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Everything posted by Starburst

  1. Rubber trees spawn in a certain biome that you have to find. Specifically, the forested hills biome. If you find an area that is about 99% trees, 1% other, you've likely found the right place. Look for trees that have two leaf blocks sticking up from the center of the trees. Those are rubber trees.
  2. Download Feed the beast, run it. Create profile with your minecraft username and password. Choose "Direwolf20 pack" from the list of mods to use and click log in. When the client boots go into multiplayer and enter the server information, then click connect. If you're still having problems after that let me know and I'll walk you through it on skype.
  3. Might have to extract mine little pony into the forge folder for the direwolf pack to get it to work.
  4. Tin and copper are used for buildcraft. Do some exploring to find some un-generated chunks and then mine the copper and tin, along with rubber via treetaps to make copper wire / batteries / macerators / pipes.
  5. Read the first post again. You have to download the proper client.
  6. The server has been recreated and is now being hosted at a completely new location! It also has a total of 20 slots and has been de-whitelisted. Please read the first post in this topic for information in connecting using The NEW client and the modpacks which are installed when you connect to the server.
  7. Starburst says little, concentrating on the piano. There's little she can do once she starts playing until the piece is complete. The piano requires focus and flow so that a slip of the hoof doesn't result in an off note. Her hooves bounce off the keys expertly as she progresses through the notes. Though used a different key, it does require a tad more concentration and transcription than usual. She closes her eyes and taps the keys one by one, proceeding through the song nearly-flawlessly. The off-notes in her play are masked by chords played on an alternate hoof so melodically the piece doesn't sound off-key at all. After she finishes the piece she wipes her hooves with a washcloth and opens her eyes, answering Tankena's question. [colour=#4b0082]"I can't say that I have heard your story, but you're more than welcome to tell it."[/colour] she says, smiling.
  8. Server updated to the latest version. Toukon2011 and Th3wiseassassin added to the whitelist.
  9. Starburst took a seat in front of the piano. It had been a while since she had played one, and to be honest despite her confident outward appearance she was nervous inside, because of the people who could see her playing. Everyone here was musically talented and she was just a pony who learned everything through her now-deceased mother. She slowly placed her hooves onto the keyboard, she tests the tune of the piano by playing and listening to each note, which to be honest just sounds like a bunch of noise to everyone else. After she finishes testing the tuning of the piano and finds it to her liking she begins playing arpeggios. Individual notes in each chord. As she plays the arpeggios she begins to gain a rhythm, bobbing her head as her hooves hit the piano keys, eventually she begins playing full chords, occasionally stumbling here or there because of the awkwardness of the smaller piano. When she finishes playing the chords she begins to play Sergei Rachmaninoff's Prelude, in C-minor. She chose it because it's a Stalliongradian piece of music, and if Tankena was as familiar with her homeland as she said she was, she would recognize it almost immediately, even if it was played in a different key.
  10. The server has been updated to 1.4.6. Also, a new building has been added to Cloudsdale.
  11. Rainbolt, the holiday art swap was sent to you. Have you not received all of the entries or are you holding off on posting them?
  12. Finished my piece a little late, but it's been submitted. I hope you guys like crayon drawings of ponies.
  13. Starburst


    Well you could always go with Soprano Scale instead of Sultry Soprano. It's really your choice as to what name you choose. Sultry can mean passionate as well as other things. She could just as easily be passionate about her singing instead of being passionate in... other ways. Personally I think Sultry Soprano sounds nice.
  14. Starburst


    How about Sultry Soprano?
  15. [colour=#4b0082]"Mm.. Yes I agree. Chocolate pie is quite delicious. I make one with pudding, chocolate, shavings, a fluffy crust and whipped cream that's to die for. Unfortunately, All this food and excitement has tired me a little and I'm afraid that I may retire to my room for a spell. I believe I may be catching a little bit of a cold. I'm not used to frigid weather and I hear Stalliongrad is capable of causing the manliest stallion to shatter like glass after minutes in the cold."[/colour] she said, smiling a little at her simile before Tankena abruptly erupted from the table in a flurry of swinging hooves during her mad dash for the buffet. It would've been unsurprising if she had knocked over somepony else on her short journey to the buffet. When she arrived back at the table, about the same time as another mare who was absolutely giddy about getting to meet Vinyl Scratch, she began scarfing down copious amounts of her macaroni and cheese, which made her blush slightly. She wasn't used to such... enthusiastic table manners when it came to ponies eating her food. Ponies in Canterlot were slower, more polite, and less likely to deliver a compliment for delicious food than other cities around Equestria. The Appleloosans were kind with their compliments however, and when visiting the compliments would cause her to blush, feeding her narcissism. Nothing would make Starburst feel more excited and elated than a compliment directed towards her. After finishing the large plate in seconds, she blinked a few times when offered to play with the others in a "jam session". She had never played professionally with others before, so she doubted that she would be able to sync herself up with the others if they did play, but it wasn't something that she was unwilling to try. The narcissist in her wanted her to play, and to be better than all of the other ponies, but the shy, reserved part of her wanted to huddle in her room and enjoy the warmth while it lasted with a nice warm book. ( Just not a trashy romance novel about vamponys and the like. ) [colour=#4b0082]"I.. suppose I could play with all of you. If you wouldn't be bothered by me being there that is. I can play a piano, but I have no idea where we would find one on a train.."[/colour] The excited mare blurted out that she and Vinyl had met, likely at one of her concerts, or whatever it was that Vinyl Scratch did. Starburst listened as the mare recounted an exciting dance of most epic proportions, that from her description was literally tearing up the dance floor. She said rapt at attention, listening for the replies of everyone she was speaking to, as well as to the reply from Vinyl directed at the new mare who pushed others out of the way with her gallop to arrive at the table.
  16. At being complimented by Octavia for her pie she blushes a little and smiles. [colour=#4b0082]"Thank you. I've been changing the recipe as the times call for it for the last few years since I started baking. I'm glad you enjoyed it."[/colour] she said, lifting a fork and a small piece of pie into her mouth. [colour=#4b0082]"If you liked it you can always stop by my shop for a visit.. I'd love to have you there. I have many more desserts and I can perhaps make something more personalized and to your liking. Is there a certain taste that you prefer in your desserts? Perhaps a fan of chocolate or a certain fruit?"[/colour] She nods to Tankena. [colour=#4b0082]"Thank you. You're both more than welcome to have another piece if you both like, there's more than enough to go around."[/colour] She also took the chance to take a sample of the Macaroni and cheese that she took from the buffet after she finished making it. [colour=#4b0082]"Mmmm... The cheese is very delicious. Nice and gooey. Just the right texture and viscosity. I would have expected a higher class restaurant to have cheese of this caliber, I guess this train is doing something right in the kitchen. Would you like to try some?"[/colour] she asks Octavia and Tankena. [colour=#4b0082]"It will probably be better than the other things you might find hidden below a buffet heat-lamp."[/colour] she said conceitedly. She was confident in her mother's recipes and her own cooking skill. She would only offer begrudging respect to her cooking equals or betters. Sub-par cooks would be met with a scoff and an upturned brow. She loved to cook for ponies, and spread her love of cooking to those who ate her food. It was the reason she owned a cafe instead of pursuing a career in flying, her other interest. Flying as a whole appealed to her greatly, the feeling of flying through the clouds bursting behind her was excellent, but it could not pass along her mother's legacy. She would enjoy flying during what free time she had, otherwise she would be making food for the ponies she loved. Being a frosty cafe owner was much more interesting than being a carefree pegasus anyway.
  17. Don't you mean she was slightly BEE-Mused? X3
  18. You know who else likes eating his bosses free donuts? MY mum!
  19. From the album: Starburst's Scribbles

    Bon bon, enjoying a box of bon bon's delivered to her by some special somepony..
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