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Rise uses the strength of his wing to try and counter Gears' twisting, while trying to pull his other arm off of his neck with his free arm. He headbutts Gears with the back of his head, despite being wounded from the rock.

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The fake Gears' skin is shell-like and warm, much different from the cold, metallic metal making the real one up. He goes down from the tackle and the headbutt makes his nose bleed. The gas in the bottle stops glowing and is revealed to be just compressed, colored dust. Meanwhile, the real Gears hears the shuffling of changeling hooves every once and a while.

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After fighting for a good while, the other changelings begin to fall back deeper into the forest. Rise slams his hoof down on top of the changeling that was impersonating Gears before it could escape and points the spear at it's head. "Where is the real Gears?" He said sternly to the creature.

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The fake pants and his eyes dart around frantically between the spear and Rise, then points weakly to the left. Two hundred meters away, the changelings watching Gears are bored from renewing the spell every half an hour.

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"Now listen to me, bug" Rise said, still pointing the spear at the changeling. "I am friends with a Princess of Equestria., really good friends actually. In fact, it's the same princess that ejected you guys and your queen out of Canterlot single handedly. So unless you want to face annihilation like that again, I suggest you bring the real Gears back to us. If any of your other cronies have a problem, send then to me, I will deal with them personally."

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"NO!" Rise said, the changeling now a pile of dust and thus unable to give him information. Rise hits the ground with his hoof and looks up at the fleeing changelings. "At least they're fleeing. I don't understand, why are there changelings here? What did they do with Gears? I don't understand." Rise said to himself, finally able to breath with the changeling attack over.

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"I don't know, but if there is a hive in the Everfree Forest, then this won't be the only attack. We need to get more information on this. Like I said, I work under Princess Cadence. Princess Celestia wanted some guards stationed in the Crystal Empire to help them get back on their feet. I'm fairly good friends with Princess Cadence, and she has plenty of expierience on changelings. I'll travel there to see if we can get help." Rise said, standing up. His head started throbbing from being hit with the rock and bitten multiple times and he was covered in blood. He wobbled as he stood up.

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Gears listens to the changelings discuss the situation.

"Should we kill it?"

"How? It's made of metal."

"Maybe bring it the the Queen?"

"That is way too much to carry!"

"Maybe we can reverse engineer this thing and build more! For us!"

"You're right."

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