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The tale of a group of ponies. (Closed)


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They arrived at the entance and a pony took their tickets and an Usher showed them to their seats and seated them, Delilah switched spots with Sunny so that she could be next to Light."Ohh, I'm so excited!" She exclaimed.

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She flicks Lights flank with her tail, smirking. As (I presume) they both drop to the ground after flying. And get shown to the seats.

"This is wonderful." She says, turning her head out to look at the presence before her.

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Everypony quieted down and the show started."Please welcome, without further ado I behold Equestria's finest, the Wonderbolts!" Princess Celestia said aloud.

The wonderbolts lined up in "v" formation, starting from the left, going to the right: Spitfire,Frostbite(misty fly), fleetfoot, and in the front of the "v" was Thunderbolt, and to the right was,Rapidfire,Surprise and Soarin'

"Let the show begin!" The announcer yelled out loud.

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Emerald sighed as she saw how much Sunny and Light liked eachother and she looked over, "I'm..im gonna go" she said as she headed away, maybe Celestia would welcome her up there, maybe her mum would be there as well....there was no reason to be here, she was needed.

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"Dont mess this up Thunderbolt." Thunderbolt whispered to himself. They ran a little ways then flew up straight into the sky like jets,the smoke and electricity sparking and glazing over the sky. They flew into a circle then used Electricity to create a fire work, Thunerbolt got an idea, he flew up out of the circle and yelled out to the rest of them,"Follow my lead!" He flew up really high in the sky and the others down below created a huge circle for him to fly through, he started flying down, electricity and Thunder thundering behind him. He flew through the circl of ponies then gained even for speed,sparks flying he went faster and faster he then angled him self and noticed, he was going the fastest he had ever gone before.He got close to the stadium then "BOOM" electricity illuminated the sky as he rushd back up still flying, glowing like a lantern he flew up the circle of pegasi then paused in mid air, in the center of the circle, his blonde mane glowing yellow and his light blue bady as well, he bowed in the air, followed by his fellow crew mates, the crowd roared and the Wonderbolts flew down and landed and bowed again once more

"That was amazing, Wonderbolts!" Princess Celestia said to them, they nodded then carried on to go pack up and leave.

Delilah ran out of the stadium followed by light and Sunny, she searched around a little for a glowing pony and saw Thunderbolt, standing alone with electricity framing his body and glowing at the same time."Oh my gosh Thunderbolt!" Delilah ran over to him and hugged the life out of him.

He gasped for air for a second then her grasp loosened up a little."Hehe, like it?" Thunderbolt asked the ponies lifting up a glowing hoof.

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Light smiled when Sunny hit his flank. He then took his seat and then watched. He wanted to watch the show but when he realized that the announcer was Princess Celestia. He kept glancing up to her and he looked at Sunny and Delilah and said, "Is there any way I could talk with Celestia?" He realized his question sounded crazy.

He then watched as Thunderbolt came back and started talking to them. He looked at Emerald when she said she had to leave. He wanted to find Celestia.

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Emerald looked over to see even the other mare had a special somepony and ran away crying now, heading toward an isolated cloud.

Cadence sat with Shining Armor in the crowd and sighed, "Emerald is sad," she said feeling her daughters sadness, and turned toward her husband who sighed, "She must learn herself, its just she is so shy and self consious,"

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Light looked at Thundebolt and flapped his wings. He said, "Yes, I really need to see her." He held his head down and realized he had no reason to go see her. But he had this feeling in his mind that he needed to meet her.

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"Maybe." She shrugged at Light.

Turning to Thunderbolt, she squinted. "Quite a performance, should teach me your moves." She grinned, her eyes full of idolism.

She looked at Light. "I need to talk to you later, need your opinion on a matter." She smiled, turning back to Del and Thunder.

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Light looked at Sunny. "[colour=#0000ff]Opinion? Well whenever is good for me."[/colour] He didn't know what this feeling was but he felt more empowered. He had not changed in body appearance but it was his mind that had changed.

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"Absolutley, you can all come if you please." Thunderbolt smiled cheerfully then led the way to The Princess who was sitting in her chair.

Thunderbolt bowed before the princess then stood up with good posture,"This pony needs a word." He trotted over to Light and waved his hooves in saying 'this one'.

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Light followed Thunderbolt and then found himself next to the guards. Normally he would have cowered away from them but this time he stood taller and waited to hear the guards response to see if he would get through. He looked at Thunderbolt and then back at Sunny. He smiled at her.

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Light immediately bowed to her. He then looked back up at her and said, [colour=#0000ff]"Hello your Highness. I hoped you would be here today. I am glad I am able to talk to you."\[/colour]

He smiled at her. He had no idea how beautiful the princess really was. He started to remember meeting her a few times when he was little.

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She followed, and looked at Light. She smiled back at him, sweetly.

"I'm excited." She remained looking at Light. kept the smiled, then looking up at the guards.

She grinned, walking inside!

She looked up at the princess. Bowing down. "Hello your highness, it is my honour!" She blushed, nervously.

She moved to Light and tucked herself up next to him for comfort.

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Light looked at her as she was talking to them and he said, [colour=#0000ff]"Light Harmo[/colour][colour=#0000FF]ny." [/colour]​He then put his wing partly on Sunny.

He smiled at her and then smiled at Sunny. He looked back at Celestia

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