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Everything posted by Dubstep

  1. Mesmeric took a few moments to breath, relaxing his mind and breathing softly, "Mmmf....I uhm...a...apologize for that, we tend to argue a lot...it's not something we...well not something Levi and I enjoy...I cannot speak for Athian..." he said with a sigh, "I'll keep that in mind, thank you very much for the offer, it's not often that anypony speaks with me anymore, let alone offering me a job. It means a lot to me." the hypnotist said, dipping his head in thanks, it was true though, not very many ponies DID talk to him, or the others in his mind either, though he couldn't really blame them, he was a...freak nowadays, "Ahh, uhm....yes, coffee sounds wonderful, yes." Mes replied with a soft smile, "Coffee could probably do us all some good."
  2. "C'mon Dark, you can do this! You're going to rule the world someday after all! How hard can it be?" a certain caped villain said to himself as he paced outside his lair, "Today's the day you tell her! That you llll...looo....lo...liii...lik....lllliii...don't hate her in the least....." Dark Core, master of evil said to himself, psyching himself up for what would probably be one of the hardest things he had ever done. He had met the particular pegasus at the Grand Galloping Gala not that long ago, and since then, the young villain couldn't seem to get her out of his mind for anything; every turn she was there, no matter what he did, she was there, and he didn't know why. Until a couple days ago; he kept seeing happy couples smiling, enjoying themselves and in, that word....Maybe that's what it was. All the signs seemed to be there, she brought a smile to his face, gave him butterflies in his stomach, seemed to know how to calm him down. All that mushy stuff. "I can do this I can do this I can do this." he kept repeating to himself like a mantra as he headed out in search of the pegasus. Dark sat out from his villainous abode in Froggy Bottom Bog, towards a lovely clearing where he had spied the pegasus before, only watching her, unable to come out and form any words to say or anything, he would stay there and watch her with a smile on his face for hours until she left, taking another piece of him with her each time. A small sigh escaped the villain as he continued his trek, when suddenly, his ears pricked, hearing a familiar yell coming from the clearing, "Cat? Good she's here! I can finally tell her!" he said as he trotted to the sound of her voice, stopping a few feet from being seen as he heard another voice, a familiar laughter, followed shortly by two other voices that he didn't recognize, "W-wha?...B-blast....so many ponies...." he said hunkering down in the barley, "I...I can't do this....not with all these ponies here....But I was so close....I was ready this time!" the villain said as he pounding on his head in disappointment, all they psyching up, all that planning, for nothing at this rate. Staying hunkered down out of sight, at least to his knowledge, Dark sighed once more, this time in anxiety, "Maybe if I wait long enough...they'll leave before she does! Yeah....I hope so...." he said, his spirits waning as time went on, not that much had passed.
  3. "Not that bad? I've enough purple with my cape! Too much purple and ponies will start thinking I'm a grape! I mean really! How am I supposed to be taken seriously like that?" Dark said, once more implying that he was EVER taken seriously; as much as the villain loathed to admit it, he was about as threatening as a small case of food poisoning, annoying, but you get over it. "Well as long as you think it can....er...right, cookies! That'd be a good idea heh." noticing the crowd of angry Pegasi, he knew it'd be best to wait until they had at least finished their job before attempting to abscond from the shop. "Worse?! Oh wonderful, just what I wanted to hear, ugh...Alright..." Dark paced around the kitchen, not even bothering to attempt to cause havoc while Pinkie was away, too much on his mind, what with the turning purple, giant haze of smoke outside, AND the smell of those cookies distracting him. Glancing over as she returned, Dark glanced at the odd box, 'Wait....acupuncture?...' he thought to himself, "Well, I guess it can't be too bad, I mean it's not likeOH DEAR SWEET DISCORD KEEP THAT NEEDLE AWAY!" he said diving under a counter at the sight of the massive needle, "Nuh uh, no way, nope, nah!"
  4. "Hrk, what? Oh great, just what I need a....mirror...really helpful when all you can see is tints of blue already." Dark said rolling his eye, "Because I can TOTALLY tell a difOUCH! Hey watch the mane that dye's...err...wait purple?...It, wait it's getting in my SKIN?! Oh wonderful, just what I need, to be a walking blueberry, bluh..." he said facehoofing, this was NOT his day, not by any means, first he gets found and hogtied, then those horrid cupcakes, not being able to get ANYTHING evil done today, and now this! Who could take a blueberry villain seriously? Implying that he was ever taken seriously that is. "More round? Errrm?" Dark looked over his body, other than hints of where the blue colours was starting to overtake his dye and natural colour, he didn't seem to notice any expansion of himself. Hooves? Check, but turning blue from the bottom up, tail check, but also turning, well with the dye, purple, "Ugh, this is NOT what I need today, can't something go right for me for once? I mean really! Or at least not go wrong? Maybe just have a neutral day where at LEAST nothing BAD happens to me! I dare not ask for a good day knowing my luck." the colt said rubbing his temple, "If it's not one thing it's another..."
  5. "Heh, parties? I'm not a 'party pony'. I've never been to one, never plan on it." Dark said, not counting the weddings his mother had drug him to as parties, he yawned lightly as Pinkie suggested pancakes, "Hmm, yeah, it would be best to avoid that then, disgusting, billowing, horrid cupcakes of doom were bad enough, don't need pancakes added on top of all of that." he said shaking a dismissive hoof, the thought alone was enough to turn the pony's stomach, who could ruin perfect berries like that? He thought. Waiting patiently as the chef dug into the fridge, Dark leaned on the nearby counter and watched her, having pretty much given up o trying to find out WHAT the secret ingredient was. Dark's jaw dropped open as the blueberries suddenly grew, massive compared to their normal petite size; upon seeing Pinkie stab at it, the colt was relieved to see that nothing horrible or terrifying leaked from the swollen berry, "Hmm, don't mind if I do!" he said grasping the berry, sniff sniff, it smelled like a blueberry, lick, seemed to taste like a blueberry...Chomp! Upon biting into the berry, Dark's eyes opened wide, looking rather surprised for a moment before tossing the rest of the berry into his maw! "Oh my goodness that...WOW, it tasted like the BEST blueberry ever, such a strong but not overbearing flavour and..." Dark cut himself off as he started looking around, "Well now....that's different...everything is....blue....it's like looking through a blue tinted window! Wow..."

  7. Dark shrugged, dusting his cape off once more, "I was just picking something I was actually familiar with, most of those artists I've not heard of. I don't...listen to much music." he said, not that he wouldn't given that he wouldn't. The only thing standing in the way of that, besides his 'work', was having nothing to actually play it one, "Plus I've never been a huge fan of, upbeat music really. In fact, that's more upbeat than most things I listen to heheh." he said with a slight chuckle. As Pinkie baked on, the dyed colt did his best to peer over her shoulder as she added that mysterious ingredient, to no avail. Stopping his spying after she began to turn around to place the cookies into the oven, Dark went back to sitting there, as though he had done nothing, "Hmm? Ahh wonderful!...Something else...something else....Well how about something with blueberries?" Dark chimed, one of his favourite foods were blueberries, and nothing could get his mouth watering like some blueberry candy, "That'd be really interesting."
  8. Dark squeaked and flailed as he was drug in, by his cape no less, "ACK! OW HEY! Watch the cape! Watch the cape!" he shouted as he kicked and squirmed, rather unvillainous behaviour coming from the dark lord. Snorting lightly as he was released, Dark brushed himself off and checked his cape for any damages or tears, the colt let out a sigh of relief upon seeing it was fine. Thinking on Pinkie's question for a moment, Dark scratched his chin in pondering, "Hmm, music eh? Sure I can't see why not." he replied, he never listened to much music really, too busy for it, what with plotting world domination and his messing with Poison Joke, he had very little 'free time' to pursue anything outside of his glorious works of pure unadulterated evil! "Let's see what all you've got." walking over, Dark began flipping through the selection of records, mostly of artists he had never heard of really. Finally coming across someone he had heard of, Dark pulled out the Coltplay album, "How about this one, Pinkie?"
  9. Dark eeped slightly at the sudden glare, man this pony sure could be moody; regaining his composure as Pinkie ran back in for yet another time, Dark fidgeted around, so many ponies around now, the temptation to just dig up those cupcakes and lob them at everyone was growing more and more, but if he did, that'd just mean he wouldn't be able to get any of those cookies, evil or cookies? Evil or cookies? One of life's greatest questions taunted the villain more and more until the curly maned pony returned with a container and stuffed the heinous baked bads into it, "Ahah, well then, problem solved it seems eh?" Dark said with a nod, walking over and poking the container, causing it to rumble slightly, "Hrk, by Nightmare Moon's mane, those are some mean cupcakes...." he said, glaring at the cantankerous confection, "Now with that problem solved, at least for the time being. What about that next batch of cookies?" Dark asked with a hopeful smile, silently hoping she'd forget all about the whole, punishment for failing a prank, thing.
  10. "Fine fine, sheesh, no need to be snippy." Dark said rolling his eyes at the ponies comment, looks like he wasn't getting evil cupcake added to his arsenal anytime soon, "True true, this is an odd reaction indeed. I dread the thought that they'd have to be EATEN to get rid of! With that smell, phew, one can only imagine the taste, blech." he said shuddering a bit at the thought of it. The smell could nearly take the paint off a house, the taste could only be worse. Watching as Pinkie Pie ran once more inside and returned with a shovel; upon her covering the cupcakes up in a hole, Dark clapped, "Well congratulations, you got...it.....oooor not..." he said as he saw the smoke floating up out of the ground, "It's like a bad movie...ATTACK OF THE KILLER CUPCAKES!" Dark said flailing dramatically as he laughed a bit, "Oh man, I'd actually pay to see that. That would be an awesome movie..."
  11. Mesmeric stopped dead in his tracks and shuddered, it had been so long since he had done ANY shows what so ever, the offer was amazingly tempting, "I uh...that.....uhm...." Mesmeric stammered out, his thoughts racing, sure a good source of money would be wonderful, and he still, deep down, enjoyed what he did; but the thought of Athian taking over, possibly hurting someone, it made him uneasy and nervous, "Oh just take the offer, nothing bad's going to happen! Oh? Can you promise that, after what happen LAST time? I told you that guy had it coming, he short changed me! It's no excuse to do that." the others said as they began arguing with them selves, "It totally was! We need that change! That doesn't mean you should make somepony think they're a dog! He got his tail run over by a carriage! Hey hey, not my fault he was a DUMB dog and besiENOUGH!" Mes finally shouted to himself, calming the other two, "I....I don't think I...I could do that...I want to but...." he said with a sigh, shuffling his hooves, "It wouldn't end well I don't think..."
  12. Dark shook his head at the needless 'forever' comment, not that anything made much sense about this pony, "The best part of having a secret is secretly telling someone that secret secretly in secret so you can secretly add another secret secret to your ever so secret, secret collection of secretly secret secrets...Secretly, of course." the villain said with a nod as he got ready to bite into the smoking cupcake; but just before he did so, Pinkie cracked into one, releasing a horrid smelling red ooze, "Great gaiting ghosts of Gallopfrey! What is that horrid smell?" Dark exclaimed in disgust as he threw the cupcake he held off into the now growing crowd, "How in the name of all that is...How in the world did you make something this, well, horrible? It's amazing almost. In a twisted sort of way. My favourite kind." he said with a grin on his face, these cupcakes, while pretty obviously unfit for pony consumption, could be a great aid in his bid for global conquest. "I honestly don't think yelling at them will do much, if any good." Dark stated, slipping off his cape and using it to fan the smoke away, possibly wafting it towards the town, not that he cared, "Have you tried PUTTING them in water? Maybe they won't smoke then." it was good to test their usefulness, even if he didn't know the ingredients as of yet.
  13. Dub smiled brightly once more as Neon complimented his 'home', it wasn't anything much, but coming from her of all ponies, it meant the world, "Heh, thanks! It's not too bad, I mean, the sound of the river's nice and it's quiet and not too many ponies come out...Not that I mind ponies coming out, I like talking with them, it's just, nice to have time to myself...Not that it's bad that you're here and I...Oh bogus I'm doing it again, sorry....Yeah, I keep meaning to check town, see what kinda places are for sale but it always slips my mind until it's like, late at night and I can't check anything out. Most of my gear's still at home back in Filly-D since I couldn't schlep it all heh." Dubstep blushed lightly from Neon's teasing, "Yeah!" he exclaimed happily before clearing his throat, "I mean, yeah, I love you I MEAN I'D LOVE TO! A walk, yeah, th-that sounds great!" the yellow pony stammered, flush bright red with embarrassment, 'Oh man, did I just say that? Oh she's gonna be mad, or think I'm weird, or both, or explode at me! Twice! Oh Dub why can't you keep your pie hole shut?!' he thought to himself as he sweat a little bit, staring at the ground nervously.
  14. Dub smiled as Neon stepped out from behind the tent; ever since their first meeting, even the though of her could bring a smile to Dub's face, "Ahh, groovy." the DJ said with a nod, "Getting some R&R does a pony good, right?" stepping closer, Dub couldn't help but grin when his eyes met hers, her beautiful eyes felt like they could see to his very soul, "Oh yeah, my dad taught me a little bit of anything and everything heh, he's great. I guess I'm a 'Jack of All Trades' when it comes to instruments." he said with a chuckle; while it was true his dad taught him a lot, his greatest talents were in his job, the skills as a DJ are what earned him his mark after all. "No no no, you're not interrupting anything at all! I was just messin around with Lucy a bit. Had her since I was a foal heheh. Man, if I knew I would'a had guests today I'd have made some room for you to come in." Dub stated as he glanced over at the tent, it was easily large enough to fit two or three ponies, but with all the stuff he had in there, it was a tight squeeze for him at time, "Place is such a mess...I mean, it's always a mess but yeah. Sometimes it's less of a mess than others. And other times it is...Oh Celestia I'm rambling again, I'm sorry." he said embarrassed as he rubbed the back of his neck; he had a tendency to do that when he was nervous, and every time he got to speak with Neon, he was a bundle of nerves, "But uhh if you want, I can move a few boxes around and make a place for you to sit? That's if you want to...Though you may not want to, I mean, it's just a tent after all and I'm sure you prefer like, actually furniture to like, the ground, not that the ground is all bad. I need to shut up. Would you like me to clear you a seat?" he asked with a shy smile, silently praying that she'd stay and not think bad of him for being such a goof.
  15. Dark snarled to himself at the prospect of actually having to face some form of comeuppance for his actions, sure he was a villain, but more times he could just run form any law that tried to stop him. But if taking the punishment was what it took to get more of those cookies he'd just have to take it, "Hrrngh, alright, I can hang out for a bit. Not like I had any plans of world domination to take care of or something. That would be silly." Dark said, his eye shifting around while Pinkie walked over to the oven. Dusting himself off after having been on the floor, Dark jumped in surprise as the thick green smoke rolled out from the oven "ACK! What in the name of Discord?! Are they supposed to do that?!" Dark asked as he watched the pink pony dash out with them, "Guess that's a no..." As she ran back out a second time with water, Dark followed close behind, "Jeeze...At best you can use them as smoke signals heheh." the villain said smirking as he watched the smoke begin flooding the sky, the only think that could make this crazy pony better in Dark's eyes is if she was doing all of this on purpose. Imagine the havoc it would cause, cupcakes everywhere going up in a thick green smoke, "Heheh....What all did you put in those anyway?....SO I can avoid the same kind of accident...Of course." he questioned as he picked up one of the billowing cupcakes with magic and debated on test tasting it.
  16. Dark sputtered in anger, "Punishment?! Me?! Bah why I have a mind to up and MMPRH!" the villain's banter, however, was swiftly cut off as a cookie was rammed into his yammering maw; biting down into it, Dark was met with the surprise; not from the flavour, a delightfully cinnamon sugar with a dash of spice to it, thanks to the infused rainbows; but rather from the odd texture, the cookie crunched as any other would, but spontaneously crumbled into a powder, sending jolts throughout his body, but rather than painful, they felt good, actually making Dark feel a bit happy; shivering a bit from the jolts as his eyes flashed the same green colour as his eyes, Dark laughed, "Whoahoho! Hahah! WOW! Those ARE good! How do they do that?! I mean it's like CRUNCH! And then POOF! And then ZZZZT! And, mmm, so good!" the so called villainous master mind said, a big smile on his face, "That's the best cookie I've had in...well....I can't really remember in how long! Is there anything I could do to get a batch of those?" he asked in an unexpected turn of his temperament.
  17. Dark nodded lightly as Purple pulled out a couple pots; carrying them over to the faucet, he started filling them up as she asked he brother to trot out and gather up some ingredients from their garden, 'Hmph, how dare he give me such a look, foal knows not who I am! Why if I wasn't such a kind villain I'd show him what for I'd...' his thoughts, however, were cut short by his new friend's questioning, "Well, I uhm don't play very many sports and..." once more he was cut short as Purple changed her questions to ones more difficult to answer, "Wait uhm..." Dark sighed but smiled lightly at the sudden nuzzle, "Well...I suppose it can't hurt. But you can't tell anyone...I was sneaking in to steal a few books. Seeing as I don't go to school, and don't ever plan on it, I must appropriate the knowledge I need to further my ambitions one way or another. And if that means nabbing a couple books. So be it, that's what villains do after all! Heheheheh." Dark stated with a cackle, most would think he was playing a game, something a child would normal do, but little did they know that the little mastermind really was vying for global conquest, and it mattered not who stood in his way. At least, so he thinks.
  18. As Dub continued on playing his song, he hadn't noticed that a familiar face was listening in, watching him from just around his tent, "♪I've been to Trottingham I've been to Canterlot. I crossed the ocean for a heart of gold. I've been in my mind, it's such a fine line, that keeps me searching for a heart of gold and I'm getting old. Keeps me searching for a heart of gold and I'm getting old.♫" whistling along with his guitar as he strummed along, his thoughts once more drifted to Neon, her beautiful voice, lovely mane, and her eyes. Oh how he loved her eyes, sparkling and captivating. But the nagging part of Dub's mind stabbed at him, causing him to wonder if she'd even think of him as anything more than a musical collaborator, why would she? Neon Pop was on a whole other level than him, she had global stardom, could have anypony she wanted, her name in lights wherever she went. Dubstep was just a kid from Fillydelphia who can make a song or two. At least in his mind. Dub's thoughts, however, were cut short at the sound of a small cough, which was followed by a familiar and lovely voice, "N-Neon?" the DJ asked in surprise at the sight of the Pop Princess herself, "W-what are you doing all the way out here?" not that Dub minded, obviously, but it was a surprise to actually be able to see her somewhere, not surrounded by swarming fans or ponirazzi or any of the ilk. With a smile, Dubstep stood up and levitated his guitar back inside of his tent as he walked over, "Never expected to see you coming by my place heheh. What brings you to the river today hmm?"
  19. Dubstep lounged in his tent in the afternoon sun, soaking up the rays that peered through the roof; surrounded by boxes of his stuff, Dub couldn't take his mind of The Gala, it was done a few weeks ago, and it's not the event that was on his mind, but somepony there. And not just any somepony, The Great Princess of Pop, Neon Pop. The time that they got to speak was brief, thanks to the ever troublesome Ponirazzi. But the feeling was lasting forever, and the DJ liked it. Sitting up, Dub stared out the tent's door to the river, he couldn't help but wonder, was Neon thinking about him like he was her? With a sigh, Dubstep picked up Lucy, his orange acoustic and stepped out of sitting down by the bank of the river, listening to the babbling flow and sounds of nature, it helped clear his mind. Strumming out a bit, Dub sang out a tune "♪I want to live, I want to give I've been a miner for a heart of gold. It's these expressions, I never give, that keep me searching for a heart of gold, and I'm getting old. Keeps me searching for a heart of gold and I'm getting old.♫" the music rang out down the river, filling the air with its melodic tones. He didn't care if anyone heard him playing, it was just enough to play.
  20. Flushing a bright red from Cat's affections, Dark gulped and gently returned the nuzzle, "Ahh I, uhm, y-yeah...I will...I promise....You uhm....you stay safe too, okay?" the villain said looking into her eyes, what made her so different from anypony else? Why was she the one to make him feel weak? The nagging voice in the back of his head that would normally tell him just to shrug someone off and be about his business, and that they weren't worth his time, was oddly quiet, as though it had nothing to say, no witty remarks, no scathing retorts, nothing. But something else in the back of his mind poked at him, something he wasn't sure what was, but he tried his best to ignore it...but the more he did, the more it came back. After standing there nuzzling her for a moment, Dark snapped out of it and stepped back, blushing brightly, "Ahh, I'll let you...head home now or...whatever. Safe, trip home, alright?" he said turning around to go; as he was walking off, Dark cast a curious glance up at a pegasus flying overhead, odd, who would be out this late at night? Rather than pursuing her, Dark continued on into town, more lost in thought than wanting to do more evil deeds.
  21. Trailing along at a small distance behind, Dark's stomach grumbled at the sound of all the different goodies Purple talked about fixing, it had been a few weeks since the villain had gotten to eat anything other than apples and the occasional meal that Cat brought over. His hunger was ALMOST enough to stave off his knowledge that his new friend's brother seemed to hold a great deal of ill will towards him, not that he was unused to that sort of thing, ponies feared him, obviously, perhaps his villainous reputation was spreading faster than he realized! Or perhaps Carrot just thought he was a bothersome little kid who was hanging around his sister. No, no, must be the evil. Listening into the two's conversation as their farm neared, Dark pondered to himself, 'Bah, keep her safe? From what? All the foals in town are much too wishy washy to even so much as drop an insult at someone else, let alone harm someone.' doing his best to ignore the harsh look Carrot had thrown his way, Dark glanced around at the farm, it seemed to be a rather nice place; though, really, just about anywhere was nicer than Froggy Bottom Bog.
  22. Kickin! Nice work Brian, as usual =3
  23. Mesmeric nodded lightly as he continued along, "It very well could be, lack of sleep to extremes can also cause hallucinations." he said in confirmation; it wasn't often any more that he got to do anything pertaining to his old job, due in great part to the fact his mind was split in twain but also due to the main personality's increased nervousness around ponies, so many had been rude or scared of them, he had decided, for the most part, it was best to avoid anyone, as to not cause any troubles, "Hmm? OH! Yes, well, once upon a time we worked as a hypnotist, before the incident that is. But before that, we had to learn various things pertaining to the mind, sleep patterns, and personalities and all that. Times we worked as a performer, others we'd work as a personal hypnotist, to help with sleep problems or bad habits such as smoking or drinking, that ponies wanted to cut out." he said with a smile before correcting himself, "Oh, and, by we, I mean, well, us before we became like this heheh. I in otherwords. Alas just 'I' doesn't count for us anymore."
  24. Dub was feeling great, he made it into the brackets, that's one step closer to getting what he came here for, and he knew, if he was gonna make it anywhere, he'd have to figure out a good set list, something with a good kick, but an even flow, stuff that would knock their horseshoes off and for every round of the brackets too! Now the big debate in his mind was, did he start off with a nice slow vibe, or did he bring the noise from the start and keep a solid line of driving beats through the brackets? He'd have to think up at least the first jam, and work from there. Digging through his records, Dub smirked as he grabbed a few out and began sorting; this would take clever planing and knowing who he was up against was always an advantage. The first round of the second bracket, Dubstep would be going up against a decent guitarist, something he was rather familiar with, it having been the first instrument that he ever played. But at least he had a solid amount of planning time as the first bracket went.
  25. Snorting and shaking his head as he watched the filly who called herself 'Stygian Wing' turn tail and fly off, Dark couldn't help but to wonder, just what was wrong with that girl? Perhaps she was dropped on her head one too many times, or perhaps she just has an entire screw loose! Either way, crisis currently avoided for now, but who knows when psychosus could show up again. Turning back to his friend, Dark let out a soft chuckle, "Well, ahh, heh I suppose I probably should...But uhm, if you want, maybe later today, after you get some rest, we could, pssh, I dunno? Hang out or something? Evil never rests but, well, exceptions could be made or something..." he said shuffling his hooves a bit, "If you don't want to, that's fine too, of course, more time for, uh, me to spread evil...or something..."
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