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Posts posted by Boss_Hoss1

  1. Hoss groaned dizzily as Shanna and Louise helped him to the nearest seat.

    His eyes were derping in a dizzy manner as he rubbed a bump on his head. "Y-yeah, a doctor would be a good idea... Dont' wanna' miss t'night..."

    Shanna waved Thorn over "Please get my brother some water."

    When the donkey ran for a glass, she nodded agreement with Louise "I think he has a hydra sized headache all right. I dont think music would be a good idea.. um, should I call you Uncle Apple too?"

  2. Shanna blushed and giggled "Oh my mother did this one of the Zebrid Comet. I brought her sketchbook for reference. I can do just as well now but thank you for the compliments of her work. Tonights Comet appears once a century and will be bright and shiny, and trail gem-like sparkles..."

    Shanna blinked as the elderly stallion came into the room. "Oh! Wow! I did not know the apple family had so many branches! Pleased to meet you sir."

    The pegasus mare eeped and covered her ears with her wings when Apple Strudel yodled off-key.

    Just after Granny Smith came down, there was frantic whinnying and Hoss tumbled down the stairs tangled in a blanket "Ahhh Tornado! Buffalo attack! Hydras!"

    Shanna trotted over to help him untangle and wake up. "Ugh! I heard a horrible sound like that last tornado we unspun. I must have had a daymare."

    Shanna blushed and ahehed "Ummm well... By the way brother, Granny Smith's brother arrived, the yodeler..." she elbowed him with her wing.

  3. ( OOC; who's next?)

    Shanna neighed and reared dramatically on a snowy rampart "All right! Time to give Gilda and my brother a thourough covering of snow!"

    She turned to Lady Lanceguard "What's the plan, besides throwing or dropping snowballs?"

    Meanwhile, Hoss whinnied and waved the team flag, wearing a pirate hat.

    He looked back over at Gilda and planted it back where it was with a grin. "Ready to pelt my sister with snowballs, ma'am. Whats the plan?"

  4. Snails blushes and grins "Awww geee..." at the praise from the mare, scuffing a forehoof.

    "Um yes Miz Paradise, I'm Snails! An I really try hard ta make my mom proud a' me."

    He blushed at the memory of a certain incident with an Ursa Minor. He at least hopes to make his mother forget the incident with other things done right...

    He suddenly thinks to himself "Oooh the photo idea! That should blow the Ursa incident out of the water for her. Awesome idea Snails! Yay me!"

    Snails listened as Martini told Applejack her situation and nodded. "Apple Bloom is one a' Sunrise's friends, Miz AJ."

  5. I've been down for several weeks with some lung crud and sore throat. :green:

    The Dr. didnt' tell me what it was but I think it was strep throat or worse.

    In any case the medicines have had me asleep or dizzy when the illness did not knock me out.

    If I'm behind on any posts, feel free to poke me by private message.

  6. Madam Caramel Bistro sighed as she saw how confused the unicorn mare was, then Willow Wisp suddenly got apologetic and was about to rush off.

    Bistro put a hoof to her forehead and sighed "No.. no it's fine. You two had an adventure of some kind like Miss LaMare writes about. It's not fair of me to keep two friends from catching up, even on my first date in..in.. oh dear.."

    The mocha mare shakes her head "I cant, and should not, have expected this silver tongued devil not to have met anymare before me, Miss Wisp. I must also admit I am curious to know what kind of spooky events happened out here, since I live here now."

    She looks over at a nearby table. "If you two dont mind telling me about the wierd event now or later, I'll grab some punch for everyone while you catch up, okay?"

    As she headed to the table with the treats, she saw a very odd pair of stallions speaking to Mr. Rockefilly. "Those two seem to be a very strange set. I hope they arent as rough as they look. They look like they came out of one of LaMare's books..."

  7. The twins giggled as the absentminded pony misheard Shanna, then corrected himself a moment later seeingly without realizing it.

    Hoss and Shanna looked at each other in concern when he spoke of delivering the wagon. Hoss ulped "Um didnt' Zecora say she lived in the Everfree forest?"

    Shanna nodded "Y-yes, she did. You might want to see who visits her and ask their help as a guide. The damage to the telescope happened in the Everfree and you can get in trouble awfully fast if you take a wrong turn."

    As they waited for a reply, the room grew warm from the furnace. Even with the warning of Klondike's ear twitching, it still took Hoss by surprise when Klondike turned nose to nose with him.

    The twins nodded eagerly as the earth pony masked up, ready to handle the brass tube. "Oh yes! we would be delighted to see that."

  8. Shanna's eyes lit up at a sudden thought.

    She fished around in her saddlebag for a moment and brought out an old notebook.

    "It's too bad we didnt have a camera setup back then, but this is what my mother sketched on the trip to the zebra lands when we all went to see several celestial events, including a little surprise event. She called it the zebrid comet..."

    She opens the book to several pages of sketches in pastels and pencils of a white comet with purple streaks running the length of the tail like stripes...

  9. Candy Catch-em giggled "Oh my! I didnt think anypony could hit a lighthouse! They are kinda obvious arent they?"

    She reared and wiggled her wings "I'm ready when anypony is. it shoud still be pretty lively out there with all the racers winding down from the RotL."

    Candy opened the door and trotted outside, then turned to give everypony space to follow.

    She looked around "I think the first sight to see, that joke shop, is right down that-a-way."

    Candy grinned as she looked back o see who was following.

  10. Snails suddenly fell back on his rump in surprise as Applejack glomped the couple and started speaking of offering the barn for weddings an lotsa foals.

    His head bounced back and forth like watching a tennis match as the adults blushed deeply and tried not to say what they wanted to say just yet, but was sooo obvious to any foal.

    Snails thought * so mares kin have as hard a time admitting they love somepony as a stallion can? Wierd, but ah hope to 'member thet someay... *

    The mare suddenly turned to him to break the tension of the moment, leaving him speechless for a second.

    "Um, y-yeah Miz Paradise. Most've th' class is friends with her. 'cept thet snooty Diamond Tiara an' Silver Spoon and their friends. Oooh! Ah got an Awesome idea! We kin all sign a picture of Sunrise Beach ta send back ta ya! Sweet idea, eh?"

  11. (might as well see if I can get things moving...)

    Hoss neighs as he lands near Gilda "Here I am ready to fight, and I brought a lot of snowballs in this delivery. where do you want me?"

    He should certainly remind her of the pegasus mare that she encountered in the "Running of the Leaves" race, if she hadnt' noticed the two of them arrive, that is.

    Meanwhile, Shanna neighs as she trots closer to the blue leader to be sure she had been seen when she volenteered earlier "If you want me in this fight, Anywhere opposite the griffon is fine with me."

  12. Candy ohhed as the professor explained about the incident, then nodded as well at the suggestion of a walk.

    She also looked to Colton and the other ponies

    "How about a walk to the town hall and back? there are some very unique buildings I am told to see while I am here.

    Some places like the joke shop, Carousel Boutique, and Sugarcube corner are uniqiquly shaped to their names to say the least. I also hear the library is a tree as old as Canterlot if not older."

    She smiled and looked out the window "Who knows, perhaps if Princess Luna sees ponies enjoying her night, she'll be pleased."

  13. Candy Catch-em giggled despite herself at the mention of the picking machine throwing things before it's end. "Too bad Professor. I am sure you'll get it working right sometime. By the way, are steam engines prone to exploding? That sounds dangerous if they do."

    (ooc; and to be clear, I do know IRL they can explode if you arent careful. ;) )

    She looked back tro Rappatat "Oh! I see. That would be tiring for you if you tried to tell us all."

    Unsure if the last question was directed at the handsome male that joined them, she erred on the side of caution and replied. "I have none in particular if you meant me, if anypony wants to hear stories or explore town a little before bed."

    She looked around at the group of ponies in the room curiously.

  14. Twin pegasi arrive overhead, each bearing a net load full of snowballs.

    The bay stallion, Hoss, nickered as they hovered "All right! One rush order of snowballs from the Weather Factory. Where do you want them?"

    His sister, Shanna, snorted as she saw Gilda, and pointed. "I think maybe we should join in brother dear. Remember her?"

    he nodded "I do... But, I'll join her side just so I can throw snowballs at you. I dont get to do that since we were foals."

    Snanna smirked "And same goes to you, Hoss. I guess I'm on... blue team? Prepare to be splatted, Hoss!"

  15. Snails tried to tune out the "adult world" happenings around him.

    He was aware this might eventually be a downside of being an awesomely studly stallion as every colt wants to be someday, like Captain Quirt with an alien mare in every port in the weeky Saturday Morning Adventure plays in the park, but he wasnt' quite old enough to feel comfy hearing it.

    Suddenly he heard Miz Martini say she was the mother of Sunrise Beach andthe filly had friends that her mother could not give her, being on the move all the time.

    The foal looked up at her in awe, not knowing he might be interrupting a romantic moment. "No Way! You are Sunrise's Mom? Thats Awesome! She's th' most athletic unicorn in my class.." Snails suddenly blushed "Um didja want me ta say "Hi" ta her for ya?"

  16. Snails' attention had wandered again after PeaBea told them to stop worrying over her.

    He was currently watching Spitfire with the same devotion he had shown TGAP Trixie, Miz Twilight Sparkle, and Miz Misty Magic. He was doodling a picture of the awesome Wonderbolt mare with a pencil. "Sweeet! We got Spitfire here at our school! Awesome!"

    He imagined having those sweet wings Misty Magic had accidently gave him once and flying alongside Spitfire, and doing barrel rolls and...

    Suddenly, his ear twitched at a panicked whisper... Peabee? Not wanting to be in the Wonderbolts? Is that what's got her tail in a twist?

    He turned his head in surprise, whispering "Peabee? Ya sure you're okay? Ah dont think th' Wonderbolts are recrutin' t'day. Otherwise, id' hunt up that Awesome unicorn, Misty Magic, and have her put wings on me agin'..."

  17. (My apologies for the delays, i've been sick a lot the past couple weeks and accidentally let this and other threads slip on by)

    Candy listened raptly as the professor told of his thrilling escape from his own experiment and the unfortunate aftermath with being forbidden to deal with magic. "Oh wow! Sorry to hear that Professor Krashkop."

    She turned to Colton as he asked her how she got interested in animals.

    Candy smiled and leaned back in her seat "Well, my parents are Critter Catchers too, mostly retired though, so they run the place and care for the recuperating animals in my absence.

    Anyway, when i was a filly, I had to do a show and tell, and went looking for a critter to ask to come to class. I found a muskrat, but he was ...less than friendly... Well now I know I have a special talent but I did not at that time. I thought I had just sweet talked him into coming to class with me. It seems I can do somthing the locals call... the STARE. They call it that because there's a sweet pegasus mare here in Ponyville that takes care of animals too.

    They say she actually out-stared a basilisk and scolded him into restoring everypony it attacked, all with the kind of talent I have.

    ...Of course I would not want to test my powers that far..."

    Candy looked over as Rappatat started to nod off "Oh! Rappatat. You look a bit droopy, did you need to go crash out?"

  18. Shanna looked around, enjoying herself as she waited for the meal to arrive.

    "This is a really nice place, it's a lot like the other places she owns but it's nice to see how it merges with the local style. Does everypony do that when they move in, trying to match the town?"

    She looked at the Sherrif and Louise LaMare. "Has my brother already invited you to watch the comet? I am sure it's going to be the best sky show this region has had in ages."

  19. (I apologize for the delay in this and other threads. My sinuses have been really badly stomped by the weather for the last week or so)

    Thorn laughed as Braeburn played along with his joke and went back to preparing more party treats.

    Madam Caramel Bistro strutted proudly out into the Hoedown area with the handsome stallion, and turned to him as he asked his question. He seemed distracted for a moment like he had seen a ghost, then her own was taken by a mare chasing a stallion like a comedy skit.

    She smiled at Braeburn "Well, untill the dance begins, perhaps we can get some refreshments and talk a while?"

    As she waited for a response, suddenly there was a "BOO!", making her jump. She turned and saw a very unique looking unicorn mare sidle up to Braeburn, her eyes seemingly aglow even in the party lights.

    She looked wide-eyed at Braeburn, and at the strange unicorn, and back again "OH! Um, Sorry, i got startled..." She was fighting to keep her voice from taking a frosty tone and hopefully succeeding. "Oh, Braeburn, Who is your.. friend?"

    She thought to herself *..After all This handsome devil can hardly be a stranger to the ladies, right? ..And if I repeat that enough I might convince myself of that fact...*

  20. Snails bounced excitedly "OhboyOhboyOhboy! Ah won a candied Apple!"

    He looked exctedly at Applejack, then the pink unicorn mare who had been bobbing as well patted his mane and told him what a good job he did at getting an apple.

    Snails scuffed a hoof sheepishly and blushed "Awww.. Thanks, Ma'am."

    He sighed good naturedy as Applejack told him to wait for the nice unicorn to pick hers first, but he stil nearly bounced in excitement.. "Sure, Miz Applejack."

    The young colt listened as the stallion caled her Martini, and thought * Okay, she's Miz Martini, Awesome ta know...*

    Snails suddenly looked nearby as another yong colt spoke to the nice stallion, who replied he was "Brazil Nut" and thought * Coool name! *

    He watched the suddenly confused byplay between the three pones as things took aturn into the adult pony world.

    Snails shook his head wondering why adult things always had to be sooo complicated...

  21. Shanna covered her mouth with a black wingtip to keep from giggling as Granny Smith thought the Glitter Comet was a town event.

    She watched and nodded as the Sherrif kept Louise LaMare from correcting the older mare.

    Shanna smiled as she saw Granny carried up the stairs after a slow start "Well, now that I'm up, I am hungry. Would anypony care to join me for lunch since Hoss is catching up on his sleep?"

    Madam Bistro nodded to Thorn,who ran a menu over to the bay pegsus mare as she sat down. "Oh my that's service! I'll have the cony soydog special, with extra hayfries, please!"

  22. Candy Catch-em looked at the Professor in surprise, setting down her sandwich.

    "OH Wow! You made the canyon? Please dont feel bad fer that. There's many cliff nesting birds, bats and those freaky eels that now have homes because of you, not to mentio the bear or two living in the cave cracks. I'm sure the falcons and eagles most especially would thank you personally. There's even deep ponds and streams here and there full of fish they feed on."

    She smiled at the professor "I'm sure if you look at every accident you have had, there has to be some good that had come of it, right? I'll tell all the critters in the canyon who made their home for them. I just hope you did not get in trouble with Princess Celestia for that little addition to her maps.."

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