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Revolution: A Hoof in the Dark (Open: OOC Discussion)

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He's coming out of that shell he was presented in.

Has shown a heart of gold.

When the guard asked him about his past he had the humility not to say his life sucked, he didn't want pity points.

And the ability to feel sympathy for ponies he doesn't know, and ponies that have wronged him.

He has shown that he would really like to put a bullet in some peoples brain, but has the morals to chose against it, even if they truly deserve it.

IMHO, his development is coming along nicely. The guy is lovable and believable.

I completely agree. Very nicely done, Mr. Sev <3 he'll be quite the asset to the GEF, that I can be certain of! Continue to serve and protect, Guardspony Draco...with both spirit and heart. "Forgive the past, honor the present, defend the future. - Code of the Equinian Guard."

Well you got free in control of AJ in the base where you are, then you have my four griffons in the base where you are....

Yeah, and I made an OC just to interact with you, Mustang...! :( ...does Val not get any love anymore...?

Also...ZOMG 500 POSTS! -squeals with delight- Hehehe! I'm so happy...that many posts, in less than a month! (nearly 800 if you count the actual RP) <3 you all, my fabulous bronies and pegasisters!

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So what happened to Gladius Free and Cadence in these three days? I'm kinda lost

I've kinda been wondering about that myself, but here is probably what went down:

Option 1: Once they arrived, Gladius and Cadence went off to the Changeling Hive, and Free began his trip to the negotiations with the rest of the RLF officials.

Option 2: Free decides to bring Gladius and Cadence along to the negotiations, to use the former princess as extra leverage in the meeting.

On topic of OC's and their developement, like with Draco, what do you guys think of Striker?

It's kind of hard for me to say anything, considering that he hasn't had many posts yet. However, I bet his development will bloom out in this next chapter :)

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What should we do with 4-6-9er and applebloom Val?

Well, that's a good question. We need to think about what exactly happened to them over the past three days, why they happened, and how it'll affect the course of the RP. Send me a PM when you think of something :)

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On topic of OC's and their developement, like with Draco, what do you guys think of Striker?

Haven't seen enough of him you answer.

Speaking of character development I haven't developed ANY of the ponies under my control for real...I missed a good chance to so im sort of disappointed.

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