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The tale of a group of ponies. (Closed)


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Twilight was busy discussing a new party they were planning. But then she jumped back a bit when Light and Delilah teleported in front of them.

Twilight gasped and said, "Delilah! Prince Light! What are you doing here?". She was so confused.

Dash and Aj glanced at each other. They were equally confused.

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Twilight was standing there waiting for an answer from the two ponies.

((wait..whos pinkie?))

AJ glanced around at the two ponies and said, "Y'all look like you've seen a ghost or something.". She smiled at them.

Twilight glanced over at AJ and then back to Light and Delilah. Light was the one to speak up.

"I'm terribly sorry to interrupt. But we have a dire situation and we need your help." He gave all of them a blank stare with no emotion. He was serious.

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((Haha,I knew we were missing a character!I'll be pinkie,and both of us could take turns being Spike :D :D ))

Pinkie looked at Light and Delilah[colour=#B22222],"Was it a doozey of a doozey that's a doozey?"[/colour]

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AJ and Twilight and Dash all stated at Pinkie. They all shook their heads and then looked at Light and Delilah.

Light sighed and said, "Um..it's worse than a doozey Pinkie.". He let out a tiny laugh.

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Aj trotted up to Light and Delilah. "[colour=#daa520]What in tarnation are ya'll talking about?[/colour]" She glared at both of them. Then Twilight moved in front of AJ and said, "[colour=#4b0082]Excuse me...Delilah..Prince[/colour]((just assuming he is a prince from his last rp XD))LIght. [colour=#800080]What is going on?"[/colour]

Light sighed and then said in a monotone voice. "[colour=#0000cd]Chrysalis is back."[/colour] Twilight and Aj and Dash all had a collective gasp moment

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Pinkie's jaw dropped,Fluttershy hid behind her mane,and Rarity gasped,then said[colour=#4B0082],"This is thee worst thing!"[/colour] She fell on a chouch and put a hoof up to her forehead.

((Sorry,with my friends for the past 2 days :D ))

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Twilight and AJ and Dash all gasped as well. Dash flew up to Light and Delilah and said, "[colour=#40e0d0]What do you mean Chrysalis is back?!"[/colour] She was angry. Twilight then moved Dash over and said, "[colour=#4b0082]Rainbow calm down. I'm sure these two are just as confused as we are." [/colour]She then sighed and then looked back at Delilah and Light. [colour=#4b0082]"Now could you two explain?" [/colour]She raised one eyebrow.

Light sighed and said,[colour=#0000cd] "Well we don't really know for sure. We were out all together and then I went to sleep...it was a few days after my coronation."[/colour] Light then looked over at Delilah. [colour=#0000cd]"And when I woke up I was outside. Apparently I had been turned to stone by one of the Changlings who was disguising himself as me."[/colour] Light smiled a bit. [colour=#0000cd]"But Delilah saved me. The changling flew off..Delilah knows more..she fought with him." L[/colour]ight turned to Delilah and so did Rainbow and Twilight and AJ.

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Delilah chuckled nervously,"Well, I fought my hardest with him,and used a lot of my magic against him,he nearly got me...." She looked down,then up,"But atleast I did save Light," Fluttershy gasped,"Oh my.." Rarity grumbled,"Ugg,so pesky.." Pinkie went crossed eyed,"noway!" She said in one word.

((Sorry for no colour,typing as fast as possible so I can reply to other RPs :D ))

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Twilight gasped and said, [colour=#4b0082]"Well we're just glad you made it out alive!"[/colour] She smiled at them. AJ agreed with Twilight and smiled. Dash moved in front again and said, [colour=#40e0d0]"Where is this changling?! I'll show him what for!" [/colour]She then started to punch the air and kick. Twilight then stopped Dash and said, "[colour=#4b0082]Rainbow. Stop."[/colour] She then glanced back at Light and Delilah and said, "[colour=#4b0082]Do you know where the changling went?[/colour]" She raised one eyebrow.

Light sighed and said,[colour=#0000cd] "I think Delilah told me he said he was going to the Crystal Empire?"[/colour] He turned his statement into a question and looked at Delilah.

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