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About Myself: Hello! my name is Gerben, but please call me Gerpie, i'm 17 years old(almost 18) and live in Holland, a proud member of the Dutch brony community. A little about myself... Well, I like writing, thus why I came here. I've used to RP on another formu, but fell inactive there... If you have anything to ask, please do! ^^

How I found Canterlot.com: google

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: via a friend who I met in a group

My favourite main cast pony/s: Fluttershy
Well, apparently I already ahd an account here of which I forgot... so about time I got active here!

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So I guess I should be saying welcome back if you've already registered as a citizen of Canterlot before...so...WELCOME BACK!

I'm Lovin' Moonlight of LM for short, its a pleasure!

The roleplaying here is awesome and I know you'll enjoy it, but if you need any questions just let me know, I'll be more than happy to help! :)

Oh yeah, I've got complimentary daffodil and daisy sandwiches if you'd like some. :D

Oh yeah! What forum do you come from, if you don't mind me asking?

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wow thank you all for your welcomes! ^^

So I guess I should be saying welcome back if you've already registered as a citizen of Canterlot before...so...WELCOME BACK!

I'm Lovin' Moonlight of LM for short, its a pleasure!

The roleplaying here is awesome and I know you'll enjoy it, but if you need any questions just let me know, I'll be more than happy to help! :)

Oh yeah, I've got complimentary daffodil and daisy sandwiches if you'd like some. :D

Oh yeah! What forum do you come from, if you don't mind me asking?

The forum I came from is called The blackblood alliance, it was a wolf RP forum, but I lost interest in ti due to my pack dying off ^^ Thanks for your welcome!

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Haldo! Welcome to Canterlot (forums)! Any history behind your username?

Thanks you! ^^ and the history behind my name is that since I was... 4-ish people started calling me Gerpie, so I decided to take it sicne I didn't really like my real name ^^

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Hi, welcome to Canterlot. :)

Did you make your avatar?

I wish I had made it, but nope, it was an imagine gifted to me by a friend, if you want I could give you the full imagine!

Welcome to... CANTERLOT! You can call me Cat :)

...looks clear... Looks like I made it here before he did


So what's your fave genre of music (If you have one)? And do ya have any fave bands?

Befroe who did? ^^

My favourite kind of music... Varies really ^^ I love almost all music! Except rap, I really don't like rap... But that's just good old me... Favourite bands.. Can't actually say since my mood for music keeps switching, I do, however, really love two steps from hell!

Again, thank you all for your welcomes!

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Befroe who did? ^^

My favourite kind of music... Varies really ^^ I love almost all music! Except rap, I really don't like rap... But that's just good old me... Favourite bands.. Can't actually say since my mood for music keeps switching, I do, however, really love two steps from hell!

Again, thank you all for your welcomes!

'S ok, doesn't matter.

I like Rock and Metal music and my fave bands are on my profile if ya wanna know them :)

One(2 actually) more question, do ya watch any Anime? If ya do, then do you watch One Piece?

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'S ok, doesn't matter.

I like Rock and Metal music and my fave bands are on my profile if ya wanna know them :)

One(2 actually) more question, do ya watch any Anime? If ya do, then do you watch One Piece?

Simple answers ^^

Yes and yes. I love anime and one piece actually is one of my favourites, a friend giften me an OP treasure box yesterday... It was epic.. x3

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