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About Myself: Well watching MLp of course and being a derp

How I found Canterlot.com: I goggled it for something different for a little more back ground information

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: Well one of my favorite youtubers more then one anyways had somethings Like the try outs for the redub channles and then I stated form Ep1 and I was Hooked so that is about it

My favourite main cast pony/s: AppleJack,Rainbow Dash,Twilight Sparkle

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hello and welcome to canterlot

I have to get this off my chest...

Please try to type in a manner that all can read. Unless English isn't your first language or your under 13 (in the latter case you shouldn't be here). Thank you. :)

With that I give you,

why cant people under 13 be here.
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Unless English isn't your first language or your under 13 (in the latter case you shouldn't be here).

Technically, Canterlot is supposed to be a place where anybody of any age can visit without risk of encountering objectionable content. Tis why the rules are the way they are. :)

Getting back on track; welcome to Canterlot Nibbles!

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