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"Alright then" Shadow said before hugging her again "I am really tired, so I'm going to head off to that suite"

[colour=#dda0dd]"Good night my little pony, and enjoy your rest and stay. The room is in that direction" [/colour]Celestia said nicely as she pointed to where the suite is.

"Thank you Princess Celestia, for everything, Especially with helping Delilah figure herself out" he responded, extremely happy at the moment.

Celestia giggled at this [colour=#dda0dd]"It is nothing, Shadow. Just accept us as friends from now on. And oh, don't call me Princess" [/colour]she giggled before leaving.

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As Shadow slowly opened his eyes, he noticed Delilah stretching, standing just perfectly so the light from the window would hit her and reflect off of her to make her look absolutely radiant, and it only made him blush profusely, extraordinarily happy that his marefriend is so beautiful. He could only stammer out "O-oh I slept fine, y-you?"

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Shadow then bolted out of bed and started his own morning stretches. As he stretched, the sun reflected off of his coat, highlighting every muscle and sinew. Once the sunlight came in contact with his eyes, they turned from a lightish green to a greenish yellow, light working to increase his eyes' brightness as well

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"Uhh....oh." he replied. He didn't have much to say other than that. Knowing that she liked looking at him brought his huge crimson blush back to his face."Well uh...you're...currently...looking...really good too..." he pointed out, her thin legs and perfect face being highlighted by the sun, causing him to only blush more as he looked at it.

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"Thanks...all of you,is perfect."Delilah said,also turning a crimson red,her teal eyes looking into his yellow green ones,she leaned forwards to him and planted a kiss on him,just for the Princesses to come in.

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((OMG you just created the best scene ever XD))

[colour=#0000CD]"Well Tia it appears that we are interrupting something. Let us return shortly" [/colour]Luna snickered.

[colour=#DDA0DD]"Lulu, you know just as well as I do that they wish to see that their friend is alright, so there shall be no waiting" [/colour]Celestia replied, a small smile tugging at the corner of her lips at what she was witnessing.

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Shadow's hair being orange, it isn't that obvious when he blushes seeing as red just kinda overlays orange, but his face was RED when they entered. "You...totally just saw that didn't you..." He already knew the answer to the question, he was just hoping to save some dignity.

Luna, of course, thought this was the perfect time to play a prank. [colour=#0000cd]"Oh Shadow, but we were planning to express our love for thou as well! It is not possible to have two mares! You must choose!"[/colour]

Celestia quickly bonked Luna over the head before the prank got out of hand [colour=#dda0dd]"Luna it is not nice to make fun of other pony's relationships.I'm sorry if we were intruding Shadow, but yes we did manage to catch a glimpse of that" [/colour]she managed to say with an obvious laugh hidden in her tone.

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