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About Myself: I like:

Gaming, Long walks in parks, Staring contests, USIng CaptiTAL LeTTERs where they SHOUldnt be.

Simple life yes.

How I found Canterlot.com: Searching: MLP Roleplay

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: Ive been a fan of MLP ever since it came out. Its fun, Funky fresh and has amazing animations and VA's

My favourite main cast pony/s: Rainbow Dash
Hey yall!

I hear you likez poniez


I like marzipan...and melons...mmm....Melon marzipan :3

I have my RP character, Hurricano Blast, Ready to RP.

Hope to see yah later and I hope to make freinds!


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