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Posts posted by Boss_Hoss1

  1. Snips squeaked in horror as Discord appeared yet again! Suddenly Poison Joke appeared under him, coming up to his neck "Oh nooo00OO!"

    His voice came back to normal as his body grew back to his lanky foal frame. "What? Did two doses make a cure?"

    He looked around to see Snips lose hi extra hair but something didnt look right about two of his legs, and Aloe had shrunk into a Pip sized filly.

    "Oh... No.." Realization of what was coming seemed to cue the explosive growth of his mane and tail, dragging to the ground and tearing the back off his costume.

    Snails grumbled as he followed Snips back to the monument and took back his offering. "All right, now I'm mad..."

    He listened to Aloe as she was determined to go back out into the forest. She was an adult ad she would be qute free to do it without them but... but, well now she looked even younger than Snips and Snails.

    Snails was scared of going back there, but there was no way he would let a tiny foal go alone, even if she was one temporarily...

    He looked gloomily at Snips "Looks like we're gong back after all, with Miz Aloe the foal."

    he blew at the hair over his eyes "If I can find it, that is..."

  2. (oops; missd that this had updated)

    Hoss nickered happily as he lept into the air in an elegnt hover, facing Jubilee.

    He then wove side to side, his legs moving like he was weightless above the dance floor, his wings fluttering quickly as he danced with Jubilee.

    "This is the best Nightmare Night ever!"

    Shanna spent her time gazing at Bull Dozer as they sat together, and would heartily agree...

  3. Snips listened wide eyed "I gotta learn ta do costumes like that with my magic someday. that would be totally awesome!"

    He turned as Snips suddenly reminded him about one of the reasons they were here. "Um, just a second there..."

    Snails trotted over on his tiny foal legs and emptied his treat carrying plastic pumpkin at the base of the monument, keeping back the 3 candies given by the princesses that night.

    "Yeah, Please keep Discord away from us, eh. Twice is too much!"

    he looked up to Aloe as she came over "You have some cure at home?! Oh yeah! that would be swell Miz. Aloe!! Hear that Snips?"

  4. Snails groaned at being so young and tiny again "Maybe if I paint myself up like Pip, nopony will notice.."

    He turned around as Snips flopped over "Oh no Snips We cant give up like this..."

    Snails suddenly had aloe give him some smushed candy. he even picked up the chunks of chocolate that fell on the ground "3-second rule! Thanks Kindly Miz Aloe!"

    He bounced on his tiny foal hooves When Snips suggested heading back to the monument to bribe, er "donate" the candy to get Discord off their backs. "Yeah that's it! Awesome idea Snips! Come on Miz Aloe! We gotta get back ta the Nightmare Moon Monument!"

    He trotted along, helping keep the adult mare going in a straight line...

  5. Snips went wide eyed as he scampered over to look at the ghostly unicorn pony since Aloe seemed to accept her as a real pony and not a ghost wreathed i white flame.

    "Awesome! Even scarier than a Parasprite! How didja get a costume like that, eh?"

    The Pip sized unicorn shivered at a thought "Um, t-that is a costume...right?"

    He looked around for Snips for reassurance that this was a magical costume...

  6. (Oh yeah, just noticed the part of the first post asking whats everyone's fave. oops)

    Hmm hay on pizza? I would think that would be a lower layer, between the sauce and the cheese to protect it from the heat, while clover or alfalfa could be diced finely and sprinkled on to sink into the melting cheese. perhaps daisys and other flowers could be brushed with olive oil and tossed on as a topping in place of pepperoni (flower pepperpony?)

    In IRL, my absolute fave chain pizza is from the midwest while growing up. Pizza King Pizza is thin crust and may not look like much but its taste goes fantastic with beer and the bite sized squares are like eating potato chips. you cant have just one. ;-)

    In more recent times, With most fave places now out of reach in other towns, I find Domino's Phlly Cheesesteak to be good, or for a quick meal before work, I grab a Tony's frozen Mexican Pizza. (I was dissapointed Tony's discontinued their vegge pizza. that was great.. :/ )

  7. All ready and dressed for the fun later that night with the major events with the mazes, and already doing his trick or treating, Snails stopped and licked his lips.

    "Mmmm boy! Bobbing fer apples sounds awesome and yummy!"

    He trotted on up to the tub in his parasprite costume, in his orange and teal colors and lookied up at the pale green adult unicorn "Hay Mister, what are you dressed up as? After what happened last year, everpony here is scared 'a parasprites, eh! Rarrr!"

  8. Snails trotted into the clearing, hoping Zecora was back. He had also helped Aloe as best he could, as his Mom had taught him to do for others in trouble.

    "Has anypony seen Zecora? That darn Discord got us again!"

    He looked around to be sure his best bud Snips had made it too, and saw the Pegasus from earlier had left.

    Snails hoped she had been cured too when Princess Celestia had showed up earlier and cured them.

    Then again, being the kind of crazy night it has been, he had better ask... "Hay, has anypony seen what happened ta' that pegasus in the bee costume that was under that tree?"

  9. Snails neighed in terror and galloped down the path with Snips, until two yellow eyes in the dark forest quarter in on them ahead. He backpedals and runs back to the group, grabbing snips by the costume tail on the way and pulling him back to the group. the yellow eyes follow them along the path and finally comes onto the path, revealing it was Discord. -just before the lights go out!

    "Oh No! Not again, eh?"

    Snails squeals and finds himslf upended in flowers that had an eerily familiar smell...

    He scream out "Oh Nooooo!" his voice suddenly getting squeaky.

    "Im a tiny foal again! Snips?! You okay?"

    He looked around and saw Aloe having trouble standing "Miz Aloe? Need some help there?" He trotted over and saw how big she was to him now. "This could be a problem, eh."

  10. Snails Neighed, even more surprised so many adult pones were as afraid as him and his friends of this trail.

    "Um, I-i dont mind, eh."

    He shivered at a thought "uhhh.. That story about Zombponies was just made up by Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash, wasnt it? The blank Zombponies in the Haunted House are just costumes arent they?"

    Snails jumped straight up n the air as one of the hidden pranksters in charge of the trail growled into a lantern chimney, making a very ursine roar... (OOC: very old and real movie sound trick)

  11. The orange pegasus, Candy Catch-Em, was dressed as a manticore and currently enjoying the corn maze. It was hard to resisit the urge to simply fly up and out but she was determined not to cheat.

    She perked her ears when she heard somepony calling for help -behind her somewhere.

    Candy turned and trotted back "Hello?"

    She thought she heard the voice somewhere around... here!

    The cornstalks looked oddly bent and there might be something in it moving around.

    "Scuse me, is there somepony in that buch of cornstalks?"

  12. Snails kept looking back to be sure Snips was near.

    He definitely did not want to lose his best bud especially here as he trotted along to keep up with the adult ponies.

    He did a double take as Aloe revealed her trick "Ohh... I see.. I think."

    He kept looking warily off into the woods on either sides just to be sure they werent being followed. "I h-hope all that was a prank, eh!"

    It was a little.. no, very disturbing to him that even the adults were scared of those eyes...

  13. (OOC: Ohhh I did not think about the inhabitants of a certain town... :blush: )

    Snails gulped as he watched the eyes bob along "um, y-you are Miz Lotus r-right?"

    He did not resist being pushed back by 'Lotus' (Aloe) as she got him well away from the shining red lights. He suddenly wailed "I'M NOT A PARASPRITE! I'M NOT A PARASPRITE! WAAAAA!" And scrambled out of his costume, showing he was just a silly orange unicorn foal.

    The shining red eyes apparenly decided not to try and fight the spell protecting the path and receded off into the distance but did not completely disappear.

    A quivering Snails sheepishly put his costume back on after wiping away tears "Da-does a-a-anyony know w-what that was?!"

  14. (OOC: tonights soundrack is Wierd Al Yankovic's "Nature Trail To Hell -in 3-D" as a polka instrumental :D )

    Racing on over from the Nightmare Moon Monument, Snails trotted excitedly onto the well lit path , hopefully not losing his best bud, Snips in the process.

    he looked around and saw another adult pony dressed as a jester, this time in blue markings instead of red. he pulled up short and waved.

    "Hello! You must be Miz Lotus, I saw your sister earlier t'night. You two make awesome jesters, eh? I'm a scary Parasprite!"

    he bounced on his hooves and made a buzzing sound as he bounced round the other ponies on the path.

    Snails suddenly stopped bouncing and backpedaled a few steps as a set of glowing red eyes looked down at him from beyond the path. He had never found out yet what eats Parasprites in the Everfree to keep them under control... And tonight was not a night to find out!

    He nervously faced the eyes fom behind the nearest adult pony "Ummm what was it Pinkie Pie says to say?.. oh yeh... "HA! HA! HA!"

    Snails looks at the eyes to see what effect that had...

  15. BTW has anyone ever been to Cici's? There really aren't any by me and would like to know what you guys thought.

    Cici's is great for the price and you can mix and match at the buffet. They are just good and cheap enough to cause mass pizza feeds at Furry and Sci-fi conventions when a bunch of us will pile into cars and swarm the nearest Cicis. I loved the look on the staff's faces at the last one I was at when a herd of people in tails and ears mobbed the place to eat... :D

    (p.s. I reccomed the cheeseburger pizza... )

  16. Madam Bistro screamed and ducked under the nearest table as the pencil flew around.

    She came out when Maximillian finally caught it and clopped her hooves in applause "Good show!"

    The mocha mare blinked in surprise , seeing max make his point in a solid walnut table, punching the pencil in like it was balsa wood.

    She narrowed her eyes,looking around the room. "I have my suspicions, Mr. Maximillian..."

    Bistro hoped the young filly would come out on her own, before the sherrif and Louise had to.

  17. Snails looked at the expressions of fear on the passle of ponies and giggled "Yay! We did it! We scared them, eh!"

    He then noticed what they were really acting terrified of. His head subconsiously itched when he saw Discord Disco Dancing on the heads of his reflections.

    While he liked spiders as much as bugs, a magically created horde of chaos spiders was a bit much, even for him.

    He would not admit it, but he screamed like a filly as he ran for the exit and through a strange patch of blue flowers.. "Uh Oh! I saw these at th' race!..."

    His voice sounded squeakier, and in a panic, he ran up to the nearest pond to see himself...

    He was a smaler, younger foal again "Oh Nooo I'm a little bitty foal again, I'm as big as Pip!"

    oh well, at least his costume had shrunk to fit.

    Snails thought he heard Haywire an looked around "S'funny! I thought I heard her but I cant see her. She must be behind those trees...."

    He whinnied in shock when he saw the trees were legs!

    Snails ducked and dodged when the huge tears fell around him. She suddenly declared she would go to the Nightmare Moon monument!

    He bounced around on his younger hooves "Yay! Of course! Zecora will be there! She can cure us!"

    Snails looked around to see what happened to Snips, then stepped back in surprise. "Um... er... Snips? I think we'd better get to the Nightmare Moon Monument ta find Zecora!"

  18. The parasprite dressed unicorn foal, giggled as Snips showed off the huge hydra in the mirror. "Awesome! Maybe the heads will dance in the mirrors if you shake that tail!"

    Snails bounced even more eagerly as he listened to the plan and huddled up with Snips to catch the details "Oooh Yeah! I'm game! We make noise and draw ponies to us and "Whomp!" -We jump out and scare the tails off everypony"

    He turned to Snips "Yeah definitely! It's somepony else's turn for a scare."

    Just then, Haywire called out that ponies were coming and quickly hid, hoping Snips did the same.

    Finally Haywire jumped out and shouted scary noises, so Snails followed suit, jumping up and down in his Parasprite costume "Bla-la-laaaah! I'm a Giant Parasprite!"

  19. Snails bounced on his hooves as the filly dressed as a pony ghost trotted up to the ponies that had landed far short of where she had.

    "Y-yeah! We followed ya to see if you could lead us out of the Haunted House. Looks like I um, helped that a bit, huh...."

    Snails looked around at the ponies who had fallen through with them, some already wandering off, then listened as Haywire had a plan...

    It sounded like a devious plan to put a good Nightmare Night Scare into whoever comes in next. -This after trying to scare Pinkie Pie. * Hay, this filly's as cool as Scootaloo and Apple Bloom together!* he thought.

    He grinned and bounced on his hooves "Whatever ya got in mind, I'm in!"

  20. (OOC: continued from Pinkies Haunted House, 2nd night)

    Snails looked around after being deposited at the entrance to the House of Mirrors with several other ponies.

    "Wow Haywire! Hay Snips! These mirrors make me look silly. Do you think Princess Celestia used her magic to help Pinkie Pie make that trap what took us here?"

    He trotted around, giggling. One mirror made him look as small as a real Parasprite, Another made him look big and brawny. like he was Big Mac wearing a Parasprite Costume.

    The foal suddenly lookd around at the army of mirror images of ponies everywhere. "Snips! Haywire! Ya here?"

  21. (OOC: I'll go ahead and switch locations since Haywire left and Snips I.C. wants out too.)

    Snails heard a noise behind him and turned, seeing a section of the wall rotating and leaving a yellow hydra to flop over on the floor dizzily.

    "Snips! There ya are!"

    He bounced on his hooves happily as the smaller unicorn ran up to him. "Oh sure, We should be able ta find a way out! Just stick close, eh?"

    Suddenly Princess Celestia appeared! He bowed quickly to the floor as the mare lit up the room. A piece of sun shaped candy appeared before him, and he rose as she had motioned everypony to. "WOW! Thanks Princess Celestia! That was AMAZING!"

    The commotion also let them find Haywire again, who suddenly said she would head to the mirror maze.

    "Well hay! Finding a way out sounds better than trying to out-trick Pinkie Pie...Come on Snips! She's gonna leave here!"

    He followed Haywire and noticed a bell rope hanging by one of the doorways "Hey, maybe this will get someone ta let us out..."

    He grabbed the silken rope in his mouth and pulled hard.

    Suddenly the floor dropped out from under them and several other ponies.

    After sliding and slipping for a moment, Snails suddenly found himself dropped out into Celestia's House of Mirrors beside the other ponies.

    Was this how the Princess had left so quickly?

    "Snaisl got up and dusted off his costume "Oh... wow! That was Soooo coool. Did Snips drop out with us?"

    (OOC: Onward to the Mirror Maze! :D )

  22. Snails blinked as he heard Aloe speak to him "Oh Sorry, I was distracted by that skeleton that scared off Haywire over there. Yeah I know where the shop is, I go to the joke shop all the time, and my Mom goes to your spa just as much."

    Snails giggled as Aloe spoke about more cakes likely flying "I hope I catch them.I love cake!"

    The unicorn in the Parasprite costume looked the newcomer over as she cleaned up "Cool werewolf suit! Snips has gotta see this if he catches up."

    He sidled up to Aloe "So hows do we prank Pinkie pie, by the way? "

  23. (OOC: Id better post a reaction to this while I can)

    Snails giggled "Yeh, Kinda, that and your forelock and eyes helped, Apple Bloom."

    Hebounced on his hooves when the filly mentioned she had more than enough paint for him to use.

    Suddenly, A shape burst into the room, lit up from behind with a ghastly green glow.

    He had already screamed and ran in circles before it was revealed to be Pinkie Pie.

    The mare gave him a piece of candy with a bouncy giggle, and bounced off through a secret door.

    With that, the group started moving forward, following Apple bloom.

    Somehow, a revolving door must have sent Snails and several others in the wrong direction...

  24. Snails had a confused look on his face when the adult pony started talking about having just seen.. who? She trailed off with a worried look, leaving the question unanswered. He was pretty sure from the accent it was one of the spa pony sisters though.

    The mare and Haywire both got excited about playing a trick on Pinkie "All right! That's a great idea!"

    Snails then looked at Aloe. "Who are you if you dont mind me askin'?"

    Haywire jumped behind one of the tombstones, and as Snails looked he suddenly went wide eyed. He pointed behind the foal in horror at a glowing pony skeleton but she finally figured it out anyway and ran past the ponies, shrieking.

    Before Snails could follow her, another pony came into the room and called out to Haywire -or tried to, suddenly getting a cake to the face.

    Snails giggled and came up, grabbing a chunk of cake from the floor and nommed it down. "Hi, I'm Snails! Yer welcome to come with us as we catch up to Haywire. -Afore she runs all th' way to Canterlot anyway. Um Didja see a blue unicorn in a Hydra costume? I got seperated from Snips earlier..."

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