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Eulshy [Ready]


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Roleplay Type: World of Equestria

Name: Eulshy

Sex: Female

Age: Filly

Species: Unicorn

Eye colour: Deep Brown

Coat: Basic Yellow

Mane/Tail: Left side of mane and tail are basic pink, the right side of each is copper orange blending in the middle. Mane goes down just a touch past the neck, slightly curly not kept in any way but how it settles. Tail is short and cut scraggly, doesn't even go to halfway down the back legs.

Physique: Slightly tubby in the belly but fairly average every else. A bit shorter for her age.

Residence: Trottingham. She lives in a small two bedroom house over in the older side of town, her family is not wealthy so it is a fairly standard house. The outside is pale blue with pale orange accents. This house is more inland than others but not on the outer limits of the city.

Occupation: Student.

Cutie Mark: None

History: She was born in Hoofington and lives with her parents. She has lived there her entire life. Her parents are rather different from each other, her father is more laid back as far as personal and social affairs go, her mother is much more high strung in that regard. She goes to school and keeps well to herself. She likes to read in her spare time, keeps a small flower in a pot by her bed, it has red petals and she is unsure of what it is exactly but she refers to it as planty. Sometimes she will go and look for gems sticking out of the ground, she keeps some of the ones she finds if she feels like it. Her curiosity is quite high, she likes to examine things that may grab her attention, from small hole in the ground to pieces of fluff floating in the air. It can often lead her to trouble. She likes plants because of how they grow, she finds the fact that they can grow into flowers or fruits amazing. And she finds gems nice in all respects, they look pretty, they come in different shapes and colours and types. Her life has been fairly standard this far.

Character Summary: She has a knack for gems, they fascinate her, but in many respects she thinks that plants are also interesting as well. She likes to just go about her days doing whatever happens to just happen. She likes to read, not for educational purposes though. She would just like to do her school work and live her life, not really any long term thoughts or plans. She likes to grow things, but not on a large scale. She also finds most gems fascinating Amethyst is her favorite gem. She doesn't like to make important decisions or to to be uncomfortable, whether it's due to a situation or even just wearing something that makes her uncomfortable. Oddly enough she cannot swim well even though she lives close to the water.

She is not very good at organizing or being a leader, and will often let other ponies take charge of the situation. She has a fear of drowning and worries about worrying other ponies, not liking to burden others with her problems, which will lead her to not ask for help. On any normal day she would act quiet, slightly distracted, and often be reading. She enjoys company as well as being alone from time to time. She does not like being annoyed by pointless details. She doesn't listen well to directions, she likes ponies to just get to the point so she doesn't have to listen long. She normally doesn't react to ponies who try to anger her, or give her a hard time. But the first thing she will end up doing is being snide and sarcastic with ponies that get on her nerves. Then she'll ignore them. She has low self esteem and thinks that everypony else has better things, or would spend their time more wisely by not interacting with her. As she tends to think she would waste the other ponies time. She absolutely loves to play with her mane when distracted or upset, twirling it in her hoof. She doesn't like confrontation, and will try to avoid it, even the littlest things. She remains fairly quiet if left to her own devices, otherwise she can be energetic and annoying at times. She doesn't make friends well because she doesn't approach others because she feels as though other ponies have more important things to do than talk to her. But if approached she can hold a conversation but is more likely to just listen. She is very blunt to social situations and cannot often tell if she has said something insulting, or if such has been said to her. She doesn't like to stand out among ponies. She can be a very loyal friend, is not a stranger to telling a lie, or being deceitful if needed.

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Hello there!

Your friendly neighborhood Helpstaffer here.

Your character looks very interesting. I especially applaud that you are placing her in Trottingham as that town needs more ponies living there.

My main questions refer to your character's history. What are her prents like? Has she always lived in Trottingham? What fascinates her about plants and gems? Does she have other hobbies beyond taking care of plants or searching for gems?

You also need to create a Personality section. Basically this is the attitude of the character: hos she thinks and feels. What is she like on normal days? What upsets her and how does she react? What are any character flaws she might have?

Overall, the more you put in about Elushy in the History and Personality area, the more we as the reader can understand her!

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Ok, you just need to add the appropriate areas like Personality, Flaws, and Motivation to your application. i know you have some of that listed, but it needs to be in the right area so readers can easily view it.

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