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A strange bolt of magic shoots from the bushes, causing all of his joints to stiffen and no longer move. He yells and falls to his side, his eyes frozen shut. All he hears is buzzing and dragging.

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As they continued to run, a single changeling appeared in front of them. Rise took the spear that Angel gave him and threw it at the creature, piercing it's chest. The changeling gave a painful cry and fell. Rise grabbed the spear from the fallen changeling as he ran by. "Faster, they're coming out of the trees!" he yelled.

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Shadow eyes rasied as he read the letter, "Blast...the changelings... Everyone forget this mission protect Ponyville!!!" they gathered the weapons and amror.

Angel swftly beaten a couple of them,but he was growing tired...

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"Ugh, I would almost rather them change into something instead of just chasing us like this." Rise said to himself as they continued to run. A small beam of light was beginning to form. "Yes, we're getting close."

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He manages to open his eye a bit and a pony that looked exactly like him was galloping off the way he came. One of the changelings surrounding him saw his eyes open, fires another bolt, and his eyes clamp shut one more.

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Angel looked around, the changelings turn into him, "Oh no..."

Sun flew up along with Rainbow, "I'll do my Rainboom and you will, hopefully control, Supernova!" Rainbow said, Sun nods

Twilight uses her magic to hit the changelings.

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Rise flew up and grabbed the bow he was given by Angel. He picked off several changelings, hitting them between the eyes and watching them fall to the ground. He returned to the ground and engaged several more with his spear.

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Sun stopped , "Wait which one is Angel!"

Rainbow stopped too, "Shoot..."

Moon looked at Pinkie, "You stay have cupcakes handy, i have a plan to lure out the real Angel.."

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The escape plan obviously fallen apart, Rise continued to fight off the changelings. They were beginning to surround them. It didn't look good for the group. Just then, Rise remembered something he kept in his saddlebags in case of emergencies. He pulled a small black sphere out. He gave it a tap and it started to vibrate. "I hope this works...." He said as he tossed in into the crowd of changelings.

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((We're in the Everfree Forest trying to escape the changelings, not in town.))

The sphere Rise tosses into the crowd of changelings burst, releasing a gas that incapacitates them and causes them to be unable to change. "Yes!" Rise shouts as a many changelings fall to the ground weakened. He notices Gears approaching them, not in the damage zone of the gas. "Gears! Thank the Princesses you're here. The Changelings are weakened, we have a chance to escape!"

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"I have an idea. Grab this bottle and aim it over there. As soon as I say so, throw it, and I'll shatter it with this rock over them and it will take them out. It's a poison gas, I had someone whip it up a while back."

He hands over a glass bottle filled with a glowing blue gas and picks up a rock.

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Rise was knocked out by Gears' blow, but not out cold. A few seconds later he felt himself being held around the neck. Coming to his senses, he quickly opened his wings to try and knock off Gears' arms.

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