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New in town (Open to all)


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((Hey guys, sorry I haven't posted in a while. What's going on?))

After Rise had rested up from fighting timberwolves, he flew along the outskirts of town. He was hoping to run into the ponies he met before.

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((Alright, cool. I'll try and jump in.))

Rise flew near the edge of the Everfree Forest, he noticed a group of ponies near the path leading into the forest. He flew closer, and discovered that the group was the ponies he met earlier. He flew down to greet them.

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His 'fingers' are wrapped around a chunk of metal. Rusted and dull. He puts it in his saddlebag and finds an eyepiece identical to him, only with a larger crack and water in between the glass slits.

"I have no idea..."

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"Gears? is that you?" says the pony from the shadow in wonder as he sees Gear's cutie mark

Flaming Snowflake was the closest to the log when it broke and is still in shock.

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"I am an old friend of your creator." says the figure "My name is Joe and we were a secret group that not even the Princess knew about. You were created for a perpos that I didn't even know. A lot of secrets were kept between members." says Joe with a sad look as he has now come into the light "I do have the parts to fix you up and do the maintenance that you need back at my house."

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"I moved here just after you were made I did keep in touch with him I understand you not trusting me but were do you think you got all your fighting skills from?" says Joe calmlly siting down in front of Gears

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"Wrong my friend. They downloaded everything that I knew into you and they made you think that you learned it all in an army. You know what I say to armies PHHSST I can take down empires if I wanted." says Joe still calm as ever

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