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New in town (Open to all)


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His hooves shuffle the dirt behind him. He is slowly approaching the heart of Ponyville, where he will finally find someplace to relieve himself of his traveling and adventures. Looking behind him, he debates whether he should really be leaving them so soon. The deadly calm of the wind leaves his hood undisturbed.

Smells like a storm is coming.

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Shadow looks around, "Now that they are distracted...let's find our true target...I'll look into Ponyville for Gears the rest of you search the forest."

Sun waved, "Hello!"

Angel still felt uneasy, "Pinkie find Moon and keep her safe just in case."

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He turns away and continues his walk. Seeing no vacant homes available, he curses silently to himself, ignoring the looks of questioning gathered at the sight of his odd movements and wearing a cloak in spite of no wind.

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Rise continued to trek through the forest alone. He looked in the distance and saw two creatures flying towards each other. Rise got ready to take off, when he heard something behind him. He turned to look and found a pair of green eyes staring at him. "Oh great...." He said as he readied his sharpened stick.

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(Not really sure how to make a link on IPad so here you go:

Sorry for disturbing you guys thread and all, but I would appreciate if you checked "Kings and Queens of the Sky" my friend shadow9000 is helping me get people) (sorry again for ya know, disturbing)

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He lets out a long sigh and approaches the town square, sitting down in one of the benches, resting his head on a hoof. He thinks of what to do next.

Look for a job again? Maybe... build a house? Rent some space from someone?

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The green eyes slowly approached Rise. As it came out of the darkness, Rise could now see it properly. "What the...?" Rise began as the creature pounced on him. Rise quickly tossed it off of him and grabbed his stick. He stabbed the creature in it's side. The creature then hissed and flew away wounded. Now that the struggle was over, Rise took off towards the things flying in the sky.

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Shadow used magic to disguse himself, "Okay..."he puts up a "For Rent" post. Shadow went into the hotel and showed the owner his info that he was a guard, the owner nodded and stepped out of the hotel.

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"Sun!I'm glad I found you all!You all need to get out of the house ASAP!" Arrow says,then notices Rise and the creature.He then focuses back onto Sun,"Get the others out and hide in some of the hollow logs around here and don't come out for anyone unless it is me,got it?" he said in a serious tone.

Pinkie Pie picks up the lid and sees Moon,"Found you!

(.Why is it in the 18+ section?)

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"Arrow, thank the princesses I found you. Listen, we have to get out of the forest. I just got attacked by a changeling!" Rise says panicked. Suddenly a buzzing sound could be heard in various areas in the forest.

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