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Revolution: A Hoof in the Dark (Open)


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Vinyl's eyes widened. So another storm was coming. She had always wrote lyrics about it, made morbid references to the blood of ponies running afresh. But now, when she was being told that it was true... She remembered her own schooling, when she had been taught by a young Cheerilee- oh Celestia she hoped her former teacher was out there somewhere still- that all life was precious. Where the hay had those ideals been the first time? Were they even relevant now? Vinyl was by no means an idealist, but all the same...

[colour=#ff0000]"Uh... you don't mind me saying, Queen? You are working on the peaceful resolution before you resort to the fighting, right?" [/colour][colour=#000000]Vinyl honestly wasn't sure if Queen Chrysalis had the diplomatic power to kill Vinyl on the spot and get away with it. This was dangerous territory, to be sure.[/colour]

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She did indeed have that power, especially now after the GEF abandoned them, but she had no intent to kill the poor civilian.

[colour=#009966]"Of course, I will try whatever I can, since we have certain... royals who prefer it this way, but I seriously doubt it will end peacefully."[/colour] She moved closer to the two somewhat scared ponies. [colour=#009966]"Don't be afraid, I see you aren't aligned with either side - are you?"[/colour] She walked up and down thinking about Cadence while she waited for their answer, which will mostly likely determine how she is going to treat them.

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The stallion had been mulling over the information he had just received for a few hours now. The situation he was in seemed so surreal. He didn't doubt that his family had survived, but wow. He half chuckled, half cried a little at the thoughts that ran through his mind. [colour=#40e0d0]"HAHAHAHAHA!"[/colour] He cackled madly.

Regulus was one of three siblings, himself and two sisters, but for the colt dna decided to set him apart and recombine in just the right way to give him a set of dignified highlights through his mane and tail. No other pony had this trait, and it made Regulus feel special before he even knew what his special talent was and here five hundred years later the mare known as Twilight Sparkle shared this trait with him. He had read a few little information on the Twilight Sparkle, but most of the records were burned when Canterlot fell so he only knew the basics of the mare's appearance.

[colour=#40e0d0]"BWAHAHAHAHA, that means my...my wife, she was...and I wasn't there!"[/colour] He allowed his head to slump down and stare at his paper work, even in his current state of mind the calculations and physics were trivial to the Archmage, the scale was the problem. Today was a great day, he had suggested a great change to a heinous spell and had a huge double sided bomb was just revealed to him. He straightened his mane and levitated a protractor and pencil, he brought the two down and began to take more notes and check details. His personal musings would not ruin the quality of his work.

Several hours later, there was a knock on the door of Chronarch's lab.

[colour=#40e0d0]"Enter."[/colour] He said calmly.

A white maned guard entered into the room, his uniform was decorated with many ribbons and medals. The stallions strong, confident gait faltered under the gaze of the Archmage. "Sir," He said while saluting. "a few hours ago the ponies in R&D lost contact with our research platform in the Arctic Region."

[colour=#40e0d0]"Have you informed Red Fox?"[/colour] of course he hadn't, otherwise he wouldn't be standing in front of me.

"No sir, the Red Fox was preoccupied at the moment."

[colour=#40e0d0]"I shall relay the information to our leader. Thank you for coming to me in haste with your concern."[/colour]

"Yes sir, thank you sir." He saluted the Archmage and walked out of his laboratory.

Chronarch rubbed his eyes and made himself look presentable. He teleported himself directly into Twilight's chamber. He presented himself to the mare with a short bow.

[colour=#40e0d0]"Our Arctic facility has gone dark, and communication cannot be reestablished. It's possible that the facility has been raided and wiped out."[/colour] He said still looking at the floor.

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It's about 2:00 hours and Captain Striker was on the outskirts of Baltimare ready to assault a GEF munitions depot. With him is a platoon of his rangers from the 2nd Ranger Battalion, Echo Company. They jumped into the forest about about an hour and 45 minutes ago, about 4 kilcks west of the target. He lies in wait, observing the facility witch is about 200 meters away from the treeline.

[colour=#008000]"Overlord, this is Hunter 2-1. We are in postion at point Bravo and on standby. How copy? Over."[/colour]

[colour=#FFA500]"Overlord copies all, Hunter 2-1. Predator drones reveal target is fortified with concrete walls and counts 4 guard towers. Visual reports also show enemy armor within the complex. No data regarding anti-air. Recomend an assault on the main gate for surpression as a squad breaks through the east wall. Over."[/colour]

[colour=#008000]"Hunter 2-1 copies. Do we have any air support? Over."[/colour]

[colour=#FFA500]"Hunter 2-1, we have an AH-64D Longbow, callsign: Pegasis, and a AC-130H Spectre, flight 04, callsign: Stalker, are enroute. Over."[/colour]

[colour=#008000]"Overlord, Hunter 2-1 copies all. We will be on standby until support enters combat zone, over."[/colour]

[colour=#FFA500]"Overlord copies. Good hunting Hunter 2-1, over and out."[/colour]

Striker and his men lie in wait until their support arrives. He gazes out to his target and his itch for battle begins to grow. [colour=#008000]"Oh, you *******s are gunna get some now... hooah." [/colour]Striker quietly growls.

A very slight humming can be heard as the nearly invisible aircraft hovers overhead.

[colour=#800080]"Hunter 2-1, this is Stalker. We are on station and ready to provide sir support, over."[/colour]

[colour=#008000]"Hunter 2-1 Actual copies, Stalker. Request a HE 105mm volley of 2 rounds, map grid 315-29er8, east wall, danger close, on my mark. How copy? Over."[/colour]

[colour=#800080]"Solid copy, 2-1. 105 volley on east wall, danger close. Standing by for mark, over."[/colour]

Captain Striker looks over to his men. [colour=#008000]"2-2 and 2-3, assault the main gate using the Stryker, Ursa Minor, as cover. We will kick down the door for you. Now move out." [/colour]As Striker's men move south to get into position. Striker hears another voice chime in on the radio.

[colour=#800000]"Hunter 2-1, this is Pegasis. We are entering the combat zone, over."[/colour]

[colour=#008000]"Hunter 2-1 Actual, copies. Welcome to the party, Pegasis. You are clear to provide close air support and engage all targets of opprotunity in the sector after Stalker's volley strikes. Note friendlies will be marked with strobes, over."[/colour]

[colour=#800000]"Solid copy on all. Pegasis on standby, over."[/colour]

Striker's men begin to assaut the main gate as heavy gunfire erupts near their postion. Ursa Minor's .50cal cannon is unique amoung the sounds of war. The Captain then looks to the sky.

[colour=#008000]"Stalker, this is Hunter 2-1 Actual. You are cleared to fire, over."[/colour]

[colour=#800080]"Stalker 2 copies. Beginning fire mission, over."[/colour]

Suddenly a large *thump* like noise is heard followed by a large blast and then again a few seconds later. Smoke rises as a giant hole now rests in the east wall of the complex. Striker's blood gets pumping, ready for combat.

[colour=#008000]"Solid hit, Stalker 2! Over."[/colour]

[colour=#800080]"Hunter 2-1 this is Stalker, we will remain on station for support if needed. Radio in if you need something erased, over and out."[/colour]

[colour=#800000]"Hunter 2-1, this is Pegasis. We recieved confromation of Stalkers attack. Beginning attack run, over."[/colour]

Striker and his men rush the complex as Pegasis flies overhead with it's 30mm cannon blazing. They meet heavier resistance than expected but they still caught them with their saddles down. A vicious firefight ensues as his squad makes their way to the gate and eliminates the hostiles there. Then they blow the gate and the rest of the plattoon storms the facility. Alarms buzz everywhere as well as bullets.

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Twilight stood at the window, her back turned to Chronarch. She had been checking the magical enchantments and wards she had placed on the city and other areas of Equestria, and in truth she already knew about what occurred at the testing facility. These Freelancers were becoming an inconvenience to her...perhaps it was about time she let them know how much she knew about their "secret" operations... moving a hoof over the window, a few stray clouds dispersed, revealing three glowing blue wisps that drifted down, phasing through the window and beginning to circle her. Taking a deep breath, Twilight stilled her body, motionless as the orbs pressed themselves into her body, fading from sight and leaving a soft after-glow for a few seconds before vanishing completely. Letting out the breath she had taken in, Twilight turned to Chronarch with a worried exp<b></b>ression.

"...what is it, Chronarch? It must be rather important, teleporting in unannounced." Listening to his words, she nodded solemnly and sat down in her black leather chair. "Yes, I am fully aware of the attacks. However, they are simple pin-pricks to me. I sent one of the Shade Corps out to gather intelligence on the Freelancers." Twilight paused, eyeing Chronarch curiously. There was something...familiar...about the stallion, but she couldn't put her hoof on it. It just...felt like she should know him in some way other than who he was now.


Applebloom watched the Freelancer HQ from afar, her presence concealed by the magical cloaking magic she had on herself, as well as the shadow-manipulating gemstone lodged into her hyper-flex vest. She had searched for two days...remaining out of sight as she followed the thought-trails of the Freelancer ponies inside the dropship. When she had arrived a few hours ago, she decided to remain hidden and observe the area around her...to better understand who she was dealing with. These ponies had superior technology, of that there was no doubt. However...that same technological power and secrecy weakened them in one fatal aspect: they were too confident. Now...now was the time to begin her infiltration. Crouching down, her armor warped the shadows around her, as she felt herself propelled to the closest shade, warping again to an even farther shadow near the base. She halted the movement, appearing in the darkness right behind one of the Freelancer guards, who leaned against the wall, listening to music inside his helmet. Soundlessly, Applebloom pulled him into the darkness and stabbed a green-jeweled dagger into the poor pony's heart.

Watching the life ebb from the dying pony, Applebloom smiled as the vampiric magic of the dagger took effect, transfering the pony's strength into her, as well as the guard's memories and experiences. It always felt so...invigorating...when she did this. A gift to her by the Red Fox, it was a relic from the ancient past. Once the process was complete, she pulled the dagger out of the dried, unidentifiable husk in her arms and hid the corpse away. Applebloom stood back up, pressing a button on her armor as she assumed the appearance of the guard, stepping out into the light with the dead pony's hehlmet on her head. Moving away from the dark area, she approached the base undisturbed by any other Freelancer agents.

(OOC: Bwahaha...Shade Corps=Soviet KGB/Spetsnaz)

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[colour=#ff0000]"But the royals were all..." [/colour][colour=#000000]Vinyl didn't want to finish that thought. She rarely cried, even when she was by herself. Vinyl thought of tears as wasted bodily fluid, when sweat could instead be expended fixing the problem that was causing you grief. But it was kind of impossible to fix problems like that had been. Vinyl had been inconsolable for days following the execution, especially given that there had been no ponies around to console her in the huge chaos immediately following the end of the rebellion. [/colour][colour=#ff0000]"Well, uh..." [/colour][colour=#000000]Vinyl was treading carefully. She didn't know what the right answer was supposed to be. But her heart was telling her that it was important she be honest, right now. Who knew if Changelings couldn't read minds, on top of all the freaky stuff they could already pull off? [/colour][colour=#ff0000]"I am a citizen of the GEF. But I frankly don't know where my loyalties lie... No. They lay with the now dead Princesses. But that's in the past."[/colour]

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Maybe it was part of her plan of winning the population, maybe it was a moment of weakness but Chrysalis decided to tell them a little bit about her true intentions.

[colour=#009966]"That sounds very much like someone who would join the RLF but is too scared for his or her life"[/colour], her voice did tell that she did not think bad of her for being afraid of dying - it was a good thing.[colour=#009966] "I know you fear me - but you also feared Luna at first. Maybe there will be new princesses after this second civil war... and things will be even better than with Celestia and Luna. At least for my people."[/colour]

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[colour=#40e0d0]"I assumed as much, there is very little that you are unaware of."[/colour] Chronarch closed his eyes and took in a deep breath. [colour=#40e0d0]"Which brings us to the real reason why I stand before you. I'm not one to waste time so I'll just come forward with my concern. Twilight Sparkle,"[/colour] He said calmly. [colour=#40e0d0]"I believe that YOU are my direct descendant, no, I know you are!" [/colour]

He stared at her with more life in his eyes now then at any point after his revival.[colour=#40e0d0] "I would have put it together long ago had I been able to see you, but now with you revealed and standing before me; it’s like looking into a mirror. I was the only pony with highlights like that in all of Equestria."[/colour] He shook his head and stared at the ground.[colour=#40e0d0] "It's a feeling that I cannot explain, so much in one day revealed. To know that my wife must have been carrying a foal when I was ripped away from her, a foal that I wasn't there for and to awaken to find out that the principality has been downed by a powerful unicorn, which turns out to be of my own flesh and blood...this...”[/colour] He ground his teeth together.[colour=#40e0d0] "It is something that even I could not have planned for...you have accomplished all that I set out for."[/colour] His legs quivered from excited, and for the first time in since his defeat he wore a faint smile across his face instead of the disinterested expression he normal had. Even though he had no idea how his leader would react to this, he couldn't suppress the energy that flowed through him.

[colour=#40e0d0]"I don't expect this to change anything, but I had to clear the air between us. You would've caught wind of my distant behavior eventually."[/colour] Chronarch regained his composure and looked back up to Twilight beaming with his usual strength and willingness to serve. [colour=#40e0d0]"I have utterly failed my wife and child, but know this, in me you have more than a subordinate, you have family. I don't know if this means anything to you, but I am truly proud of all that you have accomplished." [/colour]The stallion bowed his head to Twilight in a deeper and more heartfelt gesture than his usual shows of respect. [colour=#40e0d0]"I'm sorry if I wasted your time with this personal endeavor of mine."[/colour] He slowly rose to his full height.

(OOC: Holy cow pie, Applebloom is a boss.)

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he looked at the guard and wondered the same thing. had he been sacrificed for others? he did not know, and part of him wanted to say yes and earn the admiration and fear of the guards but deep down he knew he couldn't because that would be wrong he sighed as he decided to pony up to the guard.

[colour=#008000]"no i have somethings.. i had a foalhood.. i had a father.. i have my life."[/colour] he said soberly [colour=#008000]"im just some Pegasus with dragon wings who was lucky to have somepony who still cared for him at one point or another."[/colour] he walked away with his head down towards Draxis.

[colour=#008000]"i will join [/colour][colour=#008000]you...if nothing else but to help the pony's in need.."[/colour] he said


The young stallion tried to offer Draco a smile but it just wouldn't come. "You had way less than most of us. I apologize for the way I treated you, I joined the guard to gain some maturity...looks like I failed my own personal goal." He chuckled lightly before trotting off to continue his duties.

[colour=#008080]"That's a good reason for joining."[/colour] Draxis said to Draco. The walkie talkie on Draxis' chest buzzed to life.

"Captain..." The guard huffed. "We've captured him...We've captured Gruff, he's being interrogated now. INT-118 sir." the walkie talkie when dormant again.

Draxis' smile quickly turned into a frown and his eyes narrowed. [colour=#008080]"Draco, you've seen the worst of us. Come with me and see the best of us."[/colour]

He lead Draco through several hallways until arriving at a room with two doors labeled INT-118. He took the door to the left and held it open so that Draco could walk in. They were in a sound proof room with a large pane of tinted glass in front of them. There was another guard in the room as well but he was busy taking notes. and brely acknolwedged the two. On the other side of the glass were three ponies. Two of them wore guard armor and the other wore nothing more than a blue ascot.

Draxis pointed his hoof at the pony in the ascot.[colour=#008080] "That's Gruff. He leads one of the loyalist cells near Equinia. Being a loyalist cell leader isnt why he is such a high priority target though, as you may expect, waging war is expensive. Seeing as the RLF have no government they can only really deal in black market economy, they trade and sell among themselves or to anyone who will deal with them. The business venture rarely matters as long as it gets them supplies. Whether it be, arms, drugs...or ponies." [/colour]Draxis looked at Draco, snarled, not angry at the Dragon pony, but angry in general.[colour=#008080] "Gruff here has been kidnapping foals and trading them to the Diamond Dogs for years. Turning foals into slaves and whores to be exchanged for gems and weapons!"[/colour] He said a little too loud.

A loud metallic crash reverberated through the air, rattling the glass in front of them. One of the guards had slammed Gruffs head into the table and was now grinding his hoof into the Loyalists neck. Gruff was now mumbling something between choked cries, whatever it was it caused the guard to back hoof him and knock him to the floor. The other guard lifted the prisonor back up so that he could be pummeled in the gut by the first guard. Eventually Gruff called for an end to it, and mumbled something into one of the guards ears.

[colour=#008080]"I'm not going to lie to you, sometimes we have to hurt ponies to protect the innocent, but never more than we have to though."[/colour] Draxis said as he stared into the room.

The guard that was beating gruff opened the door to the room and let several medics in to examine Gruff and nurse his injuries. The guard who walked out came into the room with Draco and Draxis.

"Sir we know where the foals are." The guard said.

[colour=#008080]"Good, send the word to ready up. I want two teams of Twelve, we are rescuing those ponies TODAY!"[/colour] He commanded. [colour=#008080]"Draco, are you ready to see the fruits fruits of our labor?"[/colour] He asked the pony.

Broken Mind laughed louder as they broke in. The laugh reverberated around the house. He could no longer work with how funny he thought the situation was, and was unaware that he would likely be killed on the spot. He started singing again. [colour=#A9A9A9]"You can't find me~! You can't find me~! Ahahahahaha!" [/colour]He lay on the trap door, he only entrance to the attic where he hid. He was rolling around laughing, and singing, taunting the guards.

(OOC: Sorry Fireraven I didn't see your post at all.)


The shotgun wielding earth pony, trudged through the lower floor of the home, checking every dark corner as he went. [colour=#A9A9A9]"You can't find me~! You can't find me~! Ahahahahaha!" [/colour][colour=#000000]Oh no he was not going to get killed by some psycho sniper this day, his pace slowed to nearly a crawl as he began to look over every inch of every room he entered meticulously. In his hyper aware state he remembered that they didn't know anything about who they were looking for. For all he knew the could be walking into a powerful unicorn's trap! Panic started to set in and his legs trembled a little more with each step.[/colour]

[colour=#A9A9A9]"You can't find me~! You can't find me~! Ahahahahaha!" [/colour][colour=#000000]This pony was obviously some sort of fool. Thought the unicorn guard, unlike his superior he was more level headed, and much less excitable. After hearing the pony's declaration of not being able to find him, he used a sound tracking spell to aid in finding him. The sniper was making a ruckus so it wasnt long until the unicorn made his way up stairs. He could hear the pony clearly now but where the hay was he, it sounded as if he was right...on..top...of...him...He quickly summoned up a scanning spell to search for any breaks or spaces in the ceiling. His eye twitched when it passed over a spot to the left of him. "Um LT!" He yelled. "I think I found him."[/colour]

[colour=#000000]The lieutenant nearly jumped out of his hooves when he heard Private Raidar call for him. He rushed upstairs and was soon at his charges sides, his nerves had settled quite a bit (not because he was scared or anything like that...) now that he knew where the danger was.[/colour]

[colour=#000000]"Secret hatch sir," Raidar said as he pointed a hoof at the ceiling.[/colour]

[colour=#000000]"Good job." LT patted the Private on his back. He slowly moved into position and nodded at the Private. "Rip it open!"[/colour]

[colour=#000000]"Yes sir!" Raidar tore the hatch open with his telekinesis. [/colour]

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Free had a lot to think about as the trio walked down the corridor. Was he really going to open up negotiations again? He had tried so many times before, it was just plainly demoralizing for his troops. The fact that the GEF weren't even willing to listen really pissed the stallion off, that they were so full of themselves. Looking over at Cadence, Free calmed himself down. He would try his hardest to sort the conflict out peacefully. Soon enough though, Free spotted a flicker of light in the distance. [colour=#000080]"Looks like the way out." [/colour]Free said blandly as he quickened his pace, desperate to be out of the dark and miserable tunnels.

Meanwhile, an orange-creme coloured mare paced around the RLF camp, worried for Free's leaders safety. It had been over a day since he had last radio'd in, and that was straight after he had broken out of prison and only to tell his troops of the wild goose chase he was venturing off on. Commander Applejack trotted into the comms tent, walking over to the officer in charge. [colour=#FF8C00]"Any word from Free?" [/colour]She said, slightly angered at their leaders recent acts. The comms officer shook his head, replying "No ma'am." Applejack slammed her hoof into the ground, before adding [colour=#FF8C00]"Dangit." [/colour]A couple of troops in her early days in the RLF had had the nerve to insult her accent, but she had put those two in her place. Now, the rest of the troopers were used to it. She cleared her throat, getting everypony's attention. [colour=#FF8C00]"Alright everypony, we have to assume the worst. General Free's gone and dang got himself lost, or worse. I say we organise a search party and go look for him." [/colour]Many of the troopers nodded as she said this, and the RLF began it's search for their leader.

(OOC: Sorry, she wasn't taken so I just had too :razz: )

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he knew what some of the loyalists were doing was wrong and he knew what the GEF did was wrong.. but none of that mattered what mattered right now was that some foals were in need of rescue. innocents were in danger... and draco was not going to stand for it.. no matter the cost. he picked his head up broke into a stance and saluted

[colour=#008000]"yes sir.. where too sir?"[/colour] he asked in a almost authoritative vice.. a surprising change in attitude.

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(OOC: That's fine, Brit :) just one more piece to the puzzle.)

Gladius led them out of the tunnel, emerging into the sunlight on a rocky ledge. Down below them was a rolling, open green plain which seemed to extend forever. He had listened to the former Princess' conversation with Free, and he was honestly surprised by her wish to negotiate peacefully. Suddenly, a thought occurred to him.

"...you know, now that I think about it...the GEF may be open to negotiations now. With you in the RLF, Miss Cadence...they will recognize the threat you could pose. Until now...the Loyalists have been viewed as nothing but an inconvenience to the Red Fox. Now, though...perhaps enough influence could be made." Gladius gave a hopeful smile, looking up at the sky above them. Maybe...just maybe...this bloody conflict could end peacefully.


Twilight stared at Chronarch silently during the entire speech, her eyes slowly widening with each passing moment. While she kept a mask of interest on her face, her insides were quivering with this new piece of information. The pony that she revived from his long slumber...the one who tried to bring down the Principality five hundred years ago...was her ancestor? It seemed too much to believe. Pulling her mind from the subject, she pushed her chair back and stood up slowly, her gaze locked on the stallion before her.

"...how could you consider something like this as unimportant? It isn't every day that a mare discovers that her right-hand pony is actually a long-lost relative... It seems we will have much to discuss later, Chronarch. I need you to make an announcement to all of Equestria for me...through all means possible. The message is this: 'The Red Fox is revealing itself...and is extending negotiations to the Federation's enemies.' I have left the cruel, heartless guise of the Red Fox behind...now, it is my time to rule as the sovereign Equestria deserves. No longer do the citizens of the Federation need to fear the Red Fox...for an age of enlightment is about to arrive."

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Broken Mind hardly noticed as he fell through the hatch, hitting the old wooden floors. He continued his maniacal laughter, though changed the lyrics to his crazy song. [colour=#a9a9a9]"I lost~! I lost~! It's your turn to hide~! Ahahahaha!" [/colour]He looked down to his hoof, which felt funny. He didn't realize he sprained it from the impact. All he paid attention to was the blood coming from a cut on it, causing him to laugh harder. He was surrounded and weaponless, and laughed as he realized he was screwed, and that his death was forthecoming. He liked death. Lots of blood.

(Sorry for short posts, I can't come up with much XD)

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Maybe it was part of her plan of winning the population, maybe it was a moment of weakness but Chrysalis decided to tell them a little bit about her true intentions.

[colour=#009966]"That sounds very much like someone who would join the RLF but is too scared for his or her life"[/colour], her voice did tell that she did not think bad of her for being afraid of dying - it was a good thing.[colour=#009966] "I know you fear me - but you also feared Luna at first. Maybe there will be new princesses after this second civil war... and things will be even better than with Celestia and Luna. At least for my people."[/colour]

The Equestioner thought hurriedly. He knew that ever since Reina had gone missing, he had been part of the loyalists. But to say he was an interrogator was too much. He simply said to the queen "I consider myself a part of the resistance."

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[colour=#009966]"Resistance? Good, good little pony"[/colour], Chrysalis said, turning to the stallion now, [colour=#009966]"do you two believe that ponies and changelings could ever live in peace with each other?"[/colour] It might be a quite random question, but it was interesting for the Queen to know - after all she had two somewhat normal civilians here and who could tell her the opinion better than them - well if they are being honest. [colour=#009966]"Don't be afraid to tell me no - I just want the truth."[/colour]

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Cadence followed behind, her spirits suddenly soaring. She was glad to feel the sun once more, glad in a way to feel the radiance of her aunt for perhaps the first time since she had last seen Celestia alive. It wasn't that she had avoided the sun since then, but the light of the sun had seemed... dead to her. As if the sun were just an abstract fixture of light in the sky, giving her nothing anymore. Perhaps she had even felt her enemy, Red Fox, in the glare of the sun, all the hatred she wanted to take out on that faceless pony. The sun had been a scourge to her, not an ally, for years. And now she felt it's cool warmth, the little breezes, many things she had not understood in a long time.

[colour=#ee82ee]"I... I'm happy that we can at least try. I know my aunties are happy..." [/colour][colour=#000000]She looked up into the sky along with Gladius, taking a moment of silence in their memory. Then she looked back down, clapped her hooves into the ground with a dull thud. [/colour][colour=#ee82ee]"Right!" [/colour][colour=#000000]Her voice had a hint of enthusiasm, eagerness for the future. Not a lot, but it was enormous compared to her formerly dead and hopeless tone. [/colour][colour=#ee82ee]"Shall we keep going? We have a meeting to make, yes?"[/colour]


Vinyl glanced at the Equestioner. She realized that this was the first time she had ever met an actual rebel who admitted it. She had her suspicions of Royalists in the music industry, but no way to prove it.

[colour=#ff0000]"Uh... yeah, I don't really see the problem with Changelings. I mean, sure, you guys kind of attacked us before," [/colour][colour=#000000]Vinyl added dryly. She somehow felt like Chrysalis could be trusted, perhaps more so than her own officials back home. So her usual light sarcastic tone began to surface once more. She also readopted her strong posture, no longer cowering slightly in place, but marching about proudly as she spoke. [/colour][colour=#ff0000]"But you didn't kill the Princesses... Would you have? if you had won?"[/colour]

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[Central Comm Building, Munitions Depot, Balitmare, 3:45 hrs]

(BTW I am assuming that the characters are anthro.)

Striker and his squad split up and storm the comm relay building within the complex. A short but intense firefight follows. Striker kicks down the door to the communications room. As he enter's and scan for targets, he is jumped from behind causing him to drop his rifle. Striker falls to a the floor and notices his attacker has a knife. As a struggle ensues and Striker manages kick away his attacker before drawing his pistol and shoots the pony in his his knee causing him to fall back in pain. The Captain stands with his sidearm aiming right between his attacker's eyes. The stallion is revealed to be the comm officer. Comm officers have access to at least some intel. After some vicious pistol whipping Striker pops his one and only question...

[colour=#008000]"WHO IS RED FOX!!! TELL ME WHO THAT B*****D IS NOW!!!"[/colour] Striker orders loudly.

[colour=#800080]"I... I don't know... I... really don't know and if I did I wouldn't tell you RLF PIG!!!" [/colour]the bloodied comm officer replies.

[colour=#008000]"Fine... I bet you'll like being a POW then." [/colour]A few of Striker's men enter the room. [colour=#008000]"Take him." [/colour]he says coldly.


The angered Captain walks over the Comm relay and notices that they were brodcasting on all frequencies during the attack. They must have been calling for renforcements. Suddenly Striker gets a call from command.

[colour=#FFA500]"Attention Stalker, Pegasis, and Hunter 2 Victors, this is Overlord. Intel reports enemy renforcements are rapidly approaching from the North. All forces are to retreat for evac. Say again, enemy renforcements are rapidly approaching from the North. All forces are to retreat for evac. You have about 30 minutes to mop up and get the hell out of there, over."[/colour]

[colour=#008000]"S***... Hunter 2-1 Actual copies all. Moving to evac point Charile, over." [/colour]Striker says reluctantly but then he remembers the radio. Time for some psychological warfare. It's his chance to send Red Fox a message... he turns on the mic...

[colour=#008000]"Red Fox... this is Captain Striker of the RLF and REA 75th Ranger Regiment... you took something dear from me... I don't know who you are but you can be dang certain about something... I will look for you... I will find you... and I will kill you... over and out you SOB..." [/colour]with those words Striker shoots the mic, making sure Red Fox hears the gunshot last before the static, and turns to gather up his men and their POW's for evac.

Just as Pegasis and Stalker leave the combat zone head for home a couple of Pave Low's helicopters land at the evac point and load up the personel and their Stryker as well as the POW's. As they lift off a stealth bomber comes overhead and carpet bombs the whole complex along with the GEF renforcements as they arrive and turns back for home.


[RLF High Command, Main RLF Stronghold, - Undisclosed Location/Time]

Just back from his mission and after a little paper work, Striker heads straight for RLF Command to deliever his report to Gen. Quickhoof. Strangely, he is nowhere to be found. He finds the General's desk and leave the file. He then begins to walk around the installation looking for his supeior officer. [colour=#008000]"Where the hay is he? He was here when I left."[/colour] the Ranger speaks to himself in confusion.

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he knew what some of the loyalists were doing was wrong and he knew what the GEF did was wrong.. but none of that mattered what mattered right now was that some foals were in need of rescue. innocents were in danger... and draco was not going to stand for it.. no matter the cost. he picked his head up broke into a stance and saluted

[colour=#008000]"yes sir.. where too sir?"[/colour] he asked in a almost authoritative vice.. a surprising change in attitude.

Draxis was thrown off guard by Draco's sudden shift, from timid to firm in an instant. I guess with with innocents on the line he shows his true colors. [colour=#008080]"Follow me."[/colour] He said as he trotted away quickly. Draxis lead him through the precinct, this time the destination was the captain's private armory. Entering the room, Draxis walked over to one of the large cabinets and pressed his hoof against a glowing green panel. The doors of the cabinet spread open, revealing enough weaponry to arm a small regiment of the Capital's guard. The captain reached in and tossed Draco a heavy set of barding. The armor was mostly black and made of Kevlar. A single gem was set in the center of the chest of the suit.

[colour=#008080]"Put that on, it'll erect a magical barrier around you."[/colour] Draxis put on his own armor and fastened a large revolver to the leg near his blade. [colour=#008080]"Ready?"[/colour]



[colour=#40e0d0]"With so much going on, it seemed kind of small, I guess that was just my work orientated mind putting personal dealings on hold. Indeed, once we have a free moment it would be nice to talk about this."[/colour] That bridge would be crossed when he came to it. Twilight was still the one in charge here and when she spoke up with a command, he listened. [colour=#40e0d0]"It will be done, I will broadcast the message on all frequencies from here to the borders of Equestria during mid evening hours." [/colour]

Chronarch had long since memorized the layout of the capital city. Every major facility and its floor plans were in his mind, ready to be called up with no more than a thought. Using this knowledge he teleported to the government wide range broadcasting station.

The ponies attending the equipment nearly jumped out of the windows when the Archmage suddenly appear among them.[colour=#40e0d0] "The Red Fox has a message that it wants everyone to hear."[/colour] He said without looking at any of the ponies.

By the time he planned on addressing the nation the ponies working at the broadcasting station had set everything up.

Chronarch tapped a button on holoscanner and a blue light washed across his face. The stallion was on the air, anypony in Equestria with some sort of media device that could receive wireless transmissions would hear what he had to say.[colour=#40e0d0] "Equestria, this is Archmage Chronarch of the Grand Equestrian Federation."[/colour] He said as he gave a small bow.

[colour=#40e0d0]"You have wondered for these past few years who our leader is, but question no more. Citizens of the Federation, Loyalists, and any other peoples who do not agree with our stance, The Red Fox has be 'defeated' by Twilight Sparkle. The time of fearing the pony in the mask has ended! Twilight has taken up the reigns left behind by The Red Fox and wishes to lead this great nation towards the prosperity and peace its citizens deserve, and in an effort to move forward with that goal in mind Twilight Sparkle will open up negotiations with all of the Federation's enemies. Equestria has awakened to a bright new day."[/colour] He ended the feed and hoped that everyone had seen it. Who was he kidding, everyone had seen it and if they didn't they would hear about it.

He teleport out of the broadcast chamber and reappeared in his quarters. It wasn't really that late, but today had been one of those days...mental fatigue was something that not even the strongest mages could defeat, and it would do no one any good to have him tired. He crawled into bed and rested his head on his pillows. It wasn't long before sleep took him in its warm embrace.

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Gladius looked over at Cadence and his elderly smile widened. It was marvelous to see the young alicorn in such high spirits! In fact, it made him feel less aged than he was...quite an infectious emotion, confidence is. Looking at what direction the sun was setting, he pointed his hoof toward the north-east.

"...if we go in that direction, we should arrive at or near Neighagra Falls. I've been there before, during my years in the REA. Quite a lovely sight...but rumors say that the water has turned foal and the life there has faded, due to the factories made close-by. A shame, it is...but progress always has its sacrifices."

Beginning to move carefully down the slope, the old unicorn looked back at them with a witty grin. "Well, younglings? Are you going to let an old coot like me beat you down these ridges into the valley?"


Rainbow Dash arrived at the communications center of the Citadel, drawing the attention of several of the GEF engineers and radioponies. Approaching the main video communicator, she turned to a couple of ponies below her. "...get me the Goliath Facility's scientists on the comm-link...and turn on the prototype security mainframe to guard against prying eyes."

The two bowed respectfully, obeying the Chancellor's orders and getting to work. It took several minutes before contact was made with the chief scientist of the discreet Goliath Facility, who appeared on the large screen in front of Rainbow Dash. "...good evening, Dr. Hooves (Or Whooves, whichever). How goes the research on the Goliath?"

The scientist nodded on the screen, giving a slight smile to the pegasus. "...Goliath is still being very unyielding, unfortunately. We cannot seem to get through its defenses...however, I think that we are getting closer to a way to get inside and control Goliath. Please assure the Red Fox that it will just take us some more time and-" Rainbow Dash interrupted him with a raised hoof, narrowing her eyes as she began to speak.

"...time is no longer a commodity for you, Doctor. Also, it is Twilight Sparkle now...no longer the Red Fox. You are to increase your efforts and that of your team's immediately, for our mistress demands progress." The scientist on the screen frowned at the mention of the Red Fox's true identity, nodding in comprehension.

"...I see. I always wondered what happened to that filly...regardless, I understand the orders, Chancellor Rainbow Dash. However, I cannot promise any progress until the end of the week...check again then, and I promise that I will have the answers we need." Rainbow Dash smiled, nodding to the Doctor before telling the radioponies to end the communication transfer, the screen winking to black once more. Satisfied, the Chancellor trotted out of the room, leaving the ponies around her to their work.

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[colour=#009966]"The princesses?",[/colour] Chrysalis asked at first, cought a bit offguard with that sudden question about her first attempt to rule over this land. [colour=#009966]"Well"[/colour], she took a deep breath, her smile fading and her expression getting quite serious for her at least. [colour=#009966]"I wasn't young back there, but I was naive. I think if I had won this fight it might have come to the moment were I had killed them - I can't say for sure, since I was in doubt about what I did when I saw the ponies in their capital for such a long time. But probably they would have been killed by me."[/colour] Thinking about this made her sad - if she had won she would be in the position of the Red Fox now, a whole partition of the land hating her and just waiting to be taken down by a revolution herself.

[colour=#009966]"I am not the same Queen anymore. The Red Fox has changed me, everyone."[/colour] She turned around and looked at the waterfall.[colour=#009966] "Since he reigns over this land we changelings have encountered more and more hate. The GEF loyalists hate us for taking their land and they believe only ponykind deserves to live while the RLF hates us for helping the GEF."[/colour] All these memory saddened Chrysalis more and more until eventually a tear came from her eye. [colour=#009966]"We have feelings too, you know?"[/colour]

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Vinyl was a sensitive soul, and she understood the genuine dichotomy between these two halves of Chrysalis, the part of her that was perhaps genuinely just as bad as Red Fox, and the part of her that had tried to grow past it. Vinyl saw in the Changeling before her something of a song waiting to happen, and that song might be sadly triumphant, tentative for the future. She wasn't even sure if she wanted to be here right now. It seemed wrong to be here, hearing these admissions from someone she had once had nothing but distant animosity for. [colour=#ff0000]"... Everypony has feelings, Queen. I hate the GEF for killing my Princesses. And I hate the REF for continuing the fight in which ponies are going to die needlessly. Frankly, I hate you for daring to come into this war at all..." [/colour][colour=#000000]Vinyl quickly magicked her sunglasses back over her eyes. Suddenly, she thought she'd rather not the other two be looking at her eyes. [/colour]

[colour=#ff0000]"I think... I think I'll see you around, Queen." [/colour][colour=#000000]Vinyl turned away, made her way out of the thicket. She had to get back to Equina, out of the place where her lyrics were their realest. It scared her when they became too real.[/colour]


[colour=#000000]Cadence lost a bit of her bluster at that. Progress had it's prices, indeed. The sun beat down on her, reminding her of the price at every moment. To feel her auntie around, somewhere... it also brought back the bad memories of their loss. But Cadence had too much to look forward to now. Too many ponies whose memories she had to honor. So she smiled and laughed, a bright laugh.[/colour]

[colour=#ee82ee]"Oh don't worry, Glad. I can beat you with two hooves tied to my flank." [/colour][colour=#000000]Cadence took off galloping after him.[/colour]

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Twilight had left her chamber shortly after Chronarch, trotting down the Citadel's halls in silence, the only noise being her own hoofsteps or the passing greetings of guards. All of this...the Citadel...Equinia...Equestria...it was under her dominion. The responsibility of every pony under the GEF's banner was her own...now she knew how the Princesses felt, before she had ordered their execution. Or rather...that creature demanded it...grimacing at the memory, her expression frightened a nearby guard, who prostrated himself in front of her. Removing the scowl off her face, she apologized the guard, shooing him on his way, ignoring his thanks and praises as she continued on.

At the end of her trek, she arrived at her private quarters, exhausted after staying up all evening and most of the day. Putting on a small smile, she opened the elegantly carved doors and proceeded inside. As soon as she closed the doors behind her, she was attacked by a small blue ball, being hurled to the ground and onto her back.

"Hey Mama! Welcome home!" Said the small foal on top of her, giving her a wide grin as he snuggled against her. Laughing, Twilight embraced the little unicorn, taking solace with him in her arms. "...hello there, my darling Azure."

Pulling out of her hug, Azure giggled as he ran into the main chamber ahead of her, talking to her all about his day, what he learned, and what he and his nurse had done today. Throughout the tirade of words, Twilight held a motherly smile, listening to her beloved Azure's words. Back during the Revolution, Azure was just an orphaned infant...unable to care for himself. She had found him out in an open battlefield, outside of Appleloosa under the guise of the Red Fox. The moment she had saw him then, she couldn't conceive letting him be placed into a foster home or orphanage, like countless others since then. Taking the foal in, she named him Azure Blaze, for the fiery-blue look of his coat. For five years, she had taken care of the foal in secrecy, raising him and teaching him about the world. Well...she and her one of her old friends, who acted as his nurse and teacher while Twilight was away as the Red Fox. At the end of his rapid chatting, Azure tugged on her hoof and led her to his playroom. "Can you show me those bright lights again, Mama? please? I think I almost have the hang of it...!" Just like Twilight, the small unicorn foal had strong magical ability as well, for such a young age. Gently, Twilight stopped Azure with her hoof and turned him toward her.

"Not quite yet, love...Mama still needs to do something before she plays with you. Why don't you go do something with Miss Rarity...? Speaking of which, where is she?" Azure looked disappointed at first, but then perked up at the sound of his nurse's name. "Oh, she's in the tub, Mama! I kinda...got her dirty with that one dirt-spell you should me..." He grinned sheepishly, rubbing his front hoof on the ground in embarrassment at seeing Twilight's widened eyes.

"...oh dear. Well, just make sure you apologize when she gets out, Azure. Besides, no pony can stay angry at you for long." Nuzzling her adopted son, he smiled back and nodded, running down the hall to the baths. Shaking her head in amusement, Twilight turned the other direction, heading for her own room. Opening the small door, she went inside and locked it behind her. Untying her mane and removing the red robes, Twilight stopped at the large mirror at the side of the room, her horn glowing as she made contact with one of her agents.

"...Mistress of Shadows, I require your expertise in a...special...matter coming in the next few days."

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The Equestioner let out a breath. There was one gone. Now he just needed to get out of sight of the queen. But being the Equestioner, he was naturally curious about some things that he knew would nag him for the rest of his life if he didn't ask them.

[colour=#daa520]"In response to your earlier question, if changelings could find an alternative food source, the best relationship we could have would probably be that of us and Germaney. But how exactly do you feed on something with no physical qualities?"[/colour]

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