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Shadow looked around once more, "...now" he used his magic to send a letter, "Luna...plz recive it...this place is...unsetling..." he whispers so no one hears...

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Arrow walks up behind Gears."We all have our own rivers to cross,just because one can float doesn't mean he can cross any more easily,only hard work and hope can get you to the other side." Arrow says in a serious tone.

"I like lots of cupcakes!" Pinkie says,matching Angel's glee.

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"Hey if you guys want to see a lot of cupcakes come this way into the Pantry." says Joe having cleaned up all the dishes

"I don't know what you mean Gears." said Snowflake with a puzzled look

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"Once you've done and seen the things I have, you'd rather drown in the river."

He stays locked on Snowflake.

"I mean, what is it like to be able to drink until it's all gone, washed away along with the shame."

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"I am sorry to tell you Gears bu the only liquid that goes down my throat is water. I was born with my appility to freeze or burn things I finally figured out that it was my emotions that did it and not some random act of nature. So I have spent most of my life in a turtle shell learning to control my emotions to help others and my self. I am also sorry to say that emotions can only be tamed by you all I could you is help you along the long and winding road by pointing you in the right direction." says Flaming Snowflake eyes locked on to Gears

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