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Angel entered to wake the mares for the training for the day. Apparently they would be doing the obstacle course that day. Marble was excited for it. Obstacle courses were generally easy for him, as long as he didn't go TOO fast. Then though, Angel nominated Lightning Dust to take care of Flashbomb for the day! Even Lightning knew Marble was better suited for the job! [colour=#ff0000]"I'm not letting Lightning b**** help him." [/colour]He voiced to Angel. [colour=#ff0000]"Sir." [/colour]He added quickly. He glared at Lightning Dust. No words were needed to show how much he hated Lightning. She was practically everypony he ever hated rolled into one.

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Angel looked at marble "I will not tolerate swearing in this barracks! Especially when its directed at other recruits. You respect her as much as you respect me, And same goes for her." he said in a firm voice "Now help your friend, Your dismissed." He left but not before smiling at lyria

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Flashbomb continued to float in place. He listened to the conversation betwen marble and Angel. He was growing tired from having to float in place but he strained his wings to keep hovering.

Lightning dust snorted in anger at marble after Angel left. "Fine by me you can watch your gimped friend it doenst mean anything to me." She trotted past Marble and Flashbomb. She accedently bumped ntoflashbmb causing him to faulter.

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Angel gave Marble a quick lecture about respecting Lightning, which naturally Marble din't listen. Angel then left. Lightning followed behind him, seemingly unfazed by Marble's insult, left, but not before she bumped into Flash and made him falter. [colour=#ff0000]"Watch your back Lightning B****." [/colour]He warned her. [colour=#ff0000]"Or off come the wings." [/colour]Marble turned to Flash. [colour=#ff0000]"I don't know how I ever thought she could have been nice." [/colour]He told Flash angrily. [colour=#ff0000]"Need any help? You can ride on my back to the obstacle course if you need it."[/colour]

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Flashbomb Regained his composure he was still struggling to keep up. He watched as Marbl yelled after lightning dust. He then heared marble offer himsome help. Flashbomb was going to deny, but then he faultered again. He then nodded to Marble. Keeping silent.

Lightning dust heard Marble threaten her. "Il be waiting for you when that day comes." She responded as she kept moving. " Flashbomb could barely hold me back, what makes you thing you can take me?" She retorted just as she exited his earshot. She trotted outside with the other Cadets.

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Flash gave a nod of approval to Marble's help. Marble turned around for Flash to lay down, and saw Lightning leave, giving a quick 'what makes you think you can take me?'. Marble ignored it, believing he could easily take her despite her speed and vicious attitude. Marble then began walking out to the obstacle course with Flash on his back. Looking out at it, Marble was pretty anxious. [colour=#ff0000]"Geez... That thing's CRAZY!"[/colour]

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Flashbomb looked up at the obstacle course. It made him shiver in anxiey. "Wow thats amazing." He said. Marble carried him out to the line. The other recruits looked at Flashbomb. Some snickered and others looked worried. Flashbomb climbed off of Marble's back. "Thanks pal." He thanked him. He saw lightning dust roll her eyes at them. "Guess our truths with her is over." He quoted to Marble.

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Flashbomb looked at the obsicale course in front of him. It contained hurdles things dodge a loop cloud cannons. Ball shooters and so many other things. "This is gonna be tough." Flashbomb muttered. He shivered slightly at the size of the course.

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Spitfire came and ordered them all to fall in. As the wing pony, Marble stood to the left of Flash, and kept close to him. Marble held back a smile as he got to see Spitfire up close, having a nostalgic feeling of when he went to his first Wonderbolts show. He kept his stoic face to look tough to her, though, and remained silent so he wouldn't get her angry.

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SpitFire waited until every pony was filed in with there wing pony's "Alright, Listen up! Today your doing the wonderbolt obstacle course! You and your wing pony will have to use teamwork to successfully complete this course, Its not a race. So take your time!" She announced "Take your positions!"

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Spitfire gave them the commands about the obstacle course, and told them to take their place. Flash took position at start, and Marble quickly flew to his right. Marble raised his wings as he prepared to take off.

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The moment froze as Marble waited for the whistle. The 3 second wait could have been a 30 second wait. The whistle blared in his ears, as everypony flew off. Marble flew close behind Flash, as the wing pony, and carefully maneuvered around the many obstacles in their way. Marble trusted that Flash knew what he was doing and where he was going. The speed they were going at was straining Marble's wings, but he sucked it up so he wouldn't fail his lead pony.

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Flashbomb Barrel rolled through the thin tunnel His leg hurt but he didnt care. He flew over the first hurdle then straight down under the second hurdle. He repeated this 4 times then he flapped his wings hard to push through the cloud wall barrier that they set up. He glanced back. "Were doing good Marble!" He yelled back at him. He then saw lightning dust rocket in front of him. She had gone lone wolf without her partner.

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Lyria rocketed after Lightning Dust, her partner not far behind her. She smiled, and rocketed past Lightning Dust, easily continuing the course. She jumped over a hurdle, then went through a tunnel. She landed past the finish line, and her partner landed. "

"I-I'm sorry... Was I too fast?" She asked as she looked at Spitfire and Angel.

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Marble kept up with Flashbomb, performing the tricks needed to pass the many obstacles. Lightning Dust zoomed passed them, followed closely by Lyria. He gave a quiet cheer when he saw that Lyria beat Lightning Dust. Marble quickly put his mind back to the race when he almost hit a pole. Marble flew up to be right up with Flashbomb. [colour=#ff0000]"Are you alright!?" [/colour]He yelled at Flash, referring to his leg and his seemingly overused wings.

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"Good job Lyria" SpitFire said. "Wait untell the other finish" She orderd her as she continue watching the others fly the course.

Angel nodded to Lyria. He really wasn't aloud to talk to rookies during the exercise, But he gave her a smile

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