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Everything posted by SaddleSong

  1. SaddleSong

    Art Done for Me

    Art of my Characters Saddle Song and Guiding Light
  2. SaddleSong


    From the album: Art Done for Me

    © Art © Pagan Girl 88 Saddle Song �© Kitsuyo/Saddle Song

  3. From the album: Art Done for Me

    © Art © Revka_Hunt Moon Chaser © Revka_Hunt Guiding Light �© Kitsuyo/Saddle Song

  4. From the album: Art Done for Me

    © Art © Lei Saddle Song �© Kitsuyo/Saddle Song Guiding Light © Kitsuyo/Saddle Song

  5. From the album: Art Done for Me

    © Art © Lei Saddle Song �© Kitsuyo/Saddle Song

  6. SaddleSong


    Well lets see, In any particular order Sarge1104 Was my original username used in Runescape Sarge1105 was my backup xJig of Deathx was my xbox username, and has stuck around since then, xJigx was the shorter version, T3RR1X was a joke name that my friends used around me and it stuck Kitsuyowolf was the original name of my FA account, and would later become Suyo Daniels which I dropped like a bad habit as I grew Kitsuyo/ Sir Kitsuyo is my current steam name and it has been this way for a long time Sir Kitsuyo happened as a joke in Chivalry, as the player as the King, knighted all of his defenders so we added Sir to our names as a joke, and I Just sort of left it. Now onto the pony names My original pony name was Saddle Tramp (Nothing Sexual, was meant to be after this song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1en1XB04csU ) However that was later changed to Saddle Song, after a few mishaps and mistakes that led to some akward conversations and that is the end of my names of the ones I remember anyway
  7. I know I will lol. And thank you for welcoming me =D
  8. Thank you very much! Can't wait to get to know people
  9. Hello there! I've been a brony since late season 1, and just now decided tis time to join a forum I also go by Kitsuyo, I'm a Furry, Brony, Gamer, Wannabe writer, and poet. I love singing (Not that anybody else loves my singing) and music. I am an Ares, I like long walks on the beach (Though where I live there is none) and sipping Pina collades and singing in the rain (enough cliche's and rip offs?) If you have any questions just ask =D
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