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[colour=#dda0dd]"Why yes Thunderbolt has not moved from his room since this morning, but I have requested guards bring him a snack every couple hours to make sure he doesn't do anything horrid to himself" [/colour]Celestia responded [colour=#dda0dd]"let us hope he isn't hurt badly by this"[/colour]

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(okay:D ))

Delilah walked right on in,"Hey,Thunderbolt,are you okay?"She asked him,he was curled up in his bed,motionless,Delilah walked over to the side of his bed,"Are you okay?"She asked feeling his forehead,he was burning up."Oh my,are you sick?"She asked him,His eyes opened,eyelashes were catching on one another,he coughed slighly then said,"I don't really know..."His voice was hoarse.

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[colour=#dda0dd]"This...this is nothing like any disease I've ever seen before...I do believe this is some form of...dark magic...I do not know much about this subject...but Luna would know more of this because...of her recent form..." [/colour]Celestia said hesitantly

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[colour=#dda0dd]"Hopefully it will not manage to cause much harm if we remove it early" [/colour]Celestia said [colour=#dda0dd]"Quick! Shadow! Go and bring Luna back here!" [/colour]she commandded.

"Huh?" he said, obviously spacing out while worrying about Thunderbolt "Oh! R-right!" he yelled before running out of the door.

[colour=#dda0dd]"Let us hope that this will hold it off for now" [/colour]she said before casting a small healing spell on him.

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[colour=#0000cd]"What Tia! What is thy problem!" [/colour]Luna yelled while sprinting in.

[colour=#DDA0DD]"Luna! There is not much time! This pony is infected with dark magic and I have no experience in such matters![/colour]

[colour=#0000CD]"All of thou stand back!" [/colour]Luna yelled before scanning Thunderbolt's body for her own hypothesis.

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[colour=#0000cd]"Tia...this magic is ancient...the same magicks that transformed us into the Nightmare..." [/colour]she said gravely. [colour=#0000cd]"If thou dost not remove it soon, he shalt be corrupted beyond remembrance of his own self. Although there dost exist one possible compromise" [/colour]Luna said before starting to cast a spell. ((get ready to crossover with a video game XD))

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((Metroid Prime 3: Corruption))

As Luna cast the spell, a glowing blue square surrounded by metal plate attached itself to Thunderbolt's chest, successfully sealing off his corruption. [colour=#0000cd]"That...used most of our magicks Tia...we are tired Tia...we must rest..." [/colour]Luna said before slowly trotting off to her own room. As she passed by Shadow and Delilah, she mentioned to them that they could go visit Thunderbolt now.

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