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The tale of a group of ponies. (Closed)


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Light walked over to the mares bags and started to pick up their suitcases and he latched them onto his saddlebag and started carrying them. He picked up his and put it on his back. He looked at them and said,[colour=#0000ff] "Where do these need to go?"[/colour] He smiled a warm smile at the mares.

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Light nodded and he walked off into the house and went upstairs. He found the guest rooms and laid all the suitcases down. He felt the surge of pain again and he held his head. He wasn't by anypony so he let out a little groan. The pain went away and he let out a heavy sigh.

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Rainbow smiled at Emerald. "Alright Emerald. Lets go." Rainbow then got up and outstretched her wings. She then lifted herself off the ground and started to fly slowly. She waited for Emerald to start flying.

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(I'm back!! :D)

Scissor followed Light up the stairs and thanked him for carrying his bag. She opened the first guest room door and then carrying Light's and her own in to the room and put each down at the feet of the beds.

The room was simple colour but nice. There were two four post beds with draps just incase it is too light, 3 bookcases and 2 wardrobes. There was a mirror, TV, table, 2 comfortable chairs infront of a fire and a window with a couple of cushions underneath.

[colour=#000080]"I think you should rest now Light just in case that headache or the pain comes back. If it hurts alot please yell my name and I'll be there in a flash. I promise."[/colour] She started to up pack her things and all of the books she packed to read. She filled up 2 bookcases with the books and one wardrobe with everything else she had brought with her.

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Light thanked Scissor for taking his bag and putting it on the ground. He then walked into the room and realized how nice it was. He looked at everything in the room. He smiled at how nice it was.

He then looked over at Scissor as she told him to rest in case the head ache comes back. He blushed just barely and said, [colour=#0000ff]"Head ache? Um...I'm fine Scissor."[/colour] He laughed a bit and then started to worry that these pains would make this trip not as fun as it should be. Light then nodded at Scissor again as she told him to yell her name if he needed her. He started to unpack his things and he said, [colour=#0000ff]"I don't think you need to worry about me Scissor I'm."[/colour] Then Light felt the smallest amount of the head ache pain and he instantly changed his tone. [colour=#0000ff]"I think I'll just lay down now." [/colour] He chuckled sheepishly as the pain went away and he climbed into the bed. He wasn't that tired but the bed felt rather comfortable.

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[colour=#000080]"Comfortable arn't they. This is the room I usally stay in when I come and visit. I'll be outside if you need me Light. Maybe making some storm clouds."[/colour] She chuckled as she walked out the room and left the door open just a crack.

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Light smiled at Scissor and watched her leave. He wondered when he would see Discord. But he stopped thinking about that because he wanted to try and think of why he kept having these pains. He then sat up in the bed and looked around the room. He looked over at the door and noticed it was still open just a bit. [colour=#0000ff]"I wonder where Sunny or Delilah are..[/colour]" He said quietly.

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Rainbow laughed a bit and then proceeded to fly to her house. They finally made it to her house and she trotted up and opened the door for Emerald. She smiled at her and said, [colour=#00ffff]"Well you haven't been here in ages![/colour]" She laughed

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Emerald giggled and nodded, "I guess that is true!" she smiled warmly at RD and went through the door, using magic to hold it open for her then closing it once inside. She looked around....remembering all the good times when she used to hang out here for flight practice, "Still such a lovely house!"

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Light heard Sunny call his name and Scissor's name through the door. [colour=#0000ff]"Yeah?!" [/colour]He yelled. He only yelled because he had no idea how far away Sunny was.

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Dashie smiled at Emerald. [colour=#00ffff]"Remember all the good times during flight practice here." [/colour]She smiled warmly at her and then went over at sat on a couch she had up.

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Emerald sighed happily as she sat next to Rainbow Dash and looked at her with a warm smile, "Its great to see you again, I missed ya...your such a close friend," she said trying not to put on emphasis on close.

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Light got up in the bed and looked at Sunny with a warm smile, [colour=#0000ff]"Yeah I'm alright."[/colour] He laughed slightly [colour=#0000ff]"You ok?"[/colour]


Rainbow smiled at her and said, [colour=#00ffff]"You're such a close friend also!"[/colour] She chuckled a bit and then stretched slightly. She then looked back at Emerald and said, [colour=#00ffff]"Hey did you hear? There is a new Princess!" [/colour] She smiled a big smile at her started to get really exicted

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"yeah," she said a bit solemly, "excuse me for not being to excited but she...well its just there was this stallion i thought was real cute and was hoping to get aquainted with...but it seems she is his," she sighed nd looked down, "Sometimes i really wonder, should i be looking at Stallions?" she asked Rainbow Dash, "Maybe I was ment to find a mare, Like Lyra and BonBon?"

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