snails was thinking out how to organize that picture signing event while the older ponies were taking.

    To his wonder, Mr. Brazil and Miss Paradise were looking at each other with a blush and a hint of surprise after being hugged togther by Miz AJ, then again at each other in the way his parents often did.

    * Wow, love is soo much more complicated than Captain Quirt makes it out ta be. * he thought.

    Suddenly, Martini said he could have the candied apple she won.

    Snails bounced on his hooves in excitement "Awesome! Thank ya Miz Pardise! Now ah can give my best bud one too! Snips will be sooo happy! Sweet!"

    He stopped a moment in thought "Umm Miz Paradise, Iffn' you are on th' move a lot right now... Could ya send a postcard to the school as well when ya next write Sunrise Beach so we are sure we have a new address for the picture? I really wanna make sure I dont' mess this idea up. Just write ta the Ponyville school in Ponyville, and thats all ya need.

    Our mail mare, Miz Derpy will get it there. She allus finds the right address even if she crashes a lot."

  6. Why did nobody post the rapping dog from that horrible Titanic movie as the worst?


    .... :/

    Okay, generally due to having eevil adopted sisters, and later a slew of cousins, neices and nephews, I've had to endure some horrendous songs that sometimes made me question my overall love of animation. Thankfully the more atrocious ones have been blanked out of my mind by denial and repeated viewings of cartoon movies that are awesome.

    I had never even heard of this Titanic toon until now, and throwing RAP into the 1912 era on a death ship?! :shock:

    Okay, out of complete morbid curiosity I had to take a peek...


    oookay...I think we have a winner for worst... :sniff:

    Whats next, MAUS as a musical? :-|

    (I like rap btw, but really, complete mismatch)

  7. Caramel Bistro smiled as she heard Willow Wisp say she would be glad to tell her the tale. As she made it to the treat table, she watched the two strangers that caught her eye for a moment as the smaller stallion chatted with Maximillian. Then the bigger one wandered away and looked a bit lost, then nervous like such crowds were new to him.

    He visibly made an effort to relax and made his way over to her, much to her surprise.

    The mare found herself looking up.. and up! as he introduced himself self-consiously.

    Caramel gave a charming smile so as not to scare him off since he was so nervous. "Oh my! They raise them big where you are from! You are almost as tall as that one unicorn, Dusty. Good evening, Mr. Shadow Boxer. I am Madam Bistro, I run that Bed and Breakfast/Coffee shop over there. You two must be new in town?" She nodded to the table "Please, help yourself to the treats. Many of these are from my shop."

  8. I naturally planned on watching it when it was announced since being a horse fur, my only "equine tv fix" options are shows long cancelled (Mr Ed, Wildfire, Bravestarr and MLP Gen1 )

    I was pleasently surprised to find that the show is better written and characterzed than the majority of live action shows! Sweet!

    Apparently the chracters are so well written, I think most viewers want to know them IRL. (since about half of the fan art I see is the cast as humans... ;) I prefer ponyform ;P )

  9. Such well cared for horses are relatively rare. if a procedure is expensive for humans, its astronomical to do it to horses.

    (A large part if this is because horses are not a part of Joe average's life since the 1930s, so not as much demand for developing widespread longevity care)

    However, the racing industry has been making great strides in keeping million dollar horses alive and as close to racing fit as possible to make money attracting money for (and actively producing) million dollar foals.

    I cant recall hearing of horses getting new hips so far, but that case in the last few years of a horse getting a prosthetic leg is a step in the right direction on the horse longevity front. (no pun intended)

  10. Yeah, as others have pointed out, He simply thought he did not need to do anything to Spike.

    I think Discord's ego and plans simply did not consider Spike a threat to his grand scheme of removing the only thing that could stop his rampage; the Mane 6 and their control of the Elements of Harmony.

    I mean he went out of his way to mind-raep Fluttershy when she was the only friend of Twilight who actually resisted his trickery. The STARE had to be a Major Threat to him even if the other elements had been corrupted, but a baby dragon? pffft!

    Fortunately Celestia turned the non-threat into her hole card, sending all the friendship letters back through him to remind and rescue Twilight and the rest.

    In yo face Discord! :D

  11. When you see a shampoo company called Mane and Tail and feel that it would be perfect. (Yes, there is a company that deals with human and equine products called Mane and Tail. No, I haven't tried it.)

    *waves a hoof* Been using it for years. I'm an Equine Fur speaking from experience. :) It works great for me as a shampoo and body wash since it's concentrated and unscented. :D I can get a bottle to last for months. :)

  12. Finally found this thread which I missed during my illness.

    I have to wonder what this does for how we think the ponies age, given that GS was there before Ponyville at Apple Bloom's age. Hmmm, the IRL limiter for how long horses live are their teeth with the record being 52 years iirc.Since the ponies have access to dentures, geriatric care and advanced surgeries (new hips anyone?) this does beg the question fo how old she really is.

    At least the map she had drawn up is a good match for the board's map if you put it on it's side so no earthmoving for the mods to do :D

  13. Hoss' eyes were still derping when the unicorn doctor arrived.

    Shanna fretted and trotted in pace, worried for her brother "Oh hurry Doctor!

    She peered over his shoulder as he examined Hoss, then turned to Thorn "We need an ice bag please, hurry!"

    Thorn nodded and went to work with the magic ice box by the ice cream machine and hurried over with a new ice bag of rubberized canvas filled with fresh ice. "We always keep such things handy for the health needs of our guests, compliments of the house."

    Hoss closed one eye and peered at the unicorn "Yes please, that would be great. I have a camera to run tonight."

    Shanna stood nearby, and rolled her eyes just out of Apple Strudel's view when the elderly stallion wondered what scared Hoss out of bed...

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