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Everything posted by kal413

  1. Sounds like that's not a real friend at all.
  2. Kind of more belligerent than I thought some bronies would be. Here's a little to alleviate some of those tensions: "Nonviolence is a weapon of the strong." - Mohandas Gandhi "Never think that war, no matter how necessary nor how justified, is not a crime." - Ernest Hemingway "An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind." - Mohandas Gandhi
  3. I need to watch pretty much every movie. I'm so not movie cultured, it's not even funny.
  4. I liked this episode. Not so much for the plot, which I thought was lacking, but for the characters. They did a good job on both Luna and Pipsqueak.
  5. I don't know. I can empathise with Fluttershy pretty well. I've flipped-flopped favourites so much.
  6. In reference to the mane, it appears that they can touch it. So it is always flowing.
  7. lol, I think of all of my family, my little sister is the ones who likes this show the least. My seven-year-old brother at least tries to watch it, and my baby brother thoroughly enjoys it. I like how that's against the target demographic.
  8. Wow, Luna looks so much older. I can't wait!! If only I didn't have to take the ACT that morning.
  9. Yes, I just downloaded about twenty books to my kindle app, all classics. Now I have to start reading them.
  10. Really? I loved Amy and Rory! This is terrible. River Song seems kind of annoying, IMO.
  11. I share everyone else's condolences. I only wish that I paid more attention to how he really influenced the world earlier. Regardless, he was still a great man. RIP Steve
  12. Exactly. They're just people. Also, I love your profile pic. I think it's around the same lines. lol
  13. I'm sorry, I got off on a tangent. That was my last post on the matter.
  14. Where did the idea come from? Was the creature, scene, shape that you drew never before seen until you thought of it? That's when it's truly original. If not, it was already there, and therefore not yours. If you back far enough, then everything can be considered theft. But if you look at it as self-expression, then what you have used was inspiration. There's countless examples of what you would call theft, but everyone calls art. Olympia by Manet. I failed to see where you provided any sort of reasoning for your position, so I cannot see where you are coming from. Plus you did not address anything of what I said, which leads me to believe that you are close-minded, one of the worst things an artist can be, no matter on what issue. If you really think that art is about ownership, the ownership of an idea, then I feel that you are sadly missing its point. "A guy who makes a nice chair doesn't owe money to everyone who has ever built a chair."
  15. Yeah, I didn't notice either. I'm not detail oriented at all.
  16. I could probably do anything but animate. I have never tried my luck on it, so that would not work out, being a beginner. I could voice act, write, create music, bring coffee, anything.
  17. lol, that's definitely true. That's my problem with works where the main character is unbearable. They make you think that the entire thing is terrible, but when you look at it, it is only that character that is terrible. Everything else is all right. That's happened to me too many times. Mostly with first person books
  18. kal413


    Pshh, money is for yellowbellies. I honestly dislike money with a passion, but I know it's a necessity in this society, so I really should look for a job. I'll get to it eventually, lol.
  19. weird is good, I always say.
  20. It's a rhetorical question, though Riverhippo pretty much nailed it.
  21. Really? I thought the fifth series, the first with Matt Smith, was amazing. Definitely a lot more involved. I have not watched the sixth, yet but I have heard bad things about it. David Tennant was the best all-around though. Granted I've only seen the 9th, 10th, and 11th. Not even that many of the 9th. That comic is right.
  22. I'm about to start Beowulf for school. Should be fun. I really need to read more...
  23. "You have your way. I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist." - Friedrich Nietzsche "I've always felt that a person's intelligence is directly reflected by the number of conflicting points of view he can entertain simultaneously on the same topic." - Abigail Adams
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