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Darkwing Dash [Final]

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Roleplay type: World of Equestria RP

Name: Darkwing Dash

Sex: Female

Age: Mare

Species: Pegasus

Eye color: Dark green

Coat color: Dark grey

Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: Black mane and tail. Mane is short and straight, tail is long and straight.

Physique: Tall and slender

Cutie Mark: A black and a white star, the white one outshining the black. She got it when she scorned a bully for being mean and realized that she should stand up for the good, to let the white stars outshine the black ones.

Origin/Residence: Darkwing was born in Cloudsdale and has lived there ever since, save from the year that she spent in Stalliongrad. She wanted to expand her horizon and she could stay with relatives in Stalliongrad. Though she enjoyed it, she left all of a sudden after a year. She had met a stallion who she liked very much and spent some time with him, but after clumsily expressing her feelings, he was taken aback, saying that he had loved her as a sister. Darkwing couldn't face the humiliation and left a city where she could otherwise have been happy.

Occupation: Lawyer. She tried to become a guard, but found it too direct for her liking. Instead, she decided she wanted to give voice to those who are in need of one, and became a passionate lawyer.

Motivation: Justice. She acts according to what she thinks is just. Lying and committing crimes are out of the question.

Likes: Reading, writing, making a trip to the Everfree Forest or the Great Nimbusgait Lakes, making thunderstorms, watching the stars.

Dislikes: Crimes, childish behaviour and grammar mistakes.

Character summary:

Darkwing Dash was born in Cloudsdale. When she was only a little filly, her father died and she has never been the same ever since. She grew quiet and solemn. Her mother worried she wouldn't fit in at school, but her worries disappeared when Darkwing found two very good friends. Darkwing didn't think it necessary to find more friends, and blamed her friends for thinking otherwise. She became clingy, though she did not realize it at the time. When she kept trying to refrain her friends from making other friends beside her, they started to edge away from her. In the end, they ignored her and Darkwing eventually subsided. When she realized her mistake, she lost the trust in herself and did not make any more friends, for fear of making the same mistake again.

She has put most of her time in studying since then, and her best friend was her pet cat. The bond with her mother remained very strong, and though her mother was a member of the Weather Patrol, she was very proud that Darkwing took up a job out of the ordinary. She still supports Darkwing in everything she does.

She got her cutie mark when walking by three colts who were teasing a filly. Darkwing could see that at first it was meant as good fun, but the filly got scared and started to cry. The colts took advantage of that and the teasing turned to taunting. Darkwing stepped up and scolded the colts for being mean. As they walked away, ashamed, the filly expressed her gratitude and Darkwing felt warm inside. On that moment her cutie mark appeared and she knew she was destined to stand up for justice, to help those in need.

Darkwing's greatest flaw is her distrust. As a lawyer, she considers every case objectively of course, but in her private life she hardly trusts anyone. She does feel bad about it, for it means that she has no real friends. She hopes that one day she will have the courage to make real friends, and that her trust will be restored.

Darkwing is quiet and solemn, though very kind and fun to hang out with once you get to know her. She often descends from the clouds to read or walk in the Everfree forest. She used to be really shy and kept to herself at all time, but over the years she has regained some of her confidence and talked to ponies more often, and after the year in Stalliongrad with a bit disastrous ending, she told herself to be strong and try and make friends, which she is still trying to do. She especially hopes to make up with the two ponies from her youth, whom's friendship she ruined.


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Ooh, a lawyer! We need more of the under-represented professions, definitely! I do rather like this pony - may I just suggest a few things that you might consider changing/adding?

Firstly, re her profession - what made her want to go to be a lawyer, specifically, as opposed, to, say, going into the Guards or politics, for example?

Also, perhaps include a bit more information about the betrayal by her so-called friends at school; this seems to have been a pivotal event that's seriously impacted her life, but the detail's quite sparse.

What's her relationship with her mother like? (This is more my own curiosity rather than anything else). How did she take the 'I want to be a lawyer', rather than, say, a weather pony? Why did she spend a year in Stalliongrad, too? A bit more detail on this kind of stuff would, in my opinion, round her out nicely and give a bit more context and background :) .

Once again, I think this is a nice application and I hope you get accepted :) .

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A strong element to her history, that feeling of isolation, that I know a lot of folks can understand. However, the substance of that discrimination is rather ... lacking. Why did her friends suddenly ignore her? That seems awfully ... 'wut?' And why would her classmates make fun of the color of her coat? It's Word of Faust that there is no color-discrimination in Equestria - that any past discrimination has been on account of race: Earth, pegasus, and unicorn. It also doesn't make sense - why would a dark coat be 'evil'? All of the ponies we've seen in the show with that coat color have been respected members of the community - the elite guard of Princess Celestia, or Thunderlane- who was quite accepted by his peers.


Obviously her feelings of being an outcast are at the core of her character, and as I said, being an outcast is a strong story element that a lot of people can get behind ... but I think you might want to come up with some other reason for her to feel like an outcast.

Additionally, making a character which is, even now, an outcast, and has no friends, and never goes anywhere or does anything ... this provides no elements for you to RP with others upon. I know that Twilight, in the show, had a certain aspect of that character element - but she also had a story centered around her to draw her out and give her friends right away. If you want to put that sort of element in, you probably should also add in some character hooks that will give you some way to RP her with other ponies, without putting the onus of drawing her out upon them.

Do I have to change my profile picture as well?

You don't *have to* - your account profile and avatar can be whatever you like - though it would probably be a good idea, so that people can have a proper idea of what the character they're RPing with looks like.

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Thanks for the feedback!

I agree, the reason was kinda feeble, but I couldn't think of anything else x] But now I've finally found out how to change my title, so I'll think about it more.

I do have plans for how she could RP, but I'll make her a little less isolated so that it's clear ;-)

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