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Moon Runner [Final]

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Roleplay Type: World of Equestria

Name: Moon Runner (originally Night Walker)

Sex: Male

Age: Stallion

Species: Unicorn

Coat Color: Dark Gray. Colors his muzzle red when he works in his shop.

Mane/Tail/Markings Color Style: Long, straight black mane and tail.

Eye Color: Red.

Cutie Mark: A red moon

Physique: Tall, well-built.

Marks: A scar over his left eye.

Origin: Was born to traveling salespony parents in Canterlot.

Occupation: Potion making, Divination.

Motivation: To help any and all creatures that cross his path.

Likes: Books, Practical Magic, The Moon, Traveling, Jokes, Forests and Dogs.

Dislikes: Crowds, Authority, Ignorant Ponies, Parties, Physical Labor and the color Pink.

Character Summary: Moon Runner was born Night Walker to two traveling unicorn salesponies, Slick and Slim, while selling their wares outside Canterlot. They were kind to their customers but when they closed up shop they became quite cynical. They never had enough money to make either of them happy, and to make matters worse, they had an unexpected child. They still don't know how Slim got pregnant, but they had the child all the same. So, in the eyes of his parents, Night Walker was more of an expense then a blessing to them. He hated traveling with his parents, since he generally carried everything if possible. The only time he was ever happy was at night, especially on clear nights when he could see the moon and the stars. He'd just stare at them for hours into the night, dreaming of the day he could get away from his family.

That chance came when his mother, a bit more traditional then his father, suggested they send him away to school to learn magic. She, like her mother and her mother before her, took the basics in school before washing out to be a salespony. His father was against the idea, but eventually caved when his mother pointed out how useful he would be with some formal magic training. So he was sent off to Canterlot to learn the basics of magic. Immediately, he felt more at home there then with his parents. Many of the ponies, students and teachers alike, were quite friendly. His somewhat overly formal demeanor made it hard to talk to him, but once you got to know him, he was always offering assistance and willing to help, regardless of the issue.

Unlike his parents, who studied illusionary magic, Night Walker found he enjoyed practical magic and alchemy. Granted he wasn't very good at alchemy, but he would spend a lot of time in the library studying plants and potions. He found illusionary magic boring, and didn't practice it often. Another difference between him and his parents, he didn't wash out. He kept going to school, always reading and learning. He got high marks and generally enjoyed being there. The only thing he missed was traveling. He wasn't as comfortable in a bed as he was in a sleeping bag, and his wander lust made him zone out occasionally during class.

He graduated near the top of his class and he was offered a few additional classes. He politely declined the offers, choosing instead to become a traveling herbalist. His family demanded that he return to them, but he ignored their order. For the first time in his life, he was free to go wherever he wanted. He changed his name to Moon Runner, which he felt added a slight mystic to his business, and started off.

After a few years of traveling, he gained enough knowledge to become a traveling potion maker. But he was tired of traveling by then. It was a lonely business, and he longed for the friends like he had in school. So, after earning enough bits, he settled down in Solstice Heights. He opened a small potion shop, which was also his home, and offered late night "divinations." The divinations were more of a show to earn some bits then it was an actual divination. He colored his muzzle red, wore a black hooded cloak, and spoke in rhymes. He used his magic to move objects and scare his customers a little, then read their "futures." It's somewhat popular with young couples and on Nightmare Night, but otherwise few visit for that reason.

He still travels from time to time, but his wander lust has waned since his days in school (a trip to the Badlands will do that to you). If he's not in town he's most likely in Canterlot, shopping for books or trying to drum up business.

Personality: When he's not performing in his shop, he's generally quiet, polite and proper. He may seem up bit uptight, but once you get to know him, he loosens up a little. He always offers help, and is a bit generous with his discounts. He's not afraid to get his hooves dirty, but he won't if he doesn't have too. He tries his best to seem friendly, but is sometimes over critical of others, occasionally pointing out mistakes or mumbling a comment under his breath.

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Just a few suggestions. App looks good, but:

"His somewhat overly formal demeanor made it hard to talk to him, but once you got to know him, he was always offering assistance and willing to help, regardless of the issue."

- Considering his folks, it may be better to say he was likely more showman and 'loud' than others rather than formal.

"He left the dog and the rabbit, and eventually town. He still wonders what happened to that dog, but his travels never brought him back to Ponyville."

- I may be reaching, but it appears your implication is that the dog in question is Winona. Two issues here: One, though you never met Fluttershy, you did interact with Angel and I am a little shady as to how this may be looked at. You can't interact or have prior relationships with cast characters. Two, if it is Winona, that would have to be rejected- not only does that break the rule above, but Winona is RPed by Riverhippo and thus Riverhippo has control over Winona's backstory unless countered by canon.

I really like this application and your character. I think that perhaps if you have him as more excitable and showmanshipable, then you have a better result from him being raised by salesponies. That is just a personal suggestion, however.

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- Considering his folks, it may be better to say he was likely more showman and 'loud' than others rather than formal.

I was going more of a "held down by his parents" sort of character. Like, if he didn't behave just right or didn't do exactly what he was told, he was punished. He's not exactly socially adjusted, and has depend on friendlier ponies to get by.

- I may be reaching, but it appears your implication is that the dog in question is Winona. Two issues here: One, though you never met Fluttershy, you did interact with Angel and I am a little shady as to how this may be looked at. You can't interact or have prior relationships with cast characters. Two, if it is Winona, that would have to be rejected- not only does that break the rule above, but Winona is RPed by Riverhippo and thus Riverhippo has control over Winona's backstory unless countered by canon.

I wasn't aware. I'll remove that part. Thank you for looking this over.

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