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Posts posted by Boss_Hoss1

  1. (I may be a bit out of turn, but it seems so is everyone else atm ;) )

    Leadfarmer looks around at the others, and listens to the other proposals, then steps forward with an ahem. "My lord, It sounds like the trend of the proposals are a distraction, and a small strike team infiltrating to do the deed."

    He straightens his stance "While the distraction will doubless spend many Guardspony lives for the Honor of the Empress, it will be for naught if the King does not die. If I am not required to be part of the distraction and honor my lost unit, I feel my talents would be useful in the striike team. Get me a straight line-of-sight and even if I cannot hit the false noble, I can kill much of his protection keeping the rest of the team from taking his head."

  2. Candy read the note and giggled, nodding to rappatat. "That date has to be quite a story in itself but I imagne it would be exhausting for you to tell right away. At least you two are friends."

    The pegasus mare turned and looked at the Professor in surprise, a shiver running though her wings at his description of losing his wings from Poison Joke.

    She then stifled a giggle as the unicorns glared at the professor. Candy spoke, hoping to ease the goof-up.

    "Oh I dont know Professor, there's worse effects than becoming a unicorn. I would have welcomed a horn for the month I was grounded with that injured wing. Dealing with injured crtters can be problematic when all you can do is run, snare it's legs, or stare it down."

  3. Candy blushed at the shocked look the Princess sent her. She waved a hoof helplessly "I'm sorry You Majesty, but when you pushed your hood back from your head, theres no way he could not know. I have seen ponies dress as you earlier tonight and they do not compare at all."

    She sighed "I was afraid he would freak out. I am sorry if I overstepped my bounds."

    Candy looked over at Valoren "Um, well, I have not had to fight a dragon yet, but I've had to talk younger dragons into settling someplace else. One was dug into a cliffside prone to flash floods so it was just not safe at all..."

  4. Shanna smiled "So am I! I'm glad you had such a great time in our cart, Granny Smith. There's going to be a great show in the sky tonight, a comet! If you are still awake after dark, be sure not to miss it. It should be at it's brightest around 11pm."

    She looked at Sherrif Silverstar and Louise LaMare "Umm did Hoss already mention all that to you?"

    Meanwhile, Hoss washed up from the rooms sink and dried off before climbing into his bed. "I really shouldnt have to take a nap, after all I'm an adult now and I can surely pull an all-nighter withou..... ZZZzzzzZZzzzz...."

  5. Candy Catch-em giggled and bowed to Colton with a wink "Well Im trying to be more well known, but I've let all the towns know to call me if there is a critter problem so that's a big help. At least Ponyville has the services of a really great critter tamer. I believe I heard Fluttershy gave up a career as a fasion model for her critters. Now that is dedication!"

    She ohhed as Rappatat suddenly looked scared, and asked if she had been affected by any Poison Joke, then wrote out a full note and gingerly hoofed it to her.

    She looked at Rappatat "Thankfully no, I avoided touching it. The stuff is growing in the Everfree forest, but a bunch seems to have gotten loose in Whitetail Wood. Hopefully it's not pranksters cultivating them. I'm glad you found somepony with a cure and that you are all right now. I hope the poor colt wasnt in too much trouble."

  6. Shanna trotted out into the street "Hi Granny Smith! Hoss, go right upstairs and take a nap. I dont want you falling asleep at the camera."

    Hoss yawned and nodded "Right, right. I'm on my way, sis."

    She turned to Louise "Didnt I see you earlier? I'm sorry, I was pretty out of it earlier. I got overheated there."

    Meanwhile, Madam Bistro saw Hoss trotting in, "I would say you are looking a tad tired there, Mr. Skybright. Feel free to wash up before you take a rest."

    He nodded and started up the stairs "Thanks Madam Bistro."

  7. Candy neighs proudly "I'm from the other side of Canterlot, the Upper Solstice Heights. I came to watch the race and then helped catch a spider that had been Poison Joked into a giant that menaced the racers. The Professor here made a cure for the stuff and we returned the spider to normal. I dropped it off in the bushes outside so it cant' find any more Poson Joke."

    She gave a small bow "As you can guess, my talent is catching things that are in danger or are dangerous, so I travel a lot helping out when I get messages from the various towns."

    She went Fluttershy bright eyed "Ohhh that's an awesome pet sparrow you have there!"

  8. Shanna giggled at the joking tone of his question on which one of them she was.

    She trotted on after him followed by Hoss, after grabbing some cookies and coffee in passing.

    The pair looked on as the blue stallion resumed his work. Hoss spoke "We just got done with our Weather Patrol duties for the day, extra fast, so we could check up on the telescope."

    Shanna nodded "Yes, we thought it would not hurt to be early. We were impressed with how fast and clever you work." She peered at the felloe, suddenly curious. "Umm, is that a wagon part you are carving?"

  9. (ooc: oops I seem to have been skipped while waiting on Braeburn. Let me catch up a sec... Been a busy week for me IRL too. Willow Wisp and Bistro expecting Braeburn? Let the comedy ensue! :)

    Madam Caramel Bistro tries to maintain her poise, but cant help smiling broadly and blushing as Braeburn greets her with a compliment, his hat doffed to her.

    her tail swished happily as he placed his hat back on his head and spoke to her; "As ah promised, Ah'm here ter escort y'all ter the night's hoedown, even if'n 'tis just right round th' corner from yer place. Just one advantage of livin' in such a cozy, close-knit town as APPPPLEOOOSA!"

    Bistro clopped her forehooves happily as he reared for her. "Thank you for the flattery, Mr. Braeburn, and I am proud to have such a handsome cowpony for my date this evening."

    The elegant mare's eyes widened "Oh my!" She trotted in place in excited joy. "While I have rarely dated, it's even rarer for a date to have brought a boquet! And such beautiful desert blooms! Thank you, you handsome devil you."

    Thorn chuckled and teasingly spoke in a stern, fatherly voice while he made the next batch of party treats. "Now, young sir, be sure and have our young flly back at a decent hour..."

    Caramel snorted "Silly jack, You're younger than me!" and giggled at the silly antics of Thorn.

    She offered her elbow to Braeburn and smiled "Shall we go, Braeburn?

  10. Candy Catch-em nickers softly and nods to Rappatat. "I'm okay, really. I'll probaby have an achy wing when I'm old, but.. it's my talent to do my best to catch, rescue and relocate critters who are in danger or being dangerous. That squirrel upstairs makes it all worth it."

    She shakes herself from her sudden mood and realizes there is a newcomer in the room, another pegasus.

    "Oh! Sorry, I was in a dark mood for a moment and didnt hear you. Her name is Rappatat, she's mute so she can only write or tap in Horse Code. And I am Candy Catch-em! Howdy!" as she offered her hoof after Rappatat shakes his.

  11. Hoss nodded and worked to match Louise in the turn as the cart banked carefully and slowed down to a hover, slowly coming down vertically in front of Madam Bistro's. "And here we are. I hope you enjoyed your ride, Granny Smith."

    Hoss unhitched himself and came around the cart to help Granny Smith out.

    Shanna rubbed her chin in thought. "We'll see how the weather does if we need to do more observations from here at tht time then, thanks Sherrif Silverstar." The mare looked out to see her twin return with the cart and Louise. "Oh! There's Hoss! I'd better see he gets some rest too. I dont want him falling asleep during the Comet Watch tonight..."

    Madam Bistro giggled "Well if he doesnt go to sleep, I have plenty of my "Midnight Watch" brew I make for the train crews. You two can take some with you tonight."

    Shanna smiles "Awesome! Thanks Madam Bistro!"

  12. Candy ran a hoof through her blond-streaked red mane in thought. "Yes, Sightseeing sounds great. I would love to."

    She then extended her right wing, showing where some of the plumage had come in a lighter color. "I had been called out to find a mystery animal attacking livestock out near Roughrider Ridge... I pursued it far into the desert before it ambushed me on the griffon's border. it turned out to be an insane griffon. My usual methods didnt work on him."

    She sighed and looked down at the table. "I.. defended myself. An REA patrol rescued me soon after. it took a month to be able to fly again, even with unicorn healers."

  13. Caramel Bistro moved around the main room fretfully, even jumping when Thorn trotted back in from delivering refreshments.

    He looked at her with a wry smile
    "Would you like a soothing tea, Madam?"

    She waved him off
    "No, I'm fine Thorn, just a little nervous."

    The mocha mare suddenly turned at a knock at the doorway, where she saw..
    "Oh Braeburn! I am so glad to see you!"

    Her eyes went wide as she saw the elegant black stetson andmatching bolo tie. His usual vest was not present, showing him off at his best.
    "Oh my!"

    Thorn chuckled and shook his head
  14. Shanna smiled as she danced with Mojo. "Oh, I think that was Candy Catch-em. I think her job is catching things, so I think that would be right up her alley."

    She danced lightly on her hooves. "Can you imagine going after creatures as a job? Sounds dangerous to me."

    Meanwhile, Hoss smiled at Jubilee as he hovered over the floor. "Well, Since we're in Ponyville, there's this one place run by a talented mare... No, wait, she was in the race today. How about that new place in Canterlot, the restauraunt converted from a historic firehouse? And tomorrow, How does going to see "Captain Equestria" and eating at "The Golden Cloud sound?"

  15. (ooc: no problem)

    Candy nickered her thanks as she took a sandwich from the Professor "Thanks Professor, It takes some getting used to it seems. This would be great food out on the trail, it would probably keep for some time as just the saurkraut, right?"

    She munches her casseole portion as she uses the sandwich to ease the flavor.

    Candy looked at Rappatat "Oh do you have any questions about what to expect on the way ahead? While i fly, I spend a lot of time groundside, and recently had to take a train back from out west after one of my captures went... bad."

    She gave a involentary shiver at remembering that fight.

  16. Candy nodded at Valoren "I'm glad you are good enough to use them as a learning experience, from the way it sounds."

    Before she could explain her job, Candy watched nervously as Luna stepped out into the moonlight. The Princess was about to reveal herself to Valoren, and had herself given Candy a wondering glance at her healed wing.

    She held her breath, hoping the knightly pony would not freak out. Candy did not really want to use her STARE around other ponies even to prevent a panic...

    She looked at Valoren "If you keep quiet for the Princess, perhaps you would like to hear about why I catch manticores?"

  17. Snails had not been slack during the frog stampede. He had ran aound the room as well, helping rond them up for the new foal, Haywire.

    "Dat should be alla them, eh?" It was awesome to do what he likes to do and manage to help out in class for once.

    He trotted back to his seat as he heard the teacher coming with the WONDERBOLTS!

    He managed to sit down before one of the still panicked fillies ran into an adult pegasus that just walked in. "Um, Hello..!"

    A rustling behind him drew his attention. Peabee seemed to be upset, even when she was nibbling on one of Purple Haze's sweet carrot treats. Now that was poweful upset if that doesnt perk her up!

    He whispered "Um, ya okay there?"

  18. Hoss made a mental note to look up Berry Punch's shop next time he was in Ponyville as he danced and wove patterns in the air with Jubilee.

    he smiled and turned his his head to watch Starflower dragging Mojo out on he floor.

    "Thats right, show Mojo he dont have four left hooves. Let that Mojo flow, er Mojo!"

    Shanna turned to watch the ponies dancing and clopped her hooves in applause. "Go Mojo go!"

    She turned to Bull Dozer and smiled "I'll get us some punch, be right back..." and trotted over to Berry Punch "Two GooBerry please."

  19. When Candy Catch-em saw how surprised the knightly pegasus reacted, she hoped she hadnt' sounded like she was boasting.

    "Yes, well, they can be a hoof-full to deal with at times. There is some luck involved at times. A manticore sting is nothing to sneeze at, and.. I've had my wing badly cut by... other creatures.."

    She looked back at her right wing, where some of the plumage was still a little lighter colored.

    Candy ulped when Valoren introduced himself to Luna and hoped he wouldnt' frighten easily if he found out. "Um, yes, I just met her here in the maze. She's very nice. Arent' you, Miss."

  20. The town had been buzzing for days over the news of Maximillian Rockefilly's plans to turn Appleoosa into a trade hub and build a Summer Home there. Now that negotiations were in the final stages locally, the town councel decided a Hoedown to celebrate was in order.

    Banners and streamers were strung around town, with an area marked off with ropes and haybales for the dance as soon as Celestia's sun sets.

    Signs were hung at the railroad station directing anypony who arrives late toward inns if they didnt' want to join in on the fun.

    The stage is brighty lit as the band and the dance caller gets ready for the hoedown.

    Thorn brays happily as he delivers the punch to the buffet table and heads back to the Bed and Breakfast.

    Watching the last minute preperations from her front window, Madam Caramel Bistro nervously checks her dress. she literally cannot remember the last time she had a "date" date and is fretting with her dress, a vanilla flower haircomb in her styled mane...

  21. (OOC: Hopefully "If you post it, they will come" works here...)

    After spending the night in town, the twins have a good breakfast and zip off to their weather patrol duties closer to Cloudsdale

    Before the morning grows late, the pair soon return to Ponyville and land at the repair shop.

    They notice an extra bell or two on the door as they enter. Hoss takes a moment to ring the bells some more with his wing tips just to be sure.

    Snanna trots up and peers over the counter "Good Morning, Are you busy?"

    Hoss refrains from asking if there were any more explosions...

  22. Madam Bistro smiled and nodded as Max gave his reassurances and an open invitation to speak to him at need for help or funding. "I thank you for that, Mr Rockefilly, and I will indeed do so in the coming weeks."

    Bistro smiled as she listened to the Sherrif, but then Max gave a toast that firmly cemented his place as a new neighbor and not a petty wannabe Wild West novel villan.

    She raised her glass with a hoof in agreement, then looked around at the others of the town councel and grinned.

    "Yes, FOR APPLEOOSA! May Celestia shine on us!"

  23. The bay pegasus flew along, looking at the town as avidly as Granny Smith. "This is a surprisingly sophisticated little town for all it tries to be simple. I bet the skies are crystal clear every night too. This is going to be a great night to watch the comet."

    Meanwhile, Shanna blinked in pleasent surprise as the Apple family memebers introduced themselves because she sometimes delivered weather to Granny Smith. "Well, I am glad to meet you all. Hopefully I will visit more often if Cloudsdale can expand the Weather Patrol service out here more reliably."

    She turned to see the Sherrif. "Yes, thank you, I am just terrible at dealing with high heat like that. It just drained me. My brother has the same trouble with sudden deep cold. ..By the way, how bad do winters get around here?"

  24. Candy Catch-em nodded to Rappatat "Ah you just started out. Anyplace special you want to see? I may have already been there if you want to know what inns to go to."

    She sniffed the casserole, then noticed Rappatat was staring at her portion with horror.

    Candy thought to herself *It couldnt' be that bad could it? Not after eating swamp grass in those wierd marshes to the far west...*

    She took a bite of the casserole... then chewed for a long moment.

    Candy took a drink of her cider "Well, much better than swamp grass, and the mushrooms really are tasty."

    One of the other guests, a unicorn giggles "I guess Saurkraut is an aquired taste for some ponies. I love this stuff, especially the mushrooms!"

    Candy smiles and continues to eat since the professor went to all that trouble with facing the deadly spider with her. "Its... good."

    *I can learn to love it, especially since it's not swamp grass...*

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