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About Myself: I like anime, manga, video games, music, reading, writing, and art.

How I found Canterlot.com: I Googled "MLP forums."

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: I stumbled upon episode 10 of season 1 and was hooked.

My favourite main cast pony/s: AppleJack,Fluttershy,Miss Rarity,Rainbow Dash,Twilight Sparkle,Pinkamina Diane Pie
I would generally like to be called by my username, unless I have directly told you otherwise. So for now, just call me Key!

I thoroughly enjoy anime, manga, video games, art, classic films, reading, writing, and music.

I grew up being exposed to and watching anime, so it's a rather large portion of my life. Manga comes along with that once the age is right.

The same thing goes for video games; before I could play, I would watch. I'm interested in all types, and I'm somewhat of a game and console collector. I have too many consoles to name off the top of my head and I would totally spam the crap out of this if I even tried, so maybe we can talk about that later, heh. I will say, The Legend of Zelda is my favourite series.

I've loved drawing ever since I was little, and became more involved in art classes in high school, since I had better resources and teachers. My 2D art is best, but I loved my art metals classes! I am in my final year of high school, and I am taking an AP Studio Art 2D class this year (unfortunately, that meant I couldn't take CP Shakespeare :sniff:). I really like working with watercolour and pencil/paper (with maybe a solid graphite stick).

I simply have found films from the 20's - 50's (along with the 80's, I enjoy 80's pop-culture) to be much more interesting and fascinating compared to the majority of other films from the 60's - now. I do enjoy some modern films, but I prefer classics. I enjoy musicals, horrors, and slasher films, especially.

Music. . . I will say I do dabble in a bit of everything, but I have as many dislikes as I do likes. I don't deeply categorize my music, because I believe that takes away from the music itself, because people get too caught up in it. My basic main genres tend to be metal and electronic, though.

I read a wide range of books and genres, and just like music, I have many likes as I do dislikes. However, some favourites are To Kill a Mockingbird, Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry, Flowers for Algernon, and The Unicorn Chronicles. I am currently on the second book (Torment) of the book series Fallen.

I adore writing. I'm very good at writing essays, poetry, and short stories. I'm also a very fast writer; I can write a page and a quarter (1 - 2 mistakes max) in fifteen minutes. Really helps when doing timed essays for English classes!

If you got through all of that, I applaud you! :smirk: I suppose anything else will just come up on its own through posting and sharing my opinions, or messages, if you are particularly interested in anything.

I'm excited to be a part of this forum and I look forward to participating!

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Where to begin.... Well I guess I'll proceed in order....

Anime and manga! Any favorites? (Mangakas or titles) I personally like works by Satoshi Kon and Naoki Urasawa. :D

Legend of Zelda eh? Which is your favorite? Mine is Link's Awakening! After which its Majora's Mask ;) Any other video games that you like?

Drawing! Well I hope we can see some of your work soon! As you can see we have a lovely gallery feature. I can't draw if my life depended on it, so... yeah! But I do know how to critique alright! And I love to see good artwork.

Ah so a pony of taste? Do you like Hitchcock by any chance? I could probably go on and on about classic films. (Btw so far I can tell we'll get along smashingly)

Ah! A music lover who doesn't use genre?! FANTASTIC! I personally have 2 genres that I use personally... They are "Good" and "Bad." I listen to good music, and don't listen to bad music! It works well for me!

I can't say I have read any of the books you listed other than To Kill a Mockingbird (and let's be honest, if you haven't read that book, you should be ashamed of yourself). Perhaps you can tell me more. I love finding new books to read. I'm currently rereading the Discworld series by Terry Pratchett.

I used to be able to write creatively, but now I have issues. I started academic writing and specifically science writing, my creativity has never been the same :(

WOW! That was a lot. You don't have to answer everything. I just wanted you to know that I read everything ;)

Welcome to Canterlot! I hope you enjoy yourself here! (I mean, I'm sure you will, this place is awesome!)

I'm Star Swirl the Bearded btw, resident mad science pony. Most ponies call me "stars" or "swirly" either is fine ;) Hope we can get along :D

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Where to begin.... Well I guess I'll proceed in order....

Anime and manga! Any favorites? (Mangakas or titles) I personally like works by Satoshi Kon and Naoki Urasawa. :D

Legend of Zelda eh? Which is your favorite? Mine is Link's Awakening! After which its Majora's Mask ;-) Any other video games that you like?

Drawing! Well I hope we can see some of your work soon! As you can see we have a lovely gallery feature. I can't draw if my life depended on it, so... yeah! But I do know how to critique alright! And I love to see good artwork.

Ah so a pony of taste? Do you like Hitchcock by any chance? I could probably go on and on about classic films. (Btw so far I can tell we'll get along smashingly)

Ah! A music lover who doesn't use genre?! FANTASTIC! I personally have 2 genres that I use personally... They are "Good" and "Bad." I listen to good music, and don't listen to bad music! It works well for me!

I can't say I have read any of the books you listed other than To Kill a Mockingbird (and let's be honest, if you haven't read that book, you should be ashamed of yourself). Perhaps you can tell me more. I love finding new books to read. I'm currently rereading the Discworld series by Terry Pratchett.

I used to be able to write creatively, but now I have issues. I started academic writing and specifically science writing, my creativity has never been the same :-(

WOW! That was a lot. You don't have to answer everything. I just wanted you to know that I read everything ;-)

Welcome to Canterlot! I hope you enjoy yourself here! (I mean, I'm sure you will, this place is awesome!)

I'm Star Swirl the Bearded btw, resident mad science pony. Most ponies call me "stars" or "swirly" either is fine ;-) Hope we can get along :D

I don't really have favourites per se, since I've watched/read so many and I know there are always new ones that I may like more or just as much. But I've always had a soft spot for magical girl anime (Nanatsuiro Drops especially), as well as horror, blood/gore, and mystery. It's also difficult to remember everything off the top of my head, but it it ever came up in a conversation, I would remember it and probably start going on about it.

Oh gosh I could never choose a single favourite Zelda game, and that's why it's my favourite series. I love all of the games! As for other video games, I play quite a few. Some I've been playing recently are Gears of War, Red Dead Redemption, Banjo Kazooie, Rune Factory, Animal Crossing, Soul Calibur, and now a group of my friends are trying to make me play Minecraft. I've yet to try it, but my boyfriend is going to let me play it and see if I like it or not. I'm open to pretty much any kind of video game. (Oh, and it's probably a little difficult to see, but my display picture has a little reference to L4D, which I totally love.)

I unfortunately don't have a scanner, but, my friend said I'm always welcome to use hers, so I would like to gather some of my stuff and bring it to her place. Then I could put more stuff on my dA that's been dead for ages. . . if I remember all the login info. . . :-| Anyway, I would like to start drawing ponies as well, but that's going to take a lot of practice, because I've never really drawn them before, and all my attempts thus far are completely awful, haha.

Yes, in my classic films class from 7th grade, we were able to watch like, two Hitchcock films. I know one was The Birds, I don't recall the other. I have Psycho on DVD, and a small box set of four classic films, and I believe one of them is also his. I need to find that little set, it's in my mess of a room somewhere, haha. But that's all I have at the moment.

Good and bad, I like that. :)

Well, Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry was a book I originally had to read all the way back in fourth grade . . . it has twelve chapters and involves the Logans, a black family in the south who own their own land and experience many hardships, dealing with racism . . there's much more to it than that, it's very heart-wrenching, but I don't really know how to say much without giving away a lot of the story or prattling on for ages. I didn't want to read the book when it was first assigned, I pretty much hated it. But I kept reading it and it's now one of my favourite books. At the end of the school year, my teacher let me keep one of the copies. Flowers for Algernon deals with a man who has a mental disorder; his IQ is low for his age, and he is child-like, but he does his best and means well. Eventually, he has tests run on him to see if it's possible to raise his IQ and make him much more intelligent and capable of holding more knowledge than an average person. Once again, it's got some heart-wrenching bits in it, and I don't want to give away the story or prattle on forever, so I'll stop here. But these two are definitely some I would reccomend.

I'm actually taking a creative writing class this year, along with my year-round AP lit. Last year was AP language composition, so a lot of it was academic essay-writing, but there was a section where we did creative short stories, too. My English teacher said I had a great beginning of a novel for mine. I've been considering continuing it and releasing it in chapters on dA or something, haha. If you wanted to get back in creative writing, one of the big things you need is inspiration. Maybe look at some abstract, surreal, or some other type of art?

And thank you! I think we should be able to get along rather well, heh. :smirk:

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A pony of many tastes and likes? Awesome! I'm sure you'll fit in just fine with all of us.

Oh, and if you ever want to talk video games, we have an awesome section devoted just for that!

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hello and welcome to canterlot ~uguu

Hello, and thank you! :)

Timed essays? Don't tell me, AP English of some description?

WELCOME TO CANTERLOT I mean welcome to canterlot, dear! :Flutter:

Yep, AP language comp. I do fine with timed writing. . . just not timed problem-solving (math). :? And thank you!

Hi, welcome to Canterlot. :)

Hello, and thank you! :D

howdy welcome ta canterlot. if ya need anythin lemme know

Hi! I'll keep that in mind, thanks! Haha, everyone here seems really nice. :smirk:

Welcome to Canterlot! :D

Hope you enjoy your time here!

Thank you for the welcome, and I'm sure I'll like it here! :smirk:

A pony of many tastes and likes? Awesome! I'm sure you'll fit in just fine with all of us.

Oh, and if you ever want to talk video games, we have an awesome section devoted just for that!

Heh, I'm sure hoping I fit in. I believe I'll go check out that video game section after this!

Welcome to Canterlot Key :) I hope you have a party of a time here :D

Thank you, and I'm sure I'll enjoy this place! :smirk:

Sorry for taking so long to reply to everyone, I wasn't ignoring you guys. I got pulled away from my computer after my first reply, so I wanted to reply to all of you individually, like this.

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How did I not notice this before?! Bad me! Go to the corner and think about what you've done!


No buts, young filly!



Anyway, welcome to Canterlot!

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How did I not notice this before?! Bad me! Go to the corner and think about what you've done!


No buts, young filly!



Anyway, welcome to Canterlot!

Haha, thank you! :smirk:

Welcome to Canterlot! Hope you have tons of fun here! :D

I'm also in AP Language Comp.! Just started a couple of days ago.

And I totally got the L4D reference! :)

I loved my AP lang. comp. class. Just don't slack off on the reading!! :-|

-Brohoof for L4D-

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