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Revolution: A Hoof in the Dark (Open: OOC Discussion)

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not draco xD hes in the GEF and not at her beck or call

Hehehe...if Twilight were right in front of him, he'd do as he is told!

(Also, on another note, Twi probably knows that no stallion will touch her at this point...so adoption was probably the only option.)

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1. Yes, Twilight has an adopted son, because she loves him and (although it isn't the real reason) she needs an heir.

2. Rarity was the only pony she could trust with that job...since Rarity isn't much of a fighter. (Although she'd make an amaaaazing politician)

3. Pffft, pretty much all of the GEF is at her beck and call...and a few other dastardly things which you probably don't want to hear about.

Mooks don't count. But other than that Twilight seems to have a freaking grade A roster:

Mistress of Shadows




Rainbow Dash (likely dangerous as heck)

Whoever else you decide to make appear.

Whats each factions A team looking like right now anyway i wonder.

eclipse if your still here post hurry so we can let draco be awesome!

Well StarStorm wanted to meet us in transit so yeah. I kinda said i'd help Licorice get involved with somepony.

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Lol...that can be arranged. -winks at Fermata-

Why are you winking at me I don't know anything.

Mooks don't count. But other than that Twilight seems to have a freaking grade A roster:

Mistress of Shadows




Rainbow Dash (likely dangerous as heck)

Whoever else you decide to make appear.

Did anyone say this was going to be an easy fight?

Off the top of my head, I know the Changelings have the Queen, Dopple, and Lyrpis.

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1. I never said playing OP characters was against the rules...as long as they have a major flaw/weakness. Twilight has one too, but it hasn't been revealed yet :) plus, it would make sense to have a considerable amount of power to take on both the princesses...and would also make sense for the minions to have a portion of that power.

2. Hmm... In normal cases I would say yes, but since Discord is a god, he is unkillable and can bend reality to his will. Twilight can't bend reality on such a scale...maybe manipulate it, but not fully transform things the way Discord can. It's interesting that you bring that up...for I have a Discord-like character that will be revealed later :)

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1. I never said playing OP characters was against the rules...as long as they have a major flaw/weakness.

Using this statement, I decided to get Broken Mind closer to discovering Twilight's secret.

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You know. Since, Twilight, aka Red Fox, has a kid it will most likely make Striker hesitate about taking her out. My OC is a badass soldier but he does has a concious. Thanks for making it harder for me! XP lol

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Free is a bit chaotic good, and would probably be that overly badass side character that never gets enough screen time and would help you out every now and then, like Cloud from kingdom hearts, or Sgt Johnson from Halo. And as for the apple family i'm going to go ahead and say that Big mac and Applejack had a large argument when all this hubub started out, and the famlily split itself, Applebloom going with Big Mac for protection. And I doubt either even knows anything about Applebloom being a shade corps member at the moment, and yes, will friggin murder any Freelancer who even tries to hurt Applebloom.

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Free is a bit chaotic good, and would probably be that overly badass side character that never gets enough screen time and would help you out every now and then, like Cloud from kingdom hearts, or Sgt Johnson from Halo. And as for the apple family i'm going to go ahead and say that Big mac and Applejack had a large argument when all this hubub started out, and the famlily split itself, Applebloom going with Big Mac for protection. And I doubt either even knows anything about Applebloom being a shade corps member at the moment, and yes, will friggin murder any Freelancer who even tries to hurt Applebloom.

The Apple Family was split up during the battle of Everfree and Ponyville, and basically every single one of them thinks the others are dead. Big Mac joined the GEF in hopes of vengeance against the RLF, who he blames for carrying on this conflict. Applebloom was found in the ashes of Ponyville by the Red Fox. She was assumed dead by her family, and she assumed they were dead as well...so, she clung to the Red Fox at that time and chose the one thing she could do to protect her new master/mistress...to become a part of the Shade Corps.

(Oh, and she earned her Cutie Mark, finally :P who knew that violence would make it appear, eh...?)

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The Apple Family was split up during the battle of Everfree and Ponyville, and basically every single one of them thinks the others are dead. Big Mac joined the GEF in hopes of vengeance against the RLF, who he blames for carrying on this conflict. Applebloom was found in the ashes of Ponyville by the Red Fox. She was assumed dead by her family, and she assumed they were dead as well...so, she clung to the Red Fox at that time and chose the one thing she could do to protect her new master/mistress...to become a part of the Shade Corps.

(Oh, and she earned her Cutie Mark, finally :razz: who knew that violence would make it appear, eh...?)

Ah. that makes much more sense :)

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Chrysalis is dead set on killing Twilight if noone stops her from doing so. She has a heart, but is very angry at the Red Fox for priotizing ponykind over the changelings so much - aka Queen hates racism. =P

Yeah she is somehow totally sympathetic in this RP, isn't she?

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Chrysalis is dead set on killing Twilight if noone stops her from doing so. She has a heart, but is very angry at the Red Fox for priotizing ponykind over the changelings so much - aka Queen hates racism. =P

Yeah she is somehow totally sympathetic in this RP, isn't she?

Get in line Chrysalis. Striker will put a bullet between Red Fox's eyes before you do. Her regime killed off his one true love and countless of his friends... just sayin... ^^ lol

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