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"Dear Canterlot" Said the quill onto the paper


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About Myself: Hello! I am codemasterc and I enjoy writing,video games, media critique, art and history among many other interest of mine. I am currently one of the writers for a new radio play that is similar in the vein of Doctor Whooves Adventures but with Sherlock Holmes called The Adventures of Sherlock Hooves. We already have one short completed and you can check it out at the project's tumblr here: http://asknotmydivision.tumblr.com/

Now enough of that and allow me to explain why I decided to join. I have always been a story teller and I love the idea of interactive story telling. That's what drew me to RP so much. I have a pretty good history with rpg's now and have even recently ventured into tabletop and pen and paper games. However my favorite form is Play by Post format which I see as really the purest form of role play the way I look at it.

How I found Canterlot.com: I found Canterlot.com from a friend of course!

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: I became a brony by word of mouth mostly and I've been hooked ever since. The animation, the characters, the music, and story is all so pleasing to me. If I had to pick one and only one thing that is my favorite thing about FiM it is the fandom and it's creative works. I can never get enough of all the material that gets put out and the quality always continues to improve and impress.

My favourite main cast pony/s: Fluttershy
As a final note I feel like I should explain my favorite pony choice. I have been in constant struggle between Flutters and Pinkie for quite awhile now. for a long while after the smile song pinkie replaced fluttershy as my go to pony but recently especially after turning the lord of chaos and disharmony himself into friend has put her back as my number one.

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Hi, welcome to Canterlot. :)

Would your radio play happen to need any voice talent?

Well we have the mane cast set right now including such voice talent as Iscity, wollffeey and hannahk from such works as The Vinyl Scratch Tapes and DWA. Pony in a Box productions has helped us out alot and Squeak himself has been so big a help we're putting him on as executive producer in the credits of the main episodes. That said though we are always be of need of voices for support characters and if we don't have the appropriate voice in house we will post audition opportunities on our tumblr.

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Greetings! Does this friend of yours have an account here at Canterlot? :D

I am afraid that if she does I do not know under what name. You see she was a potential VA for the project as well as the directors assistant but she hasn't been heard from for awhile since the time she didn't get a part.

Also I heard your voice samples your majesty. I would recommend focusing on scootaloo, trixie, and spike. Your voice is a good match for them and deserve training.

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My friend, You could always pick Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy :P

Regardless. Its good to see such a well rounded individual such as yourself make an appearance at this wonderful website, I sure do hope you stay with us for long! :)

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Greetings! :D

Just out of curiosity, what kind of P&P RP did you try? And did you like it?

Oh yes certainly. I had played on RP chat rooms and forums before but the first one I did with ponies to my memory was one I had started on a MLP Guild site for an MMO that was still in beta at the time that I had managed to get in. It was called The Isles of Humara or some such thing where an island kingdom of humans from a standard fantasy world had been mysteriously teleported just off Equestria's shoreline. I had players be members of the king's royal council. One of them being the royal Archmage of the court. However as soon as I send another player character who played a diplomat to ask for Equestria's assistance in this strange new situation the Archmage became possessed and took over the center island that had a volcano on it. Soon war broke out as I tried to keep everything under control. However my forces weren't enough but lucky Celestia had sent a diplomat of their own in Lyra Heartstrings and with her ordered a squad of pegasi to help siege the burning castle city on the volcanic island that was now spewing monsters of many varieties. One brave Pegasi risked his life and made it inside the castle and was able to release the demon that possessed the Archmage. The two managed to escape and with the kings help and eventually from the royal sisters themselves where able to come up with a plan and defeat the unholy army. Though at the risk of themselves they survived but the island became a destitute wasteland of ash. Humara and Equestria were able to form a strong alliance born from the fires of victory.

Then the player who had played the villain for the last game created a sequel to the original that occurred 20 years later where the least civilized and northernmost island had become overrun with jungle filled with plants and animals of magic gone awry. Ponies had some what integrated at that point and one who was a ship captain commandeered a crew of misfits to investigate the jungle that might have held the mystery of not only the magical transformation of the jungle but of the teleportation of the kingdom of the in the first place.

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