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[Ponyville] A Simple Sermon (Open)


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In a large, clear expanse of open space that sat in the middle of some of Ponyville's busiest areas, a lone mare with a simple brown hood of cheap cloth draped over her head trotted slowly. The lines of her face were deep, worn; the fur on her was short and at her joints her skin hugged her bones. It was very clear that this mare had not had food for some time, but the determination in her gaze and step prevented passerby who noticed her from rushing to her aid. She had a goal, a purpose for being here; and she had overcome hunger and thirst to accomplish that purpose.

Providence took a strong stance weighted on her forehooves, as if she were speaking at a podium. No podium was in sight, the town hall was quite a ways away from where the crowds were now. Her eyes scanned the crowds carefully, considerately. Her stomach growled once, rudely, Providence shut her eyes in irritation and meditated with her thoughts for a moment. Steeling against her own stomach's complaints, Providence nodded once to herself and began to speak. It wasn't just conversational speech, however. Her voice boomed, loudly and firmly, and it was difficult to not hear her as she spoke. She wasn't yelling or screaming. She simply had that strong a voice.

"My fellow stallions and mares, fillies and colts, others who may not be ponies..." There was no hesitation, no verbal tics, no lapses in volume or diction. The speech was clean, clear, and powerful all the way through. Providence herself wore an unreadable expression, even though her mouth exploded with movement every time she spoke a word. "Though nopony here knows me, I humbly request your ears for a moment, that I may impart my message onto you."

"I hold before you..." Providence produced from underneath the folds of her traveling hood a simple necklace of wooden beads. On this necklace was a stone icon, a relief image of Princess Celestia and Luna that was clearly dated. To anypony with even the most basic historical knowledge, this icon would be known to be a simple and common historical artifact with almost no worth, monetary or scientific. But Providence held it in the cusp of her hoof with reverence, her eyes shining as she looked upon it. "A symbol of our beloved rulers."

"I ask you to think now of our Princesses who have given incalculably for the good of ourselves and our nation. Think of what they have sacrificed, over the span of lifetimes we cannot begin to imagine. And think, if you will, of what we have given back to them. The Princesses- Celestia and Luna- are thankless. We give them few honors, few glories; we merely let them continue to grant us bounty with no thanks or praise in return." Providence looked a bit disgusted at the next part, and some venom entered her booming voice. "We have let their names become common oaths, that we swear upon with no reverence for them..."

"I do not ask that you turn to Canterlot now and begin bowing and grovelling. I do not ask that you send your first born to Celestia and Luna in tribute. I merely ask that you consider the Princesses in your thoughts. Let not their lifetimes be unnoticed by the people they serve! A moment of silence, please, and join me in thinking of what the Princesses bounty has personally given you- and be thankful for it." Whether the ponies gathered were actually silent in that moment or not was unimportant to Providence. She bowed her own head and thought of herself, and how her life was dedicated to the sovereign monarchs of Equestria. Then she looked up and spoke her final words:

"Thank you for your consideration. Sun and moon bless you all, eternally. " Providence traced through the air with one of her forehooves, an abstract symbol to wish the crowd good health. She had to work on refining the blessing for her next sermon.

With a nod of respect, Providence silently began to trot away, her steps flagging in stregnth as hunger began to make itself known once more.

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