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Posts posted by Boss_Hoss1

  1. Candy Catch-em ahs and nods. "Come and sit down while Professor Clyde takes your things on upstairs, I'll serve you and m'self while we wait for th' Professor."

    The peasus mare smiled as she spoons out portions of the casserole around the table. and the innkeeper brings out punches and apple cider.

    "Have you been many places on your vacation, Rappatat?"

    The mare looked up at the ceiling toward her room at a thought "I really hope that squirrel sleeps peacefully while we eat..."

  2. Candy mentally translated the taps and spoke "She says her name is Rappatat.."

    The pegasus mare's eyes widened as she saw how big a load the whiite mare was carrying.

    Before she could ask if the mare was all right with the load, she tapped again. "Oh, Never had Sauerkraut? This will be my first time too." She looked to the Professor "She wants to know how the sauerkraut is. It smells sweet and like vinegar at the same time to me, personally. I cant wait to try it."

    Suddenly, Rappatat is pulled completely over by her load and taps for help. "Uh-oh! I'm sure the message is clear anyway..." as she moves in to help unfasten the saddlebags and help her upright

  3. Hoss shook his head in amazement as he follows Miss LaMare's lead
    "That's one of the stranger things I have seen recently. what other surpises does this town have besides Buffalo peace pies?"

    Back at Madam Bistro's, Shanna looked around in surprise
    "Oh wow! She has a big family doesnt she? Hello eveypony! I'm sometimes on the weather team that waters Sweet Apple Acres."

    Madam Bistro smiled
    "She does indeed. I hope I'm that spry and feisty when Im that old."
  4. As Candy was speaking to the princess, she suddenly heard a voice behind her and a sudden bump knocking her over. "I'll find my way through, and when I do..I'll...OOf".

    The mare quickly got up and found the other pony had also fallen over and was scrambling up to his hooves and apologizing.

    She noticed the pegasus was wearing armor and a cloak while she checked to make shre her mane, styled up like a mantacore mane was still properly styled and that her fake mantacore tail was still covering hers. "Oh no problem. Im fine, just a little shaken up. My name is Candy Catch-em and I'm dressed as one of my specialty catches."

    She glanced to see where Luna was and saw her trying to blend into the background. Well no reason to force the issue, so she did not point out the cloaked Princess.

  5. The orange pegasus mare with the red and yellow streaked mane smiled in relief and was about to take her seat when she heard hooftaps in Horse Code. Her ears perked and she turned to see a white mare with a blond mane in the doorway.

    She smiled and nodded to the newcomer "Good evenin'! Would you like to join us for the Professor's Saurkraut Casserole and salad? I'm Candy Catch-em. If that's how you talk I can translate if ya like. I'm on enough scientific and animal relocation missions that Horse Code is a neccesary skill ta have."

    Candy motioned to one of the empty seats across from her in open invitation.

  6. The mocha mare nodded "Very well. Either plan for the workers or some of both will help us keep the peace with the Buffalo. We will need a dedicated weather patrol or dig more wells though. Our water resources are thin enough as you can imagine."

    She glanced around and saw the unicorn filly sneak out the door and drew breath to point this out.

    Miss LaMare following her out the door let her breath easier.

    Her ears perked at a thought! She will definitely need to expand the bed and breakfast into a full hotel to keep up with the other hotels in town. And she will need to double her stock of coffees for the forseeable future, which means more trips to Hoofington and Gallopicus... This was going to be a very busy time for her indeed...

  7. Snails came up only to find the apple he had by the stem suddenly snap off and drop back in the water.
    "Grrr! Come here you!"

    He plunged his head back in after the apple, swirlign his head around in search of that apple again.

    Just when he was out of breath, his horn bumped something small and round that moved aside.

    Quickly, he twisted his head after it and bit into a sweet apple and pulled his head carefully out of the water.

    Snails' eyes crossed loking at the apple, seeing it was the one with the stem snapped off and happily dropped it in his treat bucket where he had set it aside
    "YAY! Ah got it! Ah got it Miz Applejack!"
  8. Madam Bistro nickered in relief that things seemed to be going much better at least for the moment.

    She looked thoughtful, likely being the only pony in the room besides Max aware of how much room and logistics this might entail, having built her buisness following the railroad after getting her degree in business.

    "I think we of the Town Councel will be very busy with you and those enginers of yours in the coming weeks, trying to figure out where to house all the workers and material and trying not to irk the Buffalo in the process. Perhaps expanding south of town? And will the projects be done at the same time or will you be using one to fund the other after completion and trade starts flowing?"

  9. Candy Catch-em dropped her orange body to the ground very slowly and crawled closer, making soothing noises.

    "Shhhh...It's okay, little one. Just relax and trust me. You've been bitten by a spider. It's not here anymore. Nopony is going to hurt you okay?"

    The squirrel looked at her with "Derp"ed eyes and backed away, still confused.

    The ponies behind her suddeny seemed to see things get a bit brighter right in front of her, like sunshine breaking through a cloud and the squirrel meekly stepped closer. (the STARE)

    Candy picked the squirrel up and put him back in her hat, and dumped the walnuts in with the squirrel. She then trotted up to her room gently carrying her hat.

    Soon she came back down without her hat. "He will be just fine. I explained he will go home when he's better and to just rest and eat."

  10. Hoss did a double take and stared at the buffalo. They actually had apple pies on their heads "What the hay?! What's going on down there, Miss LaMare?"

    (OOC: the twins are a bit fuzzy on the specifics of what happened when the buffalo invaded, even if we the players know full well ;)

    Meanwhile Shanna exited the room and came down, surprised at the crowd. She trotted over to the owner "So is it usually this busy?"

    Madam Bistro giggled "Oh Granny Smith of Ponyville came on the train, and apparently all her kin in the area who can has shown up to meet her."

    Shanna gasped "Oh my! Granny Smith? That is a surprise!"

  11. "I am the Silent Storm, and with my powers from within, I shall fly into the night!"

    Madam Bistro went wide eyed and looked up, seeing the unicorn foal in some kind of flashy black costume like a superpony comic. "Oh Dear Celestia, child! How did you... Oh Be careful!"

    She shrieked as the foal jumped, apparently trying to swing across the room but instead caught her costume on the Chandelier.

    Her heart pounded faster than a quadruple brew espresso could achieve as she stayed near in case she had to help catch the silly filly.

    Suddenly Sherrif Silverstar started laughing. That was so outrageous, so Absurd! The filly was in danger, and hanging like a piniata and... well... she was so stressed out having all this happen in front of Mr. Rockefilly, the laughter was breaking up her tension.

    It was like a crack in a dam, all her tension rushing out in sudden laughter. Bistro grabbed a menu, in leu of a Manehattanite dress fan, and held it before her face as she laughed until she cried.

    She sat down as the filly was delivered safely to the ground by the Sherrif and wiped her eyes while their host spoke to the filly.

    Having composed herself, she ahems politely, even if she cannot stop smiling. "We are so sorry for the interruption, Mr. Maximillain. Oh yes, where were we?... Tunnel to Rockwington I believe?"

  12. Candy finally took a deep breath and fluffed her wings as she got control of herself, forcing herself to relax.

    She looked at Luna with a sheepish smile "Y-yes.. Ah, yes your Majesty. I'm sorry, I was just caught by surprise, is all. I really had not expected ta run into any of the court out here. Y'see, I'm from the Northern Solstice Heights on the outer edge and run an animal hospital there. I try to keep on my best behavior for the Nobles so I'm the first pony they think of when they need my help. So, I'm sorry if I was unmannerly there for a moment, Ma'am."

    Candy looked around to be sure they were alone. She had heard about what happened in Ponyville last year, after all.

    "Um, it's a bit lonely out here... Would you be "Testing the waters", so to speak, your majesty?

  13. Candy touched hooves and shook it, noticing the taller mare had an elegant costume horseshoe on.

    She continued the hoofshake. "Likewise, Miss..."

    Suddenly, Candy noticed the 'unicorn's mane was rippling in a wind that wasnt' there, making her pause a little longer as she noticed the mane was transparent and shot through with stars. A glance further back showed magnificent wings a little larger than her own. They were definitely not costume wings either.

    Her mind silently screamed * ALICORN! * at herself, and there was only one Alicorn it could be.

    Her eyes widened in surprise and her hoof pumped two more times automatically as she gasped out "...L-luna.."

    She was not one to stand on ceremony, even in her dealings with members of the court, but if she hadnt' momentarily frozen in shock, she would have bowed right then and there.

  14. Candy Catch-em stopped still after seeing what the Professor had done.

    "Good job, sir! Dont! Anypony! Move!"

    The orange pegasus watched intently as the disoriented squirel quivered as it hung on a wooden rafter, then suddenly sniffed the air. Candy whispered to it "Come on, you can do it... Come and eat the nuts, little squirrel..."

    The squirrel skidded down the nearest wall post to the floor and wobbled it's way toard the nuts, favoring it's bitten leg.

    It chirrrked and climbed into the bowl after the nuts and sat there panting.

  15. Snails whinnied and bounced excitedly on his hooves "Yay! I scared somepony! Th' Parasprite costume works!"

    He proudly strutted up to the tub "Yes'm Miz Applejack, I'll try, eh!"

    Before he could dunk, he gulped as Applejack mentioned an Apple Ghost. "Well I'm dunkin so I'm safe, eh."

    Snails peers at the floating apples, then dunks his head in.

    Bubbles come to the suface for a moment, then he pulls his head back out, hopefully having gotten one or two...

    (OOC do we say we got one or is that for Riverhipo to say?)

  16. (OOC: oops, missed the update when things started up for Nightmare Night) :blush:

    Hoss and shanna smiled happily at their host "We're having a great time, thank you." and Shanna added "Is there punch?"

    The ponies watched the grey pegsus tank down the treats and soda, stunned. "Wow!"

    They looked at each other, then at their host.Shanna smilled "I think we'll leave our drinks here, Miss Techno and see if we can keep up with that silly filly there."

    The twins went out into the space cleared for dancing and started shaking their tails and dancing on their back hooves.

  17. Hoss flapped his wings, this time following the lead of the famous mare as she took the cart higher and in a wide sweep around the town, then came in closer to the clock tower.

    Hoss neighed "Great handling! Great Job Miss LaMare"

    He looked behind him to their passenger as she enjoyed herself "I wish all my passengers were this happy to fly."

    after a quick check forward, he looked back again "How are you doing, Granny Smith?" then kept an eye forward, moving as needed.

  18. Madam Bistro looked around the room. Being an earth pony, she of course did not think to look up.

    She gazed around, one eye twitching like Rarity "Come on out, Arrow Plain. Really, honey. This is very important to the town, and we do not want to upset the nice unicorn any further..." She ended, with a worried gaze at the embedded pencil in the table.

    She looked at Maximillain. "I assure you Mr. Rockefilly, every community has a unique foal that does all kind of silly things, and I am afraid she is as big in her efforts as the landcape she plays in. I've seen my share in Manehattan when I was a foal myself. The other foals I have met here tend to be better behaved."

  19. The orange prgasus pulls her rubber manticore muzzle down to her neck so it wont slip off. "Happy Nightmare night, ma'am. Now lets see.. Ah! there!"

    She bites at the bases of several stalks, eating them off and letting the stalks come loose. She then tugs them aside to let the unicorn free "And there you are, free! I would have to guess you are from Canterlot to get stuck like that." She stuck out a paw-clad hoof "I am Candy Catch-em, Critter Wrangler and animal control."

  20. Snails followed along behind Aloe, continuing the teamwork of keeping Snips upright as he was guided along.

    "I'll be glad ta get rid a this hair, eh."

    It felt strange being in a girly frou-frou spa, even at night, but anything was worth being cured.

    Snails giggled as Aloe said she was going to scare her sister looking like that. He went wide eyed under the hair as he saw how small a bottle was the last of the cure for the moment. "I hope there's enough fer ya tomorrow..."

    He sneezed at the spray and suddenly felt his hair tingle as it went back to normal. "Ohhh thank ya Miz Aloe. Sorry I gotta run, but Mom mus' be worried! See ya tomorrow Snips!"

    As he left the spa, he giggled as he looked into his candy bucket "Candy, candy, candy... Bwa-ha-haaa!"

  21. Snails had been about ready to rush out when the dark figure stepped out ito the path, only to freeze when he finally saw who it was through his super-sized mane!

    He bowed quickly, almost falling over from the weight of his mane. "PRINCESS LUNA!"

    Snails giggled when she started using the royal voice, then stepped it down to a normal speaking voice. His eyes went wide when she presented all of them with two pieces of candy each, in the shape of the moon. "Thank ya very much Princess Luna!"

    Snails was still very bouncy and happy over seeing Luna a short while later when Aloe called a halt, yawning sleepily like the foal she currently was.

    The hairy foal stepped out and reclaimed his bucket, smiling eagerly at the extra candy Aloe left him. "Thanks, Miz Aloe, I'll split the extra with Snips here, eh? I think we'd better follow along right with ya fer the cure. Mom would freak iff'n she saw me like this, and Snips' folks woudnt be happy either. Hows that sound fer a plan, Snips?

  22. Snails was relieved that Diamond Tiara was too stunned by Miss Aloe's predicament to razz the colts for now.

    When the Spa Foal told him to come over to her he did so quickly. he stayed as still as he could for her but it felt like the mane was fighting what she was doing with a hair pin "What d'ye wanna bet this hair is cut proof too, eh?"

    His horn sputtered light and his tongue stuck out the side ofhis mouth as he thought hard about the plan Aloe whispered. To his surprise, he whispered back "If this hair is magical enough ta fight controlling it or bein' cut, maybe I could trip or tangle his feet ta give everpony a chance?"

    Now that he said it, he was starting to feel excited about the plan since an adult (sorta) was in charge.

  23. Snails trotted along hopefully keeping up. It was all he could do to keep between the lights bordering the trail. At least he could not see anything scary in the forest this way.

    He hoped he wasnt getting away from Snips "Um Snips, feel free to prop up on me and guide me along... You are there, right?"

    Snails finally caught sight again of Aloe again and some pony he could dimly see.

    "Miz Aloe, Miz. Aloe, I'm glad I caught up ta ya there, eh."

    He dd a double take at who was with the temporary foal. "Oh no! ..Um... h-hello Diamond Tiara..."

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