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Shadow made a calm face, "You dare discare Princess Luna & Celestia...."... the other roaly guards stare with the same alm experssion.

Twilight looked at them," Careful what you say Arrow...we dont want trouble..."

Rainbow flew up, "Hmm...where could they be..."

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"Enough," Rise said firmly stabbing his sharpened stick into the ground. "We will get nothing done by arguing. Arrow, I understand that you are worried about the others, but the words of somebody working for the Princesses can't be undermined. And Shadow, I am in the service of Princess Cadence, who I am also very close with. I'm sure the Princesses will understand if we diverge from royal orders for a very good reason, and if not, I'm sure I can convince Princess Cadence to vouch for us. The point is we need to pull it together and stop getting under each other's skin if we want to find the others"

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Rise facehoofs as Shadow and Arrow go their separate ways. This situation couldn't get any worse. First some hermit living in the woods teleports his house away with friends in it, then he has a massive anxiety attack from a flashback because of said house disappearing, now his remaining friends are senselessly arguing with each other. Rise picks up his spear stick with his wing and surveys the area, thinking about what to do next.

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Angel looks at Pinkie, "Im bored!"

Moon nods in agreement.

Sun is sleeping lazily...

Shadow looked at the other Royal Guards, "Use your magic to find the house and flyers go and see any sighs of it in the air."

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Still flying through the sky,Arrow looks around on the ground,the turns his attention to the sky,"Please,help me find them.I couldn't bear continuing fulfilling my promise to you if I couldn't get them back..." he says,but no one was around him.

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