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Delilah's mum looked over and said happily to them,Come on in,make yourselves at home!" She sopped up and ran into the kitchen,therefore,the Dd was reading a newspaper,her 2 brothers,Lightning Storm and Crypto affection,were wrestling on the carpet.Delilah's sister Affray Continuance,trotted up,her purplish,blue,and pink mane flowing behind her,she said[colour=#800080],"Welcome back sister," [/colour]She hugged her,then kept her hooves on Delilah's shoulders[colour=#800080],"You've grown." [/colour]She smiled and winked at Delilah,she saw Shadow and she held out a hoof for him to shake,and Delilah said,"Don't be mistaken by her beauty,for she knows how to defend herself." Affray introduced herself[colour=#800080],"Hello there,I am Affray,Continuance."[/colour]

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Retro glanced at Thunderbolt and said, "[colour=#800000]Yeah sure. He can come with us."[/colour] He glanced over at Vinyl and then got up and started to trot in the direction of his store.

He turned to all of them and motioned for them to follow.

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(Fast forward XD)

All four of the ponies reached Retro's store. Retro opened the door and trotted inside. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He opened his eyes and saw all the stacks of music and all the records around. Vinyl put her hooves up to her face and said, "[colour=#0000cd]There are...so many..."[/colour] Vinyl moved next to Retro and said, [colour=#0000cd]"So um..where's that studio?[/colour]" Vinyl smiled a big smile.

Retro put a hoof on Vinyl and said, "[colour=#800000]In a moment Vinny."[/colour] He then glanced over at Jupiter and saw her on Thunder's back. He sighed and said, [colour=#800000]"Alright Miss Jupiter. You're safe here. Now what it wrong?" [/colour]He looked at her sternly.

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Jupiter hopped off of Thunderbolt's back and stated to say,"My,father,he,a,a,abused me,in so many ways." She started to sob,Thunderbolt's expression went cold,and sorrw filled his face also,he went over to her and held her.

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Retro glanced over at Thunder and said quickly, "[colour=#800000]You don't talk much do you?"[/colour] Then Retro looked back at Jupiter and said with sadness in his voice,[colour=#800000] "I'm terribly sorry to hear that Miss Jupiter. But your father is not here with you? How can he hurt you now? And why don't you just move out or leave him?"[/colour] Retro tilted his head towards the two ponies.

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Thundetbolt nodded quickly then fixated his gaze back at Jupiter,"Well,he,follows me,everywhere I go,and when I leave to go back to my home,he shoves open the door,and,and..." Thunderbolt cut her off,"Hon,the next time you go home,like for instance,tonight,I will go with you,and stay with you throughout the night,no need to worry." He held her even closer,to where he could feel her every breath.

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Retro smiled at the two. [colour=#0000cd]"See there you go. Don't let anypony abuse you. That's not right."[/colour] Retro smiled at then glanced at Vinyl who was smiling at him. She then moved closer to him.

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Jupiter smiled at Thunderbolt,and he smiled back,"Well,I should,I mean,we should get going then,but want to meet up tomorrow morning for some coffee,and or breakfast?" Jupter asked,she glanced over at Retro and Vinyl,who cotted closer too eachother.

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Vinyl moved closer to Retro as the two followed Jupiter and Thunderbolt.

Retro was happy to be by her side. He was also eager to see how this night was going to turn out. He was getting curious. 'Staying in the home with a mare whos father abuses her?' he thought to himself. He was hoping he wouldn't see any of that.

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They all approached her house,Jupiter let Thunderbolt stay one step ahead of her,just in case,"It should be unlocked." Jupiter said to Thunderbolt,he turned and nodded,then trotted up to the door,he opened it,just to be tackled by her father,"You Little--"The dad stopped,Thunderbolt pushed the dad off of him,he looked at him,Jupiter walked in her father walked up to her,he had an angry expression on his face,he started to yell at her,but quietly,with anger in his voice though.Thunderbolt walked up to the dad,he grabbed his shoulder and flung him back,The father lied on the floor,speechless all up until Thunderbolt foced him to stand,he said,"You,have NO right to be abusing Jupiter,she did nothing to you,and you,you,Get out!" Thunderbolt threw the Dad out of the house,he then chased him away,Thunderbolt flew back,"Are you-"Jupiter hugged Thunderbolt,she started to cry a bit,but then stopped,Thunderbolt hugged her back,he sighed, a happy sigh,now knowing that she would be okay.

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((I know not what to say XD))

Retro and Vinyl stared at eachother as the whole thing went on. Retro was proud that Thunder stood up to her father but he had no idea what to say. He looked at Vinyl and they both silently agreed to not talk and just let everything play out.

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Retro and Vinyl trotted inside. They both glanced around the house and then Retro said, "[colour=#800000]Well that was interesting. But now let's move on shall we?" [/colour]He laughed a bit.

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Retro smiled and said, [colour=#800000]"Alright. Sounds good.[/colour]" He glanced around the house again and said[colour=#800000], "So what's on our agenda now?"[/colour] He kept glancing between all of the ponies.

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Retro smiled and said,[colour=#800000] "That sounds great! Where's the dining room?"[/colour] He started to look around. He was actually very hungry.

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