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[Unicorn] Shenanigans [FINAL]


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Role play type: World of Equestria RP

Name: Shenanigans

Sex: Male

Age: Stallion

Species: Unicorn

Eye Color: Pale blue-green

Coat color (fur color): dark grey (close to black)

Mane/tail style/color: Mane consists of three shades/colors, which are neon green (the color there is most of), light light grey (almost white), and dark green. His mane is very messy, like when you first wake up in the morning (unless you're a nocturnal) except with more of a style. It's about RB's length. His tail is long and has the same colors as his mane. His tale is also very messy like his mane.

Physique: Average height and weight, but slightly buffer on his chest

Cutie mark: And open book and wand inside a box


Come and see us down at Equus Island!

Shenanigans was born on the island of Equus, a very sunny and big tourist spot that ponies came to from all over Equestria. The ponies of the island had small, or "unlivable" homes as a young, snotty pony from Canterlot once said, but were quite pretty and fixed up to a sightly fashion. There were huts, houses, inns and much more to live in (Although you can't really live in an inn).Shenanigans lived in a small hut with his parents across from a market, and behind, was the best part.What was the best part about Equus? Was it the interesting lifestyle of the ponies, or the huts and houses, or perhaps the vast ocean view? No, but infact the thing that made tourists want to come were the ancient ruins of Equestria's past. Some were crumbled, some partly collapsed, some almost fully intact and some were hidden for only the young adventurers to come across. The town's ponies were poorly employed, and earned most of their bits off of the tourists that come along to see the wonders of Equus.Not many ponies heard of it, so not many came.

Occupation: Sells mysterious and interesting items he finds and makes in his adventures at a stand that he travels with. At times, he tells stories of his adventures too.

Motivation: Shenanigans always had a brave and daring heart, but doesn't show it to everypony else. He often had dreams about adventures about monsters and ancient treasures beyond imagination, and hopes to be as bold as the adventurers like Daring Do. He tells good stories and has a way of inventing many weird things.


- Soda

- Food

- Baked beans

- Pie

- Treasure

- Being sarcastic

- Discovering things

- Adventuring

- Telling stories

- Telling jokes

- Making things


- Being bullied

- Green beans

- Boring classes

- Ice cream

- Pears

- Awkward conversations

- Working

Character Summary:

(first paragraph same as orgin/residence)

Shenanigans was born on the island of Equus, a very sunny and big tourist spot that ponies came to from all over Equestria. The ponies of the island had small, or "unlivable" homes as a young, snotty pony from Canterlot once said, but were quite pretty and fixed up to a sightly fashion. There were huts, houses, inns and much more to live in (Although you can't really live in an inn).Shenanigans lived in a small hut with his parents across from a market, and behind, was the best part.What was the best part about Equus? Was it the interesting lifestyle of the ponies, or the huts and houses, or perhaps the vast ocean view? No, but infact the thing that made tourists want to come were the ancient ruins of Equestria's past. Some were crumbled, some partly collapsed, some almost fully intact and some were hidden for only the young adventurers to come across. The town's ponies were poorly employed, and earned most of their bits off of the tourists that come along to see the wonders of Equus.Not many ponies heard of it, so not many came.

Shenanigans spent his days as a foal trying to figure out what his special talent was. He asked his mom and dad for suggestions, but that didn't help much. He was so determined to find his talent, that he didn't have time to socialize with his fellow classmates. Everypony else had their cutie mark, except for one other. Her name was Kirrah. She was a turquoise pegasus with small wings and big sparkling hazelnut -brown eyes. She was quite the chatterbox and was a very lively one at that. Shenanigans and Kirrah became friends and started their adventures together to find their cutie marks.

Shenanigans' parents were rarely around to see and comfort him during the hard times. They were always gone at work. He wasn't sure what his father did for a living, but on the other hand he was very mysterious at times. His mother worked at the town hall. She never wanted him there to cause trouble or distract her, so he never got to see her at her workplace. Every now and then, his parents would come home and walk through the door, while Shenanigans dashed towards his mother or father (whoever arrived home first) and give them a great big hug. At bedtime, Shenanigans and his mother would talk about his day, and he would always tell her that he hadn't earned his cuite mark. Like most mothers do, she threatened to send him to a special school where he could earn it easily, but after a year of that, he knew that she didn't even have the money to send him.

Every day Shenanigans and Kirrah would trek out into the jungle and explore. They caused quite some trouble one day when they decided to try to snatch some bread from the market, so they were running at top speed through the jungle, not knowing where they were going. Then Shenanigans tripped on a large stone. They found a huge stone pillar crashed down upon a wide open doorway. It lead into a large corridor. they were ruins that nopony else on the island had found, and it was all theirs for the taking. And the best part was the view. The hallway lead to a mouth-shaped opening in the side of the mountain that the builing was built into. When they looked out, there was a beautiful view of the wide open sea, and could look upon some of the nearby small islands. Consequently, when both of the ponies arrived home, they got in very big trouble from their parents about the market incident.

One day, Shenanigans found out some bad news. Kirrah's parents had gotten an offer to go to the big city, Manehatten. This broke his heart and hers, and was very hard to say goodbye to his dear friend. She cheered him up for 3 years, and he didn't know what he would be like without her. Every day, he would go back to the ruins and watch the sailboats and ships dock and float away into the sunset. Except one special day, when he decided to lean up against a wall and found himself collapsing inwards into a hidden room. Inside the room, were tons of books, and a old rotting wooden desk. He didn't know how the wood had lasted this long, but it soon flew over his head when he found a dusty leather coated book laying on the desk, labeled Magical Inventions. He was curious, so he took a look inside the book. It was full of tons of interesting ideas and inventions that had obviously not been used in his time. Along with the items and gadgets, were spells that had to be casted to activate them. Every time he came back to the ruins, he would practice his spells and make the items. Then he would test them out in the jungle, as he went out to discover more. Then he decided he would make a nic nac stand that he would travel around town with and sell it to the eager tourists. He called his stand The Equus Island Giftshop. Some tourists didn't like the fact that "a peasant" was selling stuff to them, some just bought it and left, and some would stay and talk with him, interested in the amazing items. Like the Glowing Orb, a round rock that lit up like a candle when touched or rubbed. All Shenanigans had to do was find a roundish stone out in the jungle, and rub oil and vinegar together, which he then casted a heating spell on, which then made the rock transparent and light up like it does. He earned quite a lot of bits from his customers and often at night told them stories he had found in the ruins. Then he finally earned what he had been trying to get for years. His cutie mark. A Box appeared holding inside of it a wand and a leather coated book, like the one he had found. That was the happiest day of his life.

When Shenanigans arrived home after his night in the jungle, he dashed into the house and shouted "Mom, Dad! I finally got my cutie mark! His parents were proud of him and wondered how he got it, but didn't bother asking. He had a happier life and was more appreciated at his school. He got through elementary school and middle school. When the second year of highschool ended, he decided to walk home before going into the jungle. He opened there door and opened his mouth to say something, but he was interupted by the silencein the room. He looked around but nopony was there. On the desk was a note saying: "Take care of yourself. You're old enough to live on your own now. -Mom, Dad" For the next weeks, his pessimistic attitude came back like he had before, but he covered it up with broken sarcasm when talking to his friends, or just random people. He had been saving up bits to go on a trip to Canterlot, where he could earn even more bits and delight the ponies of all ages of his adventures and stories. He has more adventures awaiting him but where will his adventures lead him first? Well i can't tell you yet, because that's in the role player's hands to decide.


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It pleases me that you're giving this app another try, Shenanigans!

You're new here, so let me be the one to tell you that when updating a current application, you just need to edit it rather than resubmit it in a new post. Not a biggie, but please remember this in future apps.

That being said, this is a very improved app! I am impressed with the details of both Equus Island and in your character summary!

I must admit, the part about his friend Kirrah leaving and his parents up and leaving him was very sad. If Shenanigans was an adult at the time, that would be a little more understandable, but from what I'm reading in the story, it appears he was abandoned before he reached adulthood. You might want to clarify that point, please?

The rest of this app is very solid, in my opinion. Great job! It just needs a tiny bit more fine tuning before it's ready.

Just make your changes on this app, please. You can edit a posted application as many times as you like!

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There ya go! I made some changes. I don't know why I didn't think of the whole age thing with the parents. So can i be accepted? what do i get to do if i am accepted?

Ok, let me explain how the process works. When a user (such as yourself) posts a character application, it is first reviewed by RP Helpers (like me) who offer helpful advice and suggestions to help the user improve their application. Once a RP Helper has determined that the application meets Canterlot.com rules, then he or she will inform a SENIOR RP Helper to examine it for approval. Once a Senior RP Helper 'stamps' the application (you'll be able to SEE the stamp when this step is done) and move it to the "Accepted Applications" file, then a Moderator will make a final determination and if the application clears, will then stamp the application as "PRINCESS APPROVED" and place it in the appropriate Species file. It is at THAT point when the user has permission to use their approved character in RP.

I know this sounds like a time consuming process, but it's worth it.

At this point, because I feel this application is complete and ready for the next step, I will send a message to the Senior RP Helpers to examine it so the process can move forward.

Please be patient, we here at Canterlot.com try our best to be prompt with the approval process.

If you have any further questions or concerns, you can post them here or send me a message through the Private Message system here on the website!


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thank you very much! will i get a notification when that happens? or will i have to constantly check?

- Raki Dyred

You'll need to check this application frequently, because this is where the approval stamps (or maybe even more tips and suggestions) will appear. You could also Follow this thread (by clicking the 'Follow' button in the upper right hand corner of the top of this page) and receive notices of any new postings to it.


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