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Hearts and Hooves Day (Open till Valetines Day)

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Razor looked at Discord and Puzzlebeat. His predatory senses telling him that he should tread very carefully, or flee immediatly.

"Ummm....well like Pinkie said I got things to deliver. Then I can go and sleep this holiday away." Razor said.

He looked to Pinkie and said, "Okay so, if you can show me where a...." he looked at the checklist, "Octavia and a... Lyra live, I can be done."

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(OH BOY HERE'S ANOTHER SONG FOR YOU ALL since I received nice comments about the other one Lovinity sang! This time, Lovinity Princess Cadence and Shining Armor are all part of the song)

In the unknown location


(In my previous post)

"That was fun! ...ready for round two?" Lovinity asked daringly.

"Oh we're ready, (giggle)" said Cadence.

"Alright, change of rules. Instead of 30 seconds and whoever knocks the most rocks down in that time, let's go for the gold. First person to find a way out wins. Do you think you can handle that?" Lovinity asked.

"Yes!" Shining Armor confidently said.

Shining Armor, Cadence, and Lovinity prepare to start.


[colour=#ff0000]Lovinity's lyrics are in red[/colour]

[colour=#0000ff]Shining Armor's lyrics are in blue[/colour]

[colour=#800080]Princess Cadence's lyrics are in purple.[/colour]

[colour=#008000]Lyrics for all three of them are in green.[/colour]

[colour=#800000]Alright, get ready, get set, 3 2 1 [/colour]

[colour=#800000]You gotta have fun![/colour]

(Everyone flies off and destroys rocks to try and find a way out)

[colour=#ff0000]When faced in a world where all is fear,[/colour]

[colour=#ff0000]don't let it eat you; no reason to tear.[/colour]

[colour=#800080]Don't dwell in the negative, it'll pull you down.[/colour]

[colour=#800080]And the last thing we wanna see is see you frown.[/colour]

[colour=#0000ff]So lift up your hooves, wings, and your horns too. [/colour]

[colour=#0000ff]Getting rid of fear, it's not hard to do.[/colour]

[colour=#008000]You gotta have fun! (pause)[/colour]

[colour=#008000]You gotta have fun! (Pause)[/colour]

[colour=#ff0000]Run around and make a game![/colour]

[colour=#800080]It doesn't matter if it's good or lame![/colour]

[colour=#0000ff]Get up! Get out! Fill your heart with sun...[/colour]

[colour=#008000]You gotta have fun! (Pause)[/colour]

[colour=#000000](Talking in normal voice with music still playing)[/colour]

[colour=#000000]Armor: Oh Cadence, I bet I could out-run you![/colour]

[colour=#000000]Cadence: Oh is that a challenge, my dear?[/colour]

[colour=#000000]Lovinity: I could beat both of you in a heart best![/colour]

[colour=#000000](return to singing)[/colour]

[colour=#008000]You gotta have fun![/colour]


[colour=#008000]You gotta have fun![/colour]


[colour=#008000]You gotta have fun![/colour]

[colour=#0000ff]...fun...fun...fun...[/colour] (Pause)

(Shining and Armor and Cadence doing the "ooh choir")

[colour=#ff0000]Make a contest, count to three.[/colour]

[colour=#ff0000]Share some joy, and feel real free.[/colour]

[colour=#ff0000]The game will win, you'll be okay.[/colour]

[colour=#ff0000]Have some fun, nothing more to say![/colour]

(Lovinity and Armor doing the "Ooh choir")

[colour=#800080]Grab a friend, and grab a game[/colour]

[colour=#800080]or make one up, it's just the same.[/colour]

[colour=#800080]Have some laughs and share a smile.[/colour]

[colour=#800080]Kick that fear the millionth mile![/colour]

[colour=#000000](Music is supposed to stop here while Armor sings slowly and Lovinity and Cadence provide backup choir)[/colour]

[colour=#0000ff]When feeling doubt... and want to pout...[/colour]

[colour=#0000ff]Don't say you're done... just have some fun![/colour]

[colour=#000000](Resume normal music and music speed)[/colour]

[colour=#008000]You gotta have fun![/colour]


[colour=#008000]You gotta have fun![/colour]


[colour=#008000]You gotta have fun![/colour]


(Music comes to grand finale)

[colour=#008000]You gotta have fun![/colour] (hold note, then go up a scale in pitch)

[colour=#008000]You gotta have fun![/colour] (hold note, then go back down to normal pitch scale)

[colour=#008000]YOU GOTTA HAVE FUN![/colour] (sudden sharp music cut-off at the end of this sentence)

"Hey guys, quick, come over here! I think I found something!" Shining Armor yelled out to Lovinity and Princess Cadence.

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Razor looked at Discord and Puzzlebeat. His predatory senses telling him that he should tread very carefully, or flee immediatly.

"Ummm....well like Pinkie said I got things to deliver. Then I can go and sleep this holiday away." Razor said.

He looked to Pinkie and said, "Okay so, if you can show me where a...." he looked at the checklist, "Octavia and a... Lyra live, I can be done."

"Octavia and Lyra! Cool yeah that should be really easy! Although it could be really really easy, but its not, oh well!" She began bouncing off in the direction of Octavia's home. "I cant wait for the dance tonight! That DJ seemed interesting, I cant wait to hear him spin!"

She turned back to Razor. "Soooo hows that bet standing?" She grinned.

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"Octavia and Lyra! Cool yeah that should be really easy! Although it could be really really easy, but its not, oh well!" She began bouncing off in the direction of Octavia's home. "I cant wait for the dance tonight! That DJ seemed interesting, I cant wait to hear him spin!"

She turned back to Razor. "Soooo hows that bet standing?" She grinned.

Razor rolled his eyes, "I still don't think your true in this clairvoyance stuff. Unless something so unexplainable happens to me, that you somehow sense, I won't beleive it."

Razor kept walking, digging through his bag to be sure he had the packages. He followed Pinkie to the first destination, and was already ready to deliver the package. Soon he would be done.

((know if you got an idea of something to befall Razor to end his denial, go right ahead and bring it out.))

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Light walked down through the Palace. "Hello??" He shouted. He got no response. So he kept on walking. Where is everypony? He thought. Then he remembered how cursed this place used to be. He wondered if this place was still safe from harm. He hoped nothing had happened to Princess Cadance and Shining Armor. But then he thought..what if something did happen to them?! He then started checking rooms and doors frantically and he was beginning to get worried. He could not find them at all.

He finally found the throne room and when he got there....nothing...nopony was anywhere. But he knew that they had to be somewhere. He walked around the throne room and then walked out. He went down some stairs and was afraid at what he would find. He then stopped. He heard what he thought was a faint sound of singing. He couldn't tell but he just ignored the sound. He walked down the stairs some more and found some more rooms.

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In the unknown location


Lovinity and Cadence ran over to where Shining Armor was.

"Woah... Shining Armor, I pronounce you the winner of the game." Lovinity said, staring ahead.

"High Hoof, my man!" Cadence excitedly said. Cadence and Shining Armor po-hooved each other.

"So, what do we do?" Asked Lovinity.

"Well, should we climb them?" Asked Armor, looking at the stairs he exposed.

"After you, my darling." Cadence replied.


Armor led, while Cadence and Lovinity followed behind.

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Then Darkness spotted the Treehouse and he gasped, "th..that must be..be the home of Twi..Twilight Sp..Sparkle," he stared at it and decided to go up and knock, to see if she was home, Moonlite would kill him if he missed a chance to meet Twilight

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Razor rolled his eyes, "I still don't think your true in this clairvoyance stuff. Unless something so unexplainable happens to me, that you somehow sense, I won't beleive it."

Razor kept walking, digging through his bag to be sure he had the packages. He followed Pinkie to the first destination, and was already ready to deliver the package. Soon he would be done.

((know if you got an idea of something to befall Razor to end his denial, go right ahead and bring it out.))

Pinkie Pie turned away from Razor. She poute ed for several seconds letting her brain fill with ideas to convince Razor that her pinkie sense was real. Normally she didn't care this much, not that most ponies questioned her anyway. She wasn't surwhy, but she had to prove it to him.

She suddenly jumped as an idea hit her. She began shuddering and shaking just like before, but this time it was her whole body. It only lasted a couple of seconds, same as the shudders before.

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While wandering Ponyville looking for Flashbomb, Rarity saw Applejack, who appeared to be in distress. Rarity walked up to her. [colour=#800080]"Applejack! What a pleasant surprise! How is your Hearts and Hooves day? Any special somepony I should know about?" [/colour]Rarity didn't realize Applejack and Flashbomb were special someponies. At least, she didn't know yet.

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Pinkie Pie turned away from Razor. She poute ed for several seconds letting her brain fill with ideas to convince Razor that her pinkie sense was real. Normally she didn't care this much, not that most ponies questioned her anyway. She wasn't surwhy, but she had to prove it to him.

She suddenly jumped as an idea hit her. She began shuddering and shaking just like before, but this time it was her whole body. It only lasted a couple of seconds, same as the shudders before.

Razor blinked and looked at Pinkie, "Whats up? Too much sugar in the diet?"

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Flashbomb laid back on the couch and waited for his friend's return. He looked up at the cealing and rested his eyes. They day had been long and tireing but it was worth it. He stayed there for about 5 minutes then grew bored. " where is Angel?." He pondered to himself. He shrugged and decided to preen his feathers again. the feathers were longer than the last time he preened them. He had been gong through a mjor Growth spurt today, For he was a little younger Than Rainbow Dash and had just reached his prime of his life. (trying to compare ages) He finnished preening his feathers and picked them up and threw them in the trash can. He sat back down and twidled his hooves.

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Rarity, for the second time in the last 5 seconds, was pleasantly surprised again. Applejack had found somepony! [colour=#800080]"Oh my! Who's the luck stallion? Somepony I know?"[/colour]

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To: Queen Chrysalis and Light Harmony

Note to all: I have Queen Chrysalis listed as one of my role play characters, but for this role play We're going to let QueenChrysalis747 be Queen Chrysalis :)


Lovinity, shining Armor, and Princess Cadence emerged from down below and realized they were in the Crystal Empire Palace.

"Is... did we seriously get trapped in the palace and then just freed ourselves?" asked Shining Armor.

"(giggle) We sure did" Lovinity responded.

As The three of them headed around the staircase, they started hearing a faint buzzing sound.

"Wha... what's that?" Asked Lovinity.

"I hope that's not who I think it is," Cadence replied

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"Well, it's Flashbomb!" Applejack smiled wide. Now that Big Mac had approved, she now felt like she could begin telling everypony. "He's great. But, I should tell you, some things have happened..." She blushed slightly.

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Razor blinked and looked at Pinkie, "Whats up? Too much sugar in the diet?"

"A doozy?" Pinkie scratched her head in confusion. This wasn't part of her idea... That means something big was going to happen. Maybe her idea would work. She hoped it didn't involve a hydra again.

Pinkie ignored Razor's question and ran to a nearby table. She started writing on a piece of paper with a quill, neither of which he could see how she produced. Once she finished her scribbling, she folded up the paper and sealed it shut with a Pinkie Pie sticker. She then returned to his side. She held out the letter towards him.

"You wanted a prediction, that involves you... something that you don't think will ever happen." She smiled as a small blush crept across her face. "Don't open it, until i tell you." Once he grabbed the letter she started bouncing ahead again.

"Onward to Lyra's house!" She said in a sing-song voice.

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