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The tale of a group of ponies. (Closed)


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Emerald looked away and just looked out the window sadly, "why does everyone lie to me," she looked back at her aunt now not just upset but a bit mad, "If i was soooooo perfect how come i can get any stallion to even second look me!" she growled, "look at Light, he swoons over you and Sunny, im sure he would faint at Luna and die over my mum, but he won't even second look me!" she turned away

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"You just have to wait, and you can't force someone to love you, loves comes when least expected, not forcefully, and who cares what Light thinks of Sunny or I, we'r talking about you here so yeah..."Princess Celestia trailed off a little bit.

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"see, even you know im not good enough!" she said and stormed out, "No one even would notice if i went missing!" she snarled back and flew off toward the center of the stadium to do acrobatics she did to cool off, she had trained with RD at once point when she was younger and the mare had taught her soooo much.

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The princess went out of her room and over to the group of ponies and 2 happened to be royalty and the other 2 Wonderbolts,"My little ponies,"She started to say,"I need help, my neice Emerald is in a hard time right now and not even my knowledge can help, what should I do?" The princess started to cry a little bit, for she felt terrible for not being able to help.

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"I'm a little tired.." Sunny was lying, it was only because she thought she didn't get Lights attention, it didnt bother her too much but shed just been lonely for a long time. She was happier now she had friends but longed for Lights attention.

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"are you okay?" Delilah asked her,"If there is, you can tell me anything." She added on, and Thunderbolt heard his name called so he flew down to go answer whoever said his name,"So is there anything on your mind?" Delilah asked her.

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"Really?!" Delilah responded kind of surprised," Weill if you like him a lot, then ask him out, like ask him if he maybe wants to go out to a restauraunt, and if you get scared to go alone, just say that Thunderbolt and I will be there too." She added on.

((((((((( G2G my mum says so, but will continue this RP tomorrow see ya :D )))))))))))))

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(Sorry :P I fell asleep)

Light had spaced out for a second. He remember Delilah saying something about teaching magic and he wanted to learn some magic. But the next thing he knew was she was gone. And so was Sunny. He was standing there looking around when he happened to glance into the arena. He saw Emerald flying around doing stunts. He figured the tricks were hard to do and he would never be able to pull them off. He looked over at his wings and then tucked them back in his body. He started to trot around since he had no idea where anypony was.

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