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Flashbomb sat on the bed with her and elevated his leg to keep weight off of it. "so about yesterday." He said to her.

Lighting dust woke up and lay on her bed she flipped over and tried to get to sleep but she heard faint voices. She opened her eyes and lifted her head to see that Lyria was talking to Flashbomb. "what in equestria is he doing in the Mare's barracks at 4 in the morning?" she whispered to herself.

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Flashbomb listened to her tale. "Oh i see." he looked down "i wish i could preform one but i cant." he muttered to himself. He glanced up at her. "i did one once but.... I gained these scars from it." he said to her.

Lighting dust was intreagued by what flashbomb was saying. "So she really did preform a sonic rainboom." she muttered under her breath.

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Flashbomb nodded to her. "its just that i envy you and how you are able to do it so easily." He changed the subject. He saw a piece of paper poking out of her pillow. "whats that?" he asked with curiosity.

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Marble flipped off his bed, and was jolted awake. It was very early in the morning. The sun seemed to have only just rose, and birds beginning to chirp awake. Marble would have went back to sleep, but he noticed, for another time, that Flash was out of bed. He would have shrugged it off, finally being use to it, but with Flash's injury, Marble began to worry. The showers were empty, so that was out. He looked out the window, but nopony was awake. He walked out, and her some conversing from the mare's barracks. And one of the voices was awfully masculine. He opened the door, and of course, Flash was talking with Lyria. He silently walked over, careful not to wake up the other mares, especially Lightning Dust, and whispered. [colour=#FF0000]"Why are we up so early?"[/colour]

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Lyria wished Marble a good morning, then Flash asked how he slept. [colour=#ff0000]"Uh... Good morning. I-I slept fine." [/colour]Marble looked down and saw the drawing of Angel. [colour=#ff0000]"That's cool." [/colour]Marble told Lyria, whom he assumed made it. [colour=#ff0000]"Why are we drawing instructors? Why are we up up so early? Why are we whispering? Why can't I think of any more questions?!"[/colour]

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Lyria took a deep breath. "You guys were never drawing instructors, you guys just saw one of my drawings. We are up so early because we took a nap yesterday and our bodies decided to wake us up. We are whispering so we don't wake anypony else. And why are you out of questions?" She chuckled. "I don't know."

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Flasbomb chuckled with ammusement. he looked out the window and saw the intructors waling back and forth. "Guess training iwlstart soon." He said to is friends. His leg hurt and he winced abit.

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Flashbomb smiled to Angel "im ready. just one sec," He flew off of Lyria's bed and floated to the stallion barracks. He put on his uniform and found the botle of pills to help with the pain. He took one and woke up the others. "Get up guys, training is about to start. " The other stallions got up and prepared for today's work. Flashbomb floated over to the mares barracks " Every pony is up Angel. " He informed them.

Lightning dust got up and streched. "Are you sure he can fly with his leg being like that?" she asked Angel. She then glanced and saw Angel stll had his brace on his leg. "Plus without suport from a brace to keep the weight off his leg his wound would reopen. He would have to fly all day and not land once. His wings couldnt hold up to he work." She added

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"Thanks Flashbomb" He told him, He turned to FlashBomb. "Hu... I suppose your right. He will need another type of support. You dont mind do you Lightning dust?" He smiled. A pice of paper landed on the floor. He picked it up "Is this... me? HA! This is Awesome!" He smiled "I wish I could draw this well" he laughed and handed it back to lyria "You got some talent there"

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Flashbomb was about to reply to Lightning dust but Angel snapp made her be his helper for the day. He thought of the ammusing concept of A personal servant. Lightning dust though.... he didnt know. He smiled at lyria when Angel discovered the drawing.

Lightning dust snorted in disbelief. "why do i have to help him? Why cant you have marble help him?" She complained.

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