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ECC (Equestian chat and call) (Sign up/OOC)

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Ok so I saw a thread for something like this but it appears to have died and was also restricted to 18+ due to content, so I'm gonna try and rewrite this and allow it to be more open to everyone.

Ok so basically the ECC is a number you can call and the 'automated' voice will ask you to whom you wish to speak with, you can talk to any cannon character. Now what you say is up to you and I shall act as in character a I can, and it goes from there. This will all be done via PM to give us a more open feel and also make it seem like it is a private call. Two people could call one pony atte same time for a group chat but no more than that please, here is your form:




Whom you are calling

Why (Don't have to write if you don't want to and dont say anything over 18+ in here!)

A bit about yourself

Anything I missed?

Ok but once in pm anything can happen, that's the fun of it, I hope this works out....oh btw the 'automated' voice, or the operator, you can speak to as well :P

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