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Rainbow nods, "He wouldn't keep quiet."

Twilight took out a book, "Here's a book I found on the history of Gears and other machines."

Moon looked at Pinkie, "Is there any cake in the cannon?"

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Angel made a frown, he went to a corner, "My life is at a end."

Sun rolled his eyes, "Come on Angel we will get food."

Rainbow chuckles.

Twilight looks through the book, "It's to see the history of past wars and battles."

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Twilight smiles, "Oh forgive me for not introducing myself, Nice to meet you I'm Twilight Sparkle."

Rainbow looked at the book, "Not very interesting, looks boring."

Shadow stepped out, "That's cause it is history."

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((OOC: Sorry a lot of stuff going on off site))

"Ok you may find this hard to believe but you and I are not of this world we come from a world that is in havice and caos." says Joe with a solem look going over to consols and turning on some lights and screens.

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Twilight smiles, "Hi Pinkie."

Shadow looks the though the book, "There are machines but nothing like Gears." He thought to himself " As expected, Princess, Gears doesn't belong here."

Rainbow looks at everyone confused, "Uh...Who's Gears?"

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On the screens a picture of Earth in shambles and on the brink off death shows up and on another too the right an Earth that is peaceful and calm and looks like it has many more years to live. "The one on the right screen Gears is the planet we are on now the one on the left is were we actually came from. That is where me and Jolt first meet as filly's we were friends for awhile and we did things that any pony would have done growing up. Now more recently we made you to help others at all times but there was ponies out there that wished to reprogram you into a machines of destruction so me and Jolt changed your memory got rid of all traces of you or us and we came here. We have lived lifes here undercover no pony here knows the truth." says Joe now looking at Gears with a straight face

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(Fillies are females and Colts are males)

"I come from a land of many wars."

He grabs Joe by the neck and raises him up.

"You had better stop telling me these lies and talking about Jolt or I will snap you in half."

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(I am sorry to inform everyone of this,but for the next couple of days,I will be away to finish some important matters and I won't be back until Sunday night.I do hope for you all to still continue this,so while I'm gone,who ever wishes to do it can take over Pinkie Pie.ArrowWing will walk away to search the forest.I am very glad this RP has gone so well since this is the first one I have started.I do sincerely hope that all of you are still a part of this RP when I get back.I do wish you all a good weekend.I shall see you all Sunday night. :) )

"I will go and search a little for." Arrow states as he walks off deep into the forest.

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((OOC: Opps Sorry))

"You want the truth well it is though that door and down the hall in the room you will find my most resent studies I think that Jolt is still alive but is back on the other planet a world torn apart by many wars. There is also a panel in the room press 5 5 6 7 and a portal will open right to Jolt or at least were I think he is going to be." says Joe still calm and not looking worried at all

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"The stallion's dead. Buried him myself. End of discussion."

He drops Joe.

"I'm done here. Going to go check out that library."

He leaves the house, puts his cloak back on, and walks towards Twilight's library. When he opens the door, he sees all the others and a mare he doesn't yet know.

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